Prayer calm and aids in the harmony of a child’s thought processes. They also can soothe and relax a person. It serves as a reminder that obtaining inner peace is a difficult task in and of itself. Early prayer teaching for children may aid in developing positive habits from a young age. In this post, we will share with your numerous powerful prayers for children that can be taught in schools to help them begin each day with confidence and optimism. In addition to that, you will find prayers for schools and teachers.  

100+ prayers for schools Ideas & Topics | 2023

Children’s School Prayers

The prayers for school children provide insight. Allow your children to recite this in the morning, so it sticks in their minds.

Prayer 1

1 Oh, Lord Jesus. We pray to God to fill our hearts with love for you. Make it possible for us to love others more than ourselves. Today is a day we are thankful for. Thank you for giving us another chance. Amen. See also: 45 Inspirational Quotes For Students

Prayer 2

Lord, I pray you direct our thoughts so that we might find, investigate, and seek the truth and distinguish between wise and foolish actions. O, Lord. Please give us the courage to let go of our concerns about things we can’t change. Assist us in developing a sense of gratitude. You are our inspiration, keeping our brains peaceful and preventing them from being lost. In your splendor, guard us. Our hope is in Jesus. Amen.

Prayer 3

Dear Lord We exist because of your grace. We appreciate your efforts to keep us safe. We’re looking forward to the chance you’ve provided us today. We want our feelings for you to grow. Today, we shall honor the well-being of others and come into contact with your spirit. Give us the wisdom to seek the truth and confidence in our abilities. Thank you for blessing our teachers and parents. Give us discernment as you keep us near to your heart. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.


O, God. We are grateful for teachers who have golden hearts. Assist them in defending themselves so that they can lead us with knowledge. Keep a watch on them while they do the duties you assigned to them. Be their light in the dark. Amen.


Lord, we pray that you help us to forgive my school mates, as Christ forgave me. Amen. Ephesians 4: 32. Se also: Famous Showing Off Quotes


O, Lord. We thank you for shielding us under your protection. We appreciate your concern and protection against the world’s atrocities. Nothing nasty will happen to us while following you. We’ll keep marching down this magnificent road by chanting your melodies. Amen.


Dear Lord, We hand over our school to you. We will create and learn here with your help. Teach us to respect and love one another. Thank you for blessing our coworkers, managers, and teachers. Amen

Prayer 8

Anyone who lives under the shelter of the Most High shall rest under His wing. I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and fortress, my God, in whom I put my faith. Psalm 91:1-2 (NIV) Lord, we pray that you protect us as we go to school today. Protect my school mates. Amen.

Prayer 9

Dear Lord, As we begin today’s school day, kindly be with us. Bless our friends, teachers, and parents who are with us on this joyous occasion. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

Prayer 10

Oh my God. Bless each and every student that attends our school today. Keep them away from the evil gaze of the opponents. Give them a healthy and safe school year. May they get better from where they were. Give youngsters a tranquil learning environment and a healthy lifestyle all year. Amen.

Prayer 11

O, God! Please bless us as we school this year. Help us overcome all hurdles and stay on the right track. May we make new friends and form great relationships. We shall properly understand the contents with your grace. May each new bit of knowledge we gain and learn each day help us to improve as people. Amen.

Prayer 12

Oh, Jesus! We request your guidance and protection over us. Assist us in warding off evil. Keep negative thoughts at bay and guide us to the truth. We request that you fortify us so that we can tackle challenges. Help us find you and keep us safe in your shadow so we may rest assured that we are safe with you. Amen. See also: 7 Rules Of Life Quotes

Prayer 13

Oh, God! Join us as we begin the day. In prayer, we ask for health. Keep us safe from harm’s way. We shall treasure doing our duty and will work tirelessly for justice. Help us to be kind to one another and to encourage one another to reach our goals. Amen.

Prayer 14

If any of you lacks wisdom, you should seek it from God, who freely gives to all without discrimination. He will then hand it on to you. James 1:5 (NIV) Jesus, we ask for wisdom as we go to school today. Help us to learn all that our teacher will teach today. Amen. Oh, Jesus! Offer to keep us safe in this world and to protect us from any cruel words, deeds, and remarks. Keep the thugs and thieves at bay. We ask for strength to guard off calamities that interfere with our responsibilities. We have faith in Jesus. Amen.

Prayer 15

God, we beseech you to give us a pure heart and to allow your spirit to shine within us. Keep us from being enticed to sin by encouraging us to love one another. May we complete our work as soon as possible. Protect the educators who work to make us better. Help us get to you by demonstrating how to be truthful. Amen.

Prayer 16

Dear Father, We appreciate you providing us with this opportunity to study and for guiding us through the day. We beseech you to protect us against the deception of those who would destroy our faith in you. Assist us in resisting wicked temptations. Teach us about aesthetics while keeping our brains from wandering into more nefarious terrain. Please give us the strength to face mockery. Please forgive our sins and allow us to glimpse your light. May we grow closer to you and stronger with each passing day. May you be honored. Amen.

Prayer 17

But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you. John 14:26 (ESV)

Prayer 18

Dear Father, Please provide us with your holy spirit so that we might seek wisdom and point others to you. Amen.


O Jesus, we thank the eyes that see you, the ears that hear you, and the hearts that love you. Please assist us in loving others as we love you. We bask in your brilliance, which gives us the confidence to face the unknown. I’m thankful for a new day and a new chance. Amen.

Prayer 19

O, Lord. We appreciate you illuminating our route to virtue. We are now aware of our objective. Our teachers, who have come to guide us in the right direction, must be heeded and revered. We will keep you in our thoughts while we travel the path you have set for us. Amen.

Prayer 20

Be with us today and fill our hearts with delight as we discover our passion. Allow serenity to flood our minds as we learn to forgive our foes. Allow kindness to overflow from our hearts as we aid those in need. Guard the lives of our instructors, friends, and families as we make our way to you, our Lord, our hope, and our guidance. Amen.

Prayer 21

Lord, protect the vulnerable and give them the fortitude to face their evils. Help us grow in this culture where morality and truth are sometimes neglected. Assist us in combating these sins and pointing us in the right direction. Make us sympathetic and teach us your ways. We pray that you will lead us in your path and forgive our sins today. You are our protector and source of information. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

Prayer 22

I thank you because I am fearfully and wonderfully formed; I am well aware of the splendor of your works. Psalm 139:14 (NIV)

Prayer for the New School Year

You should pray for your child’s comprehension of the Gospel and the capacity to apply biblical principles to all aspects of life.

Relationship with the teacher

Pray that your child will respect all authority figures and learn to love and appreciate their teacher.

Interactions with peers

Pray for your child to have strong ties with their peers and to make wise friend choices.


Ask God to help your child learn to discern between right and wrong and to put that ability to use every day.

The Decision

Pray that your child is convicted of sin and revealed when they sin.


Pray for your child to desire to be honest, especially when it’s difficult or when they face challenges.


Pray that your child would be kind to others even when it is controversial.

Be Kind

Ask God to help your child be nice and to share Jesus’ love with those in need.


Ask God to teach your child the importance of service and the grace of being Jesus’ hands and feet.


Ask God to educate your child to be humble and not to brag about their achievements.

 Learning goals

Ask God to help your child develop a love of learning and a desire to learn throughout their life.

The most crucial topic

Pray that your child will be pushed out of their comfort zone and challenged in their area of expertise.

Difficult topic

Pray for your child to progress and grow in a difficult area.

Confident learner

Pray for your youngster to believe in their academic abilities.

Learning difficulties revealed

Please pray for the disclosure of any potential learning problems or deficiencies.

Emotional development

As your child’s awareness of faith grows, ask God to help them become emotionally stable and comfortable.


Ask God to bless your child with a caring heart and a willingness to help others in need.

Evangelical spirit

Ask God to help your child be eager to share the good news of Jesus, regardless of the cost.

Work on your listening abilities.

Request from God that your child has open ears to hear the teacher and an open heart to hear others.


Ask God to help your child learn self-control and the discipline to apply it even in the most difficult situations.

Think before speaking

Ask God to help your child learn to manage their language and to think things through before speaking.

Strict reasoning

Pray for the protection of your child’s mind and for the Lord’s thoughts to be established and not swiftly removed.

The heart has softened

Request that God soften your child’s heart toward the Gospel and give them ears to hear it with.

Quick forgiveness

Ask God to help your child be quick to demonstrate mercy when they are wrong.

Slow to rage

Make a wish for your child’s patience and fury resistance.


Ask the Lord to help your child discover His joy rather than seeking satisfaction in the things of this world.


Ask God to grant your child the strength to uphold moral standards while also developing physical prowess.


Make a prayer request for your child’s safety while participating in sports and on the playground.


Make a prayer to God to protect your child.


Ask God to grant your child the wisdom and strength they need to manage their responsibilities at school, at home, and in life. See also: Love Language Quotes

A Prayer for Students to Balance School and Faith 

Lord, enable us to provide more than just survival for our students. We pray that You will bring them up to be extraordinary leaders who will copy You and remain faithful in their faith. Our students face tests regularly, not only in their academic work but also in their spiritual lives. Assist them in developing the confidence of lions so that they are not intimidated by those who try to undermine or question their faith. Give them access to Your Word, as well as the opportunity to remember and reflect on its biblical truths regularly. Teach children to stand out for their own beliefs without jeopardizing the beliefs of others.

Prayer for School Students and Teachers

Almighty God, our heavenly Father, you have committed your children’s upbringing and care to your holy Church. Enlighten those who teach and those who learn with your wisdom through the intercession of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, so that they may rejoice in the knowledge of your truth and worship and serve you from generation to generation. Amen.

Prayers for Teachers: Praying for Peace in the Classroom

Lord, I thank you for the vital role teachers play in society and in the lives of children. Grant them peace in their classrooms as they carry out their daily jobs, teachings, and assignments with your grace. I pray to God for daily harmony and peace among the students in the classroom. Amen.

FAqs 100+ prayers for schools Ideas & Topics | 2023


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