There are numerous benefits to learning English. For a variety of reasons, all English language learners are motivated to study English. Some people need to learn English in order to succeed in school or at their job. Others may be considering relocating to a country where English is spoken. Some people want to visit the United States, the United Kingdom, or Australia for the first time. They want to be able to move around easily. Or they’re on their way somewhere. Although English is not the first language spoken in the area, it may be the second or third language spoken by the locals. To begin learning English, you do not need to live in an English-speaking nation. Here are the 20 best ways to learn English if you’re keen to learn the language or want to improve your existing skills.

Why Learn English?

Learning the English language is beneficial for a variety of reasons: Here are a few reasons that suggest learning English can improve your life:

✓ 53 countries have adopted it as their official language

English is spoken as a first language by 400 million people worldwide. Also, English is recognized as an official language in more than a quarter of the world’s countries. That’s a lot of new people you can talk to just by learning a new language!

✓ It is the world’s most widely spoken language

Furthermore, English is the “second language” of the rest of the world. While Chinese Mandarin and Spanish are the most common mother tongues in the world, most people prefer to learn English after their first language. In reality, one out of every five persons on the earth speaks or understands some English. As a result, English is one of the most practical languages to learn. After all, you won’t be able to learn all 6,500 languages spoken in the world, but you will be able to communicate in English with individuals from all over the world. SEE ALSO: Best Languages To Learn For Success In Your Study Abroad School

✓ It may assist you in obtaining a better job

Companies are becoming increasingly international, and English is becoming a required skill for an increasing number of positions. Some organizations now do all of their business in English, regardless of where they are located in the world. Learning English is a terrific option if you seek the greatest paid prospects.

✓ It Makes Traveling Easier

As previously stated, English is the world’s second most widely spoken language. As a result, learning English makes it much easier to go to any destination you like. Airplane announcements, train schedules, emergency alerts, and street signs, for example, are frequently translated into English, especially in nations that use a different alphabet. Plus, even if you can’t find other travelers or locals who speak your own tongue, you’re almost certain to discover someone who can communicate in English.

✓ It’s the Media’s Language

The majority of internet content is written in English. English is used by many of the world’s largest news organizations, including television, newspapers, magazines, and radio. Some of your favorite movies, TV shows, and pop songs are most likely in English. If you go to any international film festival throughout the world, you’ll notice that all of the films are in English or have English subtitles. English is the international language of media and the arts, thus it’s the most powerful language you can learn today if you want to access as much as possible for yourself without relying on translations!

Is it Difficult to Learn English?

Although English is a difficult language to master. Other languages, such as Mandarin, Russian, and Japanese, are in the same boat. English is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world, with approximately 1.5 billion people speaking it at some point. And your commitment to learning about all of its complexity and differences will lead to numerous opportunities in the future. Learning English is difficult and complicated due to a number of variables. Learning its grammar structure, pronunciation, definitions, and norms is challenging. However, keep in mind that English speakers studying a foreign language are in a similar predicament. What matters is your ability to learn the fundamental rules and your willingness to do so. It has never been easier or more accessible to learn English than it is now. Finally, whether or not a language is difficult to learn depends on the individual. If you don’t care about the rules, learning English is a lot easier. Concentrate on native language information when reading and listening. The harder it is to learn English, the higher your language learning goals are. That’s all there is to it.

Online English Language Learning Tools

Here’s a list o online platforms that allow you to learn English with ease.

20 Best Ways To Learn English

1. Make a list of your English learning objectives

When studying a new language, think about why you want to learn it and how you intend to use it. Do you need to study English for work? Is it a requirement at your place of business that you demonstrate fluency? Do you need to learn English in order to pass the TOEFL exam and enroll in a university in the United States or the United Kingdom? Do you intend to travel? Some objectives may take a few months to achieve, while others may take several years. Many resources are available to assist English language learners in achieving their objectives.

2. Enroll in a course that is appropriate for your skill level

On your own, you can only get so far in your studies. If you are serious about learning English, you should enroll in a course that is tailored to your goals. You can enroll at a school or community center and be placed in a “starting to advanced” track with a fixed curriculum, pace, and timeline. E-learning services like Udemy, on the other hand, provide you greater flexibility in terms of what you learn, how quickly you learn it, and how much time you spend studying the language. See Also: 10 Online Free Diploma Courses With Certificates In English Language 2020

3.  Learn English grammar 

Even if your goal is to learn enough English to travel, knowing fundamental grammar is always a good idea. There’s no denying it: English grammar is complicated, with irregular verbs, strange spellings, and unique conjugations. And because English isn’t totally phonetic, how a word appears isn’t always how it sounds. Grammar is an important aspect of learning any language. There are numerous internet resources available to assist you with mastering grammar. To obtain a general understanding of the laws of English, start with English Grammar 101. Keep in mind that there are numerous typical grammar errors to be mindful of as you practice. Pay attention to the tenses in English and become familiar with prepositions. Finally, spend some time mastering the rules of spelling.

4.  Every day, learn a new English word

The more English terms you know, the more effectively you will be able to communicate. Learning new words is the only way to develop and increase your vocabulary. Every day, learn a new English term and put it to use. Make flashcards of the most regularly used words if you’re not sure where to begin. Once you’ve mastered the fundamentals, use a thesaurus to expand your vocabulary and begin expressing yourself with more complicated words. Reading newspaper stories is another approach to expand your English vocabulary. Subscribe to a print magazine, read a few pieces each morning, and make a list of new words to circle. You can also listen to new terms by watching English-language television programs with subtitles.

5. Don’t forget to keep track of your new words in a vocabulary notebook

Make a note of any new words you come across. For this reason, many English language learners carry a notebook or journal with them. Keep this book and a pen with you at all times. You’ll have a book of new words to review while traveling or taking a vacation before you know it.

6. Find a discussion partner who speaks English

Practice is essential when it comes to learning English. To master pronunciation, oral comprehension, and overall speaking skills, you should speak the language on a daily basis. Practicing with a patient conversation partner is one of the finest strategies to enhance your conversational English. Whether you don’t know anyone who speaks English, see if your town offers any language exchange programs. These programs allow you to study English from a native speaker in exchange for them teaching you their original tongue. Look for learning possibilities in your neighborhood. Make an effort to find a conversation companion. Volunteers from some schools and community organizations assist with English-language learners once or twice a week for free.

7. Read an English-language book

Reading is a terrific approach to master the finer, nuanced parts of English expression, whether you’re just starting to study English or hoping to achieve near-native fluency. If you enjoy reading novels, the use of an online literature course will introduce you to works that are widely regarded as classics. Start with a children’s book if you’re new to English and can’t manage more difficult literature just yet. They can assist you with mastering the fundamentals of syntax and sentence structure, as well as components of storytelling such as; cause and effect.

8. See movies with subtitles in English

Do you like to watch movies? Do you have a favorite genre? Are you a fan of action, horror, or romantic films? Pick one and start watching to improve your English language abilities. If you’re worried about not understanding anything, you can always turn on subtitles in your own language. English movies, even with subtitles, can help you improve your vocabulary and oral comprehension.

9. Turn off the subtitles after you’re confident in your listening abilities

Try watching movies without subtitles once you’re comfortable with your English listening skills. This will aid in the development of your listening abilities. Watching movies without subtitles is a fantastic approach to see if you need to improve your listening abilities if your skills are strong.

10. Motivate yourself by using your hobbies and interests.

When we first begin to study a new language, it can be difficult to stay motivated. Read about finance, travel, pets, and food in English if you appreciate these themes. Look to locate an English newspaper or magazine on the issues you’re interested in, or go to websites or blogs about them. When you’re ready, you might even want to join a discussion board to debate your favorite topics. READ ALSO: 15 Hardest Languages To Learn For English Speakers

11. Buy a computer program

Language-learning software, albeit expensive, can be a feasible alternative to study English if you’re serious about learning but don’t have the time to attend a physical classroom. These programs can be used as a supplement to online courses if you have already taken them. It’s never a bad idea to supplement your new abilities with additional tools and resources to help you practice, develop, and keep them.

12. Watch news programs in English

This is a fantastic technique to improve your listening skills. Newscasters are known for speaking slowly and clearly. It’s a good idea to practice your pronunciation by watching news shows. Improved English pronunciation is a primary priority for most English language learners. Finally, viewing news shows from a specific English-speaking country is an excellent method to learn more about local events and culture, particularly if you plan to visit that country.

13. Look for a well-known English-language television show

Television series are well-known in most English-speaking countries. Locals in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia will gladly tell you about their favorite sitcoms (situation comedies), dramas, or reality shows. Allow yourself some time to tune in. TV shows are a terrific way to hear a variety of dialects and put your listening skills to the test.

14. Make an effort to improve your accent

When it comes to acquiring any language, the importance of pronunciation cannot be overstated. Keep in mind that there are numerous English dialects. The English spoken in New Zealand differs from the English spoken in Scotland. The English spoken in the United States differs from that spoken in Jamaica. Consider where you’ll be using English and which dialect you’d like to learn. If you’ve always wanted to study in Australia, discover how Australians say words to perfect your Australian accent. If you’re considering relocating to the United States, you’re definitely interested in learning American English and mastering the American accent. Online resources abound, including YouTube videos, online courses, and even free blog lessons.

15. At the same time, don’t be too concerned with your accent

You may not need to drop your accent depending on your personal and professional goals. Many non-native English speakers who speak English with an accent have successful and prosperous jobs. What matters most is that your audience comprehends what you’re saying. Consider alternate strategies to improve your English skills if you are secure in your speaking abilities and don’t need to perfect your accent. On Udemy, you can take a listening lesson to improve your understanding of fast native speakers or to enhance your pronunciation at your own pace.

16. Practice writing in English

Do you know the difference between a metaphor and a simile? Make sure to work on your writing skills as you develop your speaking, listening, and reading abilities. Consider enrolling in an English writing class. Some classes may allow you to practice writing typical essay styles. You’ll develop greater confidence as your writing improves. Look over some complex sentence examples if you wish to improve your English writing skills.

17. Make time to practice in a real-world setting

If you already live in an English-speaking country, practice making phone calls to local businesses to ask inquiries like, “What time do you open on Saturday?” Place an order at a new restaurant. Make an English-language phone call. If you don’t live in an English-speaking nation, use a company’s live-chat function to practice your writing abilities if you have queries regarding a product or order.

18. Travel to a place where English is spoken and use English while you’re there.

Immersion in an English-speaking workplace is a difficult and thrilling way to get started. When you travel to an English-speaking country, you can not only improve your speaking skills, but also your listening, reading, and writing abilities. When traveling by train, pay attention to the announcements.

19. Make no apologies for making blunders.

Every person who is learning a new language will make blunders. It’s all part of the process of learning. You may mispronounce a term and need to repeat it if you use a new vocabulary word incorrectly. Don’t be discouraged, though. Inform your friends, classmates, and coworkers that you are studying. Some of them may be studying as well. Try to form a supportive community with other English-language learners if at all possible.

20. Reread your list of objectives on a regular basis.

Remind yourself of your objectives — and the new possibilities that learning a new language can open for you.


Hundreds of millions of people all over the world study English. And English will become the third most learned native language in the world. Many of them, whether adults or children, enroll in an English-language course. English is usually recognized as one of the hardest languages to learn. It is difficult for both learners and native speakers due to its inconsistent spelling and difficult grammar. Learning a new language is tough in any event, because so much depends on your native tongue and how similar it is to your target tongue. It isn’t impossible simply because it is difficult.


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