Believe it or not, it is indeed very possible to study in several universities all for free! With these scholarships Chadian students have shot at their dreams. More so, studying in one of These Universities the student gets the knowledge and skills which are applicable and adaptable to situations requiring international situations. This gives the students an edge over those that studied back home in the competitive Global Labour market. For a variety of reasons, Scholarship abroad is one of the best things that happen for international students to study abroad, most especially for a student in Chad seeking an opportunity to a better education. Therefore if you are a Chad Student searching for any of the following opportunities listed below, go through the links to find a Scholarship best suitable for you. Some of these Scholarships are available for Chad student.

PhD Scholarships at University of Nantes in France

The University of Nantes offers a scholarship of excellence Eiffel to carry out doctoral studies in the fields of economics, law and political science. The scholarship is available for international students. The purpose of this scholarship is to help international students to study a PhD program. The University of Nantes offers students the opportunity to practice more than 50 different sports, either for competitive or recreational purposes. Level/Field of Study: This scholarship is available to pursue a PhD program. A scholarship is available to study in the fields of economics, law and political science. Scholarships Worth: This is a fully-funded scholarship. Eligible Nationalities: The scholarship is available for international students. Deadline: December 7, annually.

Postdoctoral Positions in Mathematics at Henri Lebesgue Center in France

The Henri Lebesgue Center is launching a call for applications for several postdoctoral positions for mathematics researchers. Positions are available for international students. An attractive, dynamic and diversified postgraduate offer. In-depth interactions with the socio-economic fabric, particularly in the areas of health, information technology, and materials science. The Henri Lebesgue Center also maintains a close relationship with its sociocultural environment through actions aimed at a broad Level/Field of Study: Positions are available to continue the postdoctoral program. Positions are awarded to mathematics researchers. Scholarships Worth: There is no teaching obligation. The net salary will be around 2,100 euros per month. Eligible Nationalities: Positions are available for international students. How to apply: The application form is common to all postdoctoral positions. Scholarship Deadline: December 1, annually.

Scholarships of Excellence for Master’s Degrees at Paris Dauphine University in France

The Paris-Dauphine University, a member of the University of Letters and Science of Paris (PSL) and the Paris-Dauphine Foundation, are delighted to offer scholarships par excellence in master’s degrees. The selected students must complete their doctorate in one of the Dauphine PhD programs, where scholarships and PhD scholarships are available. Level/Field of Study: Scholarships are available for students who wish to obtain a master’s degree to prepare for a doctorate. Scholarships are awarded in finance, administration, economics, sociology or political science, law, mathematics or computer science. Scholarships Worth: The scholarships amount to 15,000 euros gross per year. Students can enter the Master in the first or second year. Eligible Nationalities: Scholarships are available for foreign students. Host Nationalities: The scholarship can be taken in France. Application deadline: April 30, annually.

France-Stanford Center for Interdisciplinary Studies Collaborative Projects in France and USA

The France-Stanford Center is pleased to offer research projects in collaboration with French and American researchers to conduct research in French and American institutions during the academic year. The Center for Interdisciplinary Studies France-Stanford aims to bring together the disciplines of humanities, social sciences, sciences, engineering, trade, and law, addressing issues of historical and contemporary importance for France and the United States from many angles. Level/Field of Study: Scholarships are available to continue the investigation. Scholarships are granted in all areas of study. Scholarships Worth: The projects will be financed for an amount of 15,000 USD. The projects will be financed for an amount of $ 15,000. Eligible Nationalities: This program is available for French and American researchers. The scholarship can be taken in France and the United States. How to apply: The application procedure is online. Application deadline: March 2, annually.

Labex Milyon Postdoctoral Positions for International Students in France

Milyon’s new postdoctoral positions are now available for the 2022 academic year. Candidates of all nationalities are eligible to apply for this position. The MILYON is a LabEx (Laboratory of Excellence), center of excellence, led by researchers in mathematics and theoretical computer science at the University of Lyon in the Lyon region of Saint-Etienne. MILYON is one of the projects of excellence that received a grant from the Laboratory of Excellence of the French Research Agency (ANR), within the framework of the “Investments for the future” program after the first call for proposals in 2010. MILYON is one of the twelve LabEx granted to the University of Lyon. Level/Field of Study: Positions are available to pursue postdoctoral programs. The Milyon Research Unit covers most areas of mathematics and basic computing. Scholarships Worth: Research positions without having to teach, two-year contract. Net salary: € 2179 / month. Basic social security included. € 1,500 / year subsidy for professional expenses. Eligible Nationalities: Candidates of all nationalities have the right to apply for this position. Host Nationalities: The scholarship can be taken in France. Applicants must have obtained a doctorate in mathematics or basic computer science before October 1. Application deadline: January 8, annually.

CNRS-Weizmann Institute PhD Research Fellowship in France and Israel

We are looking for applications for the Weizmann-CNRS collaboration program (National Center for Scientific Research). This is a joint call for proposals between the two institutes to develop cooperation on promising new topics. The Weizmann Institute of Science is a public research university established in Rehovot, Israel, established in 1934, 14 years before the State of Israel. It differs from other Israeli universities in that it only offers graduate degrees in natural and exact sciences. Level/Field of Study: A scholarship is available to follow a PhD program. This call is open to all research areas. All the disciplines covered by CNRS and WIS. Scholarships Worth: The joint call aims to finance three years of doctoral and travel scholarships. The amount of a PhD scholarship will be funded. The additional funds will cover mobility costs related to visits to France and Israel for the IP and the PhD student (up to € 5,000 per institution per year). Eligible Nationalities: Scholarships are available for international students. Host Nationalities: The scholarship can be taken in France. Application deadline: January 15, annually.

LabEx Milyon Master Scholarship for Foreign Students in France

The Milyon Excellence Laboratory launches a call for applications for scholarships for a master’s program. Scholarships are available for foreigners. The MILYON is a LabEx (Laboratory of Excellence), center of excellence, led by researchers in mathematics and theoretical computer science at the University of Lyon in the Lyon region of Saint-Etienne. MILYON is one of the twelve LabEx granted to the University of Lyon. Level/Field of Study: Scholarships are available to follow a master’s program. Scholarships Worth: The Milyon Excellence Laboratory offers scholarships at the Master or 3rd-year level (baccalaureate) for a net amount of 1,000 euros/month for 10 months. The scholarships are renewable annually. Host Nationalities: The scholarship can be taken in France. Eligible Nationalities: Scholarships are available for international students. Application deadline: January 10, annually

Research Fellowships at Paris Institute for Advanced Study in France

The Institute of Advanced Studies of Paris (IAS Paris) is accepting applications for two calls for research grants in 2022, open to researchers of all nationalities. The main mission of IAS Paris is to be a research center rooted in the humanities and social sciences (SSR), with the aim of promoting a fruitful dialogue between researchers from different cultural and disciplinary horizons. It offers world-renowned junior and senior researchers the opportunity to conduct research trips to Paris for a period of five to nine months. Level/Field of Study: Scholarships are available to continue the investigation. Scholarships Worth: Living conditions. The SAI of Paris provides its beneficiaries with housing and monthly remuneration (or additional remuneration). He also pays his ticket back to Paris. Housing IAS de Paris offers apartments in the Victor Lyon pavilion of the Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris. This building, completely renovated, offers apartments from 2 to 5 rooms, a conference room and other services. Status and Remuneration Scholars who keep their status at their home institution receive an assignment. For others, IAS Paris offers a short-term research contract with a salary. In all cases, the remuneration depends on the personal and professional situation of the fellow and the fact that he continues to receive remuneration from his home institution. The salary scale of reference corresponds to the regulations in force in French universities. Travels The travel expenses for the scholarship recipient’s home in Paris and the return are covered by IAS (economic class). Insurance IAS grantees must take out personal insurance that covers all the risks during their stay, both for them and for those who accompany them. Research support During their stay, the fellows will have an office in the facilities of the NIC of Paris, in the XVII century, in the Hotel de Lauzun, with a computer, Internet access, and a printer. The IAS offers meeting and conference rooms. Eligible Nationalities: researchers from all countries are eligible. Application Deadline: April 3, annually

France GENES PhD Scholarships for International Students

The group of national schools of economics and statistics (GENES) is pleased to offer a PhD scholarship for the year 2022. International students are eligible for this scholarship. ENSAE ParisTech has rejected this educational project, for decades, in different fields of application. Today, it is the only major engineering school specializing in economics, quantitative sociology, statistics, finance, actuarial sciences, and data science. Level/Field of Study: Scholarships are available to obtain a PhD. Program. Scholarships Worth: correspond to a gross monthly payment of €1,753.93. Eligible Nationalities: International students are eligible to fill out this form. Application Deadline: April 30, annually.

France OECD Future of Work Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme for International Students 

The new OECD Scholarship Program on the future of work is now available to students of all nationalities. The OECD Scholarship Program for the Future of Work aims to promote new and innovative (post) doctoral research in the fields of economics, statistics, sociology, and other social sciences in order to provide better foundations for those responsible for the formulation of policies in all OECD countries to address labor issues Level/Field of Study: The scholarship is available to study the postdoctoral research program. The scholarship is awarded in the fields of economics, statistics, sociology and other social sciences, which allows policymakers in all OECD countries to better respond to employment-related problems. Scholarships Worth: each scholarship recipient will receive a scholarship of 5,000 EUR to support their research for up to 12 months (non-renewable). Of this amount, 1,500 EUR will be paid from the beginning of the scholarship and the rest once the research project is completed (for example, the presentation of a research paper that can be published. Eligible Nationalities: Scholarships are available for all countries. Application Deadline: September 14, annually.

Erasmus Mundus SERP-Chem Master Scholarships

The new SERP-Chem Master International Scholarship is now available for a period of two years. The Erasmus Mundus scholarships will be awarded to European and non-European students. The SERP-Chem Master aims to train young students in the most effective experimental and theoretical tools used and developed in chemistry and physicochemistry and materials science. Level/Field of Study: Scholarships are available to continue the master’s program. Scholarships Worth: I – Contribution to the trip, installation, visa and related expenses 2000? Per year for travel expenses + 1000? For the installation costs of students whose location is less than 4,000 km from the coordinating university (Paris) II – Contribution to tuition € 4,800 / year € 2,500 / year III – Monthly allowance € 1,000 / month € 1,000 / month Total amount for 2 years from € 39,600 to € 41,600 € 31,000 Eligible Nationalities: Erasmus Mundus scholarships will be awarded to European and non-European students. The number of scholarships offered will be defined annually.

 CIMI LabEx Postdoctoral Fellowships in France

The CIMI LabEx (International Center for Mathematics and Computer Science) in Toulouse offers six postdoctoral scholarships for French and foreign students. Scholarships are offered in the field of mathematics or computer science at the Toulouse Mathematics Institute (IMT) and at the Computer Research Institute of Toulouse (IRIT). Level/Field of Study: Scholarships are awarded to pursue a postdoctoral program. Scholarships are offered in the field of mathematics or computer science at the Toulouse Mathematics Institute (IMT) and at the IT Research Institute of Toulouse (IRIT). Scholarships Worth: Each postdoctoral fellow will receive a net salary of € 2,330 per month and, therefore, will benefit from health insurance and social security. Eligible Nationalities: French and foreign researchers can apply for these postdoctoral grants by filling out this application form. Deadline: 3 February annually

Emile Boutmy Scholarships for Non-EU Students at Sciences Po University

Sciences Po has created scholarships Emile Boutmy, according to the founder of Sciences Po, with the aim of attracting the best foreign students of the European Union who are applying for the first time and who have been admitted to an undergraduate program or Master offered in college. Level / Fields of Study: Bachelor’s or master’s degree program offered at the university. Host Nationality: Po Science University, Paris, France Eligible Nationalities: Emile Boutmy Scholarships scholarships are available for all countries. Scholarships Worth: Undergraduate level: The undergraduate program of Emile Boutmy can take different forms ranging from € 3,000 to € 12,300 for 3 years of undergraduate studies. Exceptionally, a scholarship of 19,000 euros can be awarded to cover the three years of the university. Master’s level: Emile Boutmy’s master’s degree program can take different forms: a grant of 10,000 euros per year to cover tuition costs for two years of the master’s degree or a scholarship of 5,000 euros per year for the two years of the master’s degree. Deadline: January 3 / April 8 (annually). The course begins in September.

Université Paris-Saclay International Master’s Scholarships

The Paris-Saclay University wishes to promote access to its master’s programs to international students who teach in its member institutions, and facilitate the access of highly qualified foreign students to their university, particularly those who wish to attend. An academic project through research up to the doctorate level. The scholarships are awarded to students enrolled in master’s programs at the Paris-Saclay University on the basis of academic merit. Level / Field of study: All Master’s programs in all academic fields for which the Paris-Saclay University is accredited, with the exception of professional training. Host Nationality: Paris-Saclay University, France Eligible Nationalities: Scholarships are available for International students Scholarships Worth: 160 scholarships will be awarded for the 2022 academic year. The Paris-Saclay University scholarship is € 10,000 per year. It is paid by the institution where the candidate is registered for the duration of the academic year and for a period of at least 10 consecutive months per year. A maximum amount of € 1,000 for travel and VISA is also granted depending on the candidate’s country of origin. Deadline: To be determined, March-April (annually)

INSEAD-Syngenta MBA Scholarships for Developing Country Leaders

Syngenta is a leading agribusiness company in the world, committed to sustainable agriculture through innovative technologies and research. The company is a leader in crop protection and ranks third in the high-value commercial seed market. Level / Field of study: Master of Business Administration (MBA) Eligible Nationalities: Students from developing/emerging countries. Scholarships Worth: Two scholarships will be awarded per class with the prize €22,500 Application Deadline: January 4, April 8, June 3.

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