Well, this article provides details on the best loan repayment programs. Relax and read through as you discover the best ways to repay your loans. In fact, some of them let your loan get forgiven or canceled. Basically, Loan repayment is the act of paying back money previously borrowed from a lender. Federal agencies make loans designed to help students pay tuition fees, books and supplies, and living expenses. Generally, Federal student loans allow for a lower payment amount, postponed payments and, in some cases loan forgiveness.

What is a Loan Repayment Program?

Basically, students get loans to help them pay tuition fees and other living expenses surrounding their academics. These loans are to be repaid. So, a loan repayment program allows students to choose the best way to repay their loans. Normally, repayment starts six months after graduation. According to Financial aid, there are four main repayment plans for Federal education loans, consisting of Standard Repayment and three alternatives. Actually, each of these alternatives has a lower monthly payment than Standard repayment but this extends the term of the loan and increases the total amount of interest repaid over the lifetime of the loan.

Four types of Repayment Plan

Basically, this plan allows you to pay a fixed monthly amount for a loan term of up to 10 years. However, there is a $50 minimum monthly payment. Similarly, this plan allows a loan term of 12 to 30 years depending on the total amount borrowed. In contrast, paying the money over a longer-term reduces the size of each payment but increases the total amount paid. Unlike the two above, the graduated repayments plan starts off with lower payments which gradually increases over two years. Also, the loan term is 12 to 30 years, depending on the total amount borrowed. Furthermore, the monthly payment can be no less than 50% and no more than 150% of the monthly payment. Majorly, payments under the income-contingent repayment plan are based on the borrower’s income and the total amount of debt. Unlike the other, its loan term is 25 years. Also, at the end of 25 years, the remaining balance is discharged. This is taxable under current law.

What is Loan Forgiveness?

Actually, you’re expected to repay your loans following the above-stated repayment plans. However, when you’re no longer expected to repay your loan, it means your loan has been forgiven. So, Loan forgiveness is to have your loan repayment plan canceled by the Federal government. In addition, to qualify for loan repayment you must

perform volunteer workperform military serviceteach or practice medicine in certain types of communitiesmeet other criteria specified by the forgiveness program.

Generally, Federal loans can be discharged in the following situations:

permanent disabilityclosure of school during the time of studyuse of identity theft to secure a loanfailure of the school to refund required loans to the lenderdeath of the borrower.

Who are Social Workers?

Basically, social work is a broadly defined profession encompassing many different kinds of professionals who all serve people in need. So, social workers are unique. In fact, they are continuously in search of common ways to serve clients. This may include providing counseling, therapy, and education as well as connecting clients to appropriate public or private resources. Furthermore, there are 3 basic types of od socials workers.

What is Social Work Loan Forgiveness?

Actually, upon graduation, it is expected that loans be repaid. So, as a social worker, you are expected to pay your loans too. However, Public service loan forgiveness program is a federal program specifically designed to help public service and nonprofit workers to get out of debt. Basically, social work loan forgiveness helps you clear your loan if you qualify and meet the requirement. It means you’re no longer responsible for repaying part or all of your loan due to your job as a social worker. Furthermore, you must enroll in a loan repayment program and must have made 120 qualifying monthly payments while working full-time for a qualifying employer. See some loan repayment programs for you. Play your card well then you may have your loan forgiven.

Do Social Workers qualify for Student Loan Forgiveness?

Even though going into the social work field does not automatically qualify you for student loan forgiveness, it is a good first step. So, yes social workers may qualify for loan forgiveness programs. Basically, there are strict criteria that you must meet before your loan can be canceled. These strict criteria are Also, loan forgiveness programs are majorly for graduates in the social work career field who are struggling to repay their debts. Furthermore, The national association For Social Workers promotes loan forgiveness for social workers. They support it to improve working conditions, salaries and other benefits for members of the profession. Currently, the association will continue to support its proposals to provide loan forgiveness for social workers in child welfare and schools. However, be rest assured that despite the association’s support for loan forgiveness programs, they don’t determine loan forgiveness eligibility neither do they disperse loan forgiveness funds.

What are Best Loan Repayment Programs for Social Worker?

In fact, a number of repayment programs exist for social workers. However, we will look out for the best social work repayment program for you. Basically, with a Master of Social Worker degree, you will have an opportunity to repay your student loan while involved in social work. Also, a portion of your federal student loan may be repaid by Government and Volunteer programs in exchange for services. Here are some loan repayment programs for social workers

National Health Service Corps Loan Repayment Program (NHCS)

Majorly, the National Health Service Corps builds healthy communities by supporting qualified health care providers dedicated to working in areas of the United States with limited access to care. So, this program allows licensed clinical social work providers to receive up to $50, 000 toward student loan repayment if they work for two years in areas with limited access to healthcare. Basically, the NHCS program provides a loan repayment program for full-time and part-time employment at NHCS approved settings or at settings in a Health Professional Shortage Area. To qualify for this program;

You must be a United States Citizen( either by naturalization or birth)You must be a provider in the Medicare, Medicaid and the State Children’s Health insurance ProgramFully trained and licensed to practice in the NHSC -eligible primary care medical, dental or mental/behavioral health disciplineA health professional in an eligible discipline with qualified student loan debt for an education that led to your degree.

For more information, click the button below.Website

State Loan Repayment Program

This is a federally-funded grant program to states and territories to enable them to run their loan repayment program. Basically, This provides cost-sharing grants to help states and territories operate their own state educational loan repayment programs for primary care providers working in Health Professional Shortage Areas within their state. However, SRLP does not provide loan repayment directly to individual health professionals. Also, not all states offer the State Loan Repayment Program. Furthermore, eligible disciplines, practice sites, length of required service commitment, and the amount of loan repayment awards offered may differ by state/ territory. Additionally, the state loan Repayment Program is funded by grants received through the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)’s Bureau of Health Workforce(BHW). The eligibility for this loan repayment program is in four categories. They are:

LocationMatching FundsAdministrationUsing Federal Funds

For more information on eligibility and application, click the button below. APPLICATION LINK

Federal Student Loan Repayment Program

The Federal student loan repayment program permits agencies to repay Federally insured student loans as a recruitment or retention incentive for candidates or current employees of the agency. Actually, the program implements 5 U.S.C. 5379, which authorizes agencies to set up their own student loan repayment programs to attract or retain highly qualified employees. In addition, Federal agencies can provide up to$10,000 in loan forgiveness per calendar year as well as a cumulative maximum of up to $60,000. Furthermore, employees who seek loan forgiveness must sign a service agreement to work with the agency for a minimum of three years. Basically, eligibility is based on the repayment plan you opt for. However, all borrowers are eligible for at least one of the repayment plans. Interestingly, Federal loans can be discharged forgiven, or canceled.

Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program

This loan repayment program is available for social workers. Firstly, this program is a federal program specifically designed to help public service and nonprofit workers get out of debt. Secondly, PSLF is a good option for potentially eliminating future loan payments and saving a great deal of money. Thirdly, this is the best option for social workers looking for student loan forgiveness. Also, the program forgives student loan debt of individuals working in eligible public service organizations, including government agencies, school-based services, and nonprofits. Interestingly, loans received from other federal student loan programs such as Perkins Loan can qualify for PSLF if an individual consolidates them into a Direct Consolidation Loan. However, only payments made on the new Direct Consolidation Loan will count as the mandatory 120 payments required for PSLF.

How do I get Public Service Loan Forgiveness?

Actually, to get public service loan forgiveness, you must meet the program’s many requirements. It’s possible to have your loan forgiven if you follow the program’s rules below.

Have the correct type of loan o consolidatework full time for a qualifying employerswitch to income-driven repaymentmake 10 years’ worth of paymentsapply for forgiveness

What type of loan is the correct loan for PSLF?

Only loans that are part of the federal Direct loan Program are eligible for Public Service Loan Forgiveness. Also, loans by private students are not eligible. However, an individual may choose to consolidate other types of federal student loans. So, be courageous and do this as soon as possible because any progress made toward forgiveness will be erased when you consolidate. Finally, you must repay this loan using the income-driven repayment plan. Public service loan forgiveness qualification is to pay 120 qualifying monthly payments under a qualifying repayment plan while working full-time for a qualifying employer. Also, qualifying employers include:

Government organizations at any level501(c)(3) nonprofitsAmeriCorps or the Peace Corpsnonprofit organizations that don’t have 501(c)(3) status but provide a qualifying public service as their primary purpose.

For more information and application click the button below. APPLICATION LINK

Loan Forgiveness for Volunteer Work.

This social loan work loan forgiveness program grants forgiveness to volunteer workers. Basically, some organizations offer one or more types of federal student loan forgiveness programs. So, you can access this by being a volunteer in these organizations. Remember the goal is to have your loan repaid, what about having it totally forgiven discharged, or canceled just by being a volunteer? Also, note that you can access scholarships by starting and finishing a campaign on Dosomething.org. Some volunteer organizations for you to sign up for include: Actually, volunteers at AmeriCorp may receive a Segal AmeriCorp Education award for each year of volunteer service. For more information, click the button below. APPLICATION LINK Basically, Volunteers at Peace Corps may receive a Segal national education award for each year of volunteer service or partial cancellation of their Federal Perkins Loans but not both. Additionally, you enjoy other benefits like medical and dental, travel, financial and you become a part of a vibrant network. Finally, for more information, see how you can apply as a volunteer below. APPLICATION LINK Interestingly, borrowers who have served as an Americorp Vista volunteer since October 7, 1998, maybe eligible for partial cancellations of their Perkins Loans. Actually, this benefit is not available to borrowers who have volunteered with other Americorp programs. For more information and to sign up as a volunteer below.WEBSITE

New York Licensed Social Worker Loan Forgiveness

Majorly, this program is offered to increase the number of licensed social workers working in critical human service areas. Social work loan forgiveness New York is not limited to home care, health, mental health, substance abuse, HIV/AIDS, and child welfare or communities with multilingual needs. Actually, payments for social service student loan forgiveness are made directly to the recipient and are available for up to four years of qualified service. Also, the maximum award under this program is $26,000, or the actual amount of the eligible student loan which may be less. Additionally, awards will be paid in the amount of $6,500 for each annual period of qualified service completed or the remaining loan indebtedness. To qualify for the loan forgiveness program for social workers, you must meet the following requirements. You;

must be an NYS resident and have resided for 12 continuous months prior to applying for this repayment program for social workers.Should be a U.S citizen or eligible non-citizenmust be a social worker professionally licensed to practice in NYS.should have an outstanding balance on an eligible student loan debtmust be a full-time employee as a licensed social worker in an eligible organization providing critical human service area for at least 35 hours per week during the calendar year prior to his or her application.should be in a non-default status on a student loan made under any NYS or federal loan program.must be in compliance with the terms of any service condition imposed by any NYS award.

For more information and application, click the button below. APPLICATION LINK To qualify for PSLF, you must work for a government agency or for eligible nonprofit organizations. Also, you should work full-time for that agency for at least 35 hours a week. In addition, you must have direct loans or merge other loans to qualify. Furthermore, you must have a loan repayment plan that is income-driven.Finally, you must make 120 monthly qualifying payments. Yes, social workers can get loan forgiveness. If you have federal student loans, Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) can eliminate your loans after 10 years of service. PSLF offers student loan forgiveness for social workers, teachers and other public service employees However, note that just being a social worker is not the only criteria, you must meet other requirements. Well, this is good news for students who took students loans but are now social workers. Social work student loan forgiveness programs are possibilities for social workers to get loan forgiveness that may reduce or eliminate their debt. Yes, there are quite a number of student loan forgiveness programs for social workers. Some of them include National Health Service Corp, Public Service Loan Forgiveness and others.


Well, taking a student loan to complete education is quite interesting until its payback time. Especially, when it’s barely six months you graduated and you have to start paying back your loan. Well, do not be dismayed. The World Scholarship Forum has your best interest at heart. Carefully, read this post and discover numerous ways you can choose to pay back your loan. Interestingly, if you are a social worker, there are more benefits for you as you may get loan forgiveness, cancellation, or discharge. Whichever one you get, simply means you will no more bother yourself about your loans. Also, this post critically looks at the best payment plans for you as a social worker. More importantly, it reveals loan repayment programs for social workers, eligibility, and an application link for you to get started. Now, all you have to do is read through and find your best fit, check out where you are most eligible, and apply. Then, relax and be set free from loan repayment. As a social worker, these loan repayment programs or forgiveness schemes are for your best benefit.


Financial Aid for Students: loan repayment programsWikipedia.Org: Student loanNew York Government: Loan repayment options and assistanceUS News: Student loan repayment plansNational Health Service Corp: Loan repaymentStudent Aid: Loan forgiveness and cancelationStudent Relief: Loan forgiveness for social workers.


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