About Schmidt

Schmidt is one of the 4D housemates; he fancies himself “the top dog” and is in charge of the loft. He prefers to undertake all the interior design, cooking and cleaning to his specifications. He is also highly worried about his looks; he has a binder of images of himself modeling his own clothes and has an extensive collection of hair products. Schmidt makes references to his Jewish origins throughout the play. He is a Sagittarius, which he frequently mentions while characterizing specific aspects of his personality. Schmidt was overweight throughout his childhood and undergraduate years. While he has since lost the weight and gained muscle tone, it is still emotionally scarring for him.

Best Schmidt Quotes New Girl

Schmidt Famous Quotes


In conclusion, these were some of the best Schmidt quotes. He is a character that is full of one-liners and wise sayings. He is always the voice of reason on New Girl and his quotes reflect that. Schmidt is a character that everyone can relate to in some way and his quotes resonate with many people. Schmidt: “Takes a bubble bath.” Read Also: 100+ Best Friend Soul Sister Quotes