Although there is no monetary attachment to volunteering, many individuals derive satisfaction from helping others. Americorp is one of such volunteer organizations where individuals who seek to help can find fulfillment However, the policies of this organization may not favor every volunteer. There are other programs like Americorps that may meet your expectations. Unlike Americorps, national service programs like Peacecorps give you an opportunity to serve humanity outside America. However, The Peace Corps has lots of requirements that prospective members must fulfill, and because not everyone can do this, there are alternatives. The idea is that you still get the opportunity to serve humanity and contribute your quota towards making the world a safer and better place. So, whether you are looking to protect the environment, help the community safe, or give a child a second chance, volunteering at a national service program will help you realize your dreams. This piece explains what Americorp is, the benefits attached to it, and other national service programs like Americorps to volunteer in 2022.


Volunteer programs make the world go round. Their importance cannot be over-emphasized and volunteers have over-time contributed to the growth and development of different communities scattered over the globe. These groups serve certain goals and visions and there are quite a number of them out there in which Americorps is part of them. They all have their missions and are set out to accomplish set goals and achieve certain visions. All this is to one common end – nae the world a little better than it is.

What Is Americorps?

Americorps is one of the numerous voluntary civil society programs supported by the U.S federal government. It engages adults in public service work with the goal of helping others and meeting critical needs in the community. Basically, volunteers at Americorp commit to full-time or part-time positions to fulfill assignments in the fields of education, public safety, health care, and environmental protection. Although they are not paid because they are volunteers, a monthly stipend is allocated to each member to aid cover rent, groceries, and other basic expenses. Americorps civil society is open to all U.S citizens nationals, or lawful permanent resident aliens. Members can serve in nonprofits, public agencies, institutions of higher education, Indian Tribes, and faith-based organizations to tutor and mentor youth, build affordable housing, teach computer skills, clean parks and streams, run after-school programs, and help communities respond to disasters. Best Volunteer Opportunities for College Students 2022

History Of AmeriCorps

According to Wikipedia, AmeriCorps is a voluntary civil society program supported by the U.S federal government, foundations, corporations, and other donors that engages adults in public service work with a goal of “helping others and meeting critical needs in the community. Members commit to full-time or part time positions offered by a network of nonprofit community organizations and public agencies, to fulfill assignments in the fields of education, public safety, health care and environmental protection. The programs i often seen as domestic Peace Corps. It employs more than 75,000 Americans in intensive service each year. Americorps is an initiative of the corporation for national and community service (CNCS), which also oversees the Senior Corps and the formerly funded Learn and Serve America. It was created under President Bill Clinton by the National and Community Service Trust Act of 1993 incorporating VISTA (Volunteers in Service to America) and the National Civilian Community Corps (NCCC). A third division, AmeriCorps State and National, provides grants to hundreds of local community organizations throughout the United States.

What Are The Benefits of Americorps?

If you are seeking to get rich or increase your financial net worth, volunteering at Americorps is not a good choice. However, if you are driven by a passion to help or change the world, there are numerous benefits for you. Working for Americorp can set you up for a brighter future. Basically, you get hands-on work experience, networking opportunities, and professional skills training. Below are some of the benefits of of volunteering at national service programs like Americorps.

Exposure to new friends and citiesGain professional experienceQuality for education awardsInvaluable professional networkOpportunities for professional development

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Is Americorps worth It?

Depending on what you intend to achieve, volunteering at AmeriCorps is worth it. In fact, reviews on quora suggest volunteering at AmeriCorps gives you the opportunity to see the darker side of America. A volunteer while sharing his experience opines that a year with Americorps is highly unique and can change one’s life. Aside from fulfilling your passion through volunteering, you can always gain work experience and others as well.

What Are Some National Service Program Like Americorp?

To volunteer at Americorp means you satisfy all eligibility requirements. For so many this can be very herculean and tasking. Interestingly, there are other programs like Americorp with fewer eligibility requirements. There are countless possibilities when it comes to committing your skills, good intentions, and time. These national services programs make it possible for you and others. Based on eligibility and the number of years to commit to service, below are the top national service programs in Americorps 2022. Volunteering scholarships

#1. International Volunteer HQ

Healthcare volunteer opportunities are open to almost everyone even with no or minute medical skills. At IV HQ, volunteers must be willing to dedicate at least one year and complete 12 meaningful projects. This civil society like Americorps offers safe, responsible and affordable opportunities in Guatemala. The society boasts of hosting over 112, 000 travelers in its worldwide volunteer project so far. Volunteers can work in small local clinics in the rural areas of Guatemala. With this, they gain more experience in the medical field.

#2. Love Volunteers

This service program like Americorps allows volunteers to work in Moldova an Eastern European country. Basically, volunteers work closely with local youth and teach them cultural diversity, human rights, healthy lifestyles, and community. This opportunity is best for individuals who are interested in Eastern Europe. Individuals who volunteer at Love Volunteer gain increased self-confidence and problem-solving skills. Interestingly, this volunteering opportunity is open to people from all backgrounds and belonging to all age groups.

#3. Habitat for Humanity

This civil society is committed to building strength, stability, and self-reliance through shelter. With a vision to help everyone have a decent place to live, this habitat for humanity provides housing solutions to as many as possible. You can volunteer to help people build, repair, and renovate homes. Read Also: Summer Volunteering Programs For High School Students In 2022

#4. The Corps Network

Over 29, 000 young men and women in valued public work are enrolled by the Corps Network. It is a great alternative to Americopr. Young minds who volunteer help revitalize communities, build civic spirit through service and preserve and restore the environment.

#5. Teach For America

If you are seeking to volunteer in the educational sector, Teach for America is in search of leaders to expand educational opportunities. Basically, volunteers teach for two years in a low-income community in the United States. This volunteer program currently has more than 8, 200 teachers in over 35 urban and rural communities.

#6. Peace Corps

Unlike Americorp, Volunteers at Peacecorps get an opportunity to help communities abroad. However, volunteers must be willing to complete a 2-year placement with this civil society. This civil society offers a service opportunity for motivated changemakers to immerse themselves in a community abroad. So, volunteers work side by side with local leaders to tackle the most pressing challenges of our generation. Volunteering In Mexico: Top 20 Opportunities In 2022

#7. Big Brothers Big Sisters of America

This organization is the USA’s largest donor and volunteer-supported mentoring network. The organization has successfully provided 78% of youths in the program group with a mentor. Also, over 43% of these youths live in households receiving food stamps and or welfare.

#8. Orange County

This is a nonprofit organization committed to developing deep and meaningful client experiences with services range solutions offered by a team of nonprofit professionals, the connection of nonprofits, and businesses.  This allows them to strengthen the communities they serve. Volunteers can choose to serve at any of Orange County’s four national days of service. The MLK day of service gives volunteers an opportunity to celebrate the life and legacy of Dr, Martin Luther King JR through meaningful service. In addition, this organization stands with peaceful protesters who are exercising constitutionally protected First Amendment rights to speak out against injustice and racism. Volunteering at OneOC means aiding the organization to provide solutions and support to other nonprofits and companies.

#9. Pacific Discovery

This program offers participants the opportunity to partake in service-learning trips across the globe for summer and semester-long adventures. These experiential educational opportunities are focused on six core components: educational travel, service learning, cultural and language immersion, sustainable adventure travel, outdoors and wilderness exploration, personal and leadership development.

#10 Save Volunteering

This is a volunteer program that accords you the opportunity to serve in the wild and beautiful arable lands of Africa. Save Volunteering has its headquarters in South Africa, and branches in countries like Ghana, Uganda, Tanzania, Malawi, Namibia, and Kenya. Some of their volunteer works are carried out in Education, wildlife conservation, community development, construction, and more. Therefore, if you are looking for an opportunity to Volunteer in Africa and make a difference, you’re not alone. There are numerous other like you, and they’d be glad to meet you and get started. To find more about Save Volunteer Programs, click here.


Although there are no many national service programs like Americorps to volunteer, individuals driven with passion can always find a local guide to commit to. This article posits a number of civil societies that give individuals an opportunity to help humanity at large. Whether for teaching, environmental protection, or community rebuilding – the above are the best programs like Americorps in 2022 for you.

