Generally, the rate at which students pursue graduate programs ( also called postgraduate education in some countries) is increasing rapidly. According to the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), between 2000 and 2017, total postbaccalaureate enrollment increased by 39 percent (from 2.2 million to 3.0 million students). By 2028, postbaccalaureate enrollment (postgraduate education) is projected to increase to 3.1 million students. Therefore, if you have decided to get a degree beyond a bachelor’s degree, this article is for you. Here, you will learn more about graduate schools as well as, how many grad schools you should apply in 2021. Also, you will get to learn more about grad school application tips.

What is A Grad School?

According to Wikipedia, a graduate school (sometimes shortened to grad school) is a school that awards advanced academic degrees (such as masters and doctoral degrees) with the general requirement that students must have earned a previous undergraduate (bachelor’s) degree with a high GPA (grade point average).  However, it is important to note that a grad school is not entirely separate from the institution (universities) as most of them offer various graduate programs. While the term “graduate school” is typical in the United States and sometimes, Canada, “postgraduate education” is also used in English-speaking countries (Australia, Bangladesh, Canada, India, Ireland, New Zealand, Pakistan, and the UK) to refer to the spectrum of education beyond a bachelor’s degree.
You may ask, “what then is a graduate program?” Although all graduate programs will differ somewhat in their structure, however, they all offer industry-specific training, professional development, and networking opportunities to help you unite the theory you’ve learned and put it into practice in a real employment situation.

Grad School Program Grade

Typically, a distinction is made between graduate schools (where courses of study vary in the degree to which they provide training for a particular profession) and professional schools, which offer specialized advanced degrees in professional fields such as medicine, nursing, business, engineering, speech-language pathology, or the law. However, the distinction between graduate schools and professional schools is not absolute since various professional schools offer graduate degrees and vice versa. You can actually study at a graduate school with a less financial burden. See these Seven Important Places to Find Grad School Scholarships and Grants

Is Attending A Grad School Worth it?

The essence of attending a graduate school differs among several individuals. For some people, graduate school has a major impact on their career advancement. For others, a graduate degree may have little or no effect on their earnings and career trajectory. Generally, attending a grad school might still be worth it intellectually. However, it’s best you try not to decide without doing the analysis and the math. First, you need to ask yourself the question, “Why do I want or need to attend a Grad School?” In order to answer this, you will need to ask yourself the following questions (as provided by Investopedia), then make conclusions.

Is there a limit to how many masters you can apply for?

Just like other grad programs, there’s no limit to the number of universities a student can apply to for a master’s degree. This, in turn, tends to get students a bit confused. However, for time and cost purposes, 3-6 university is a good number.

When should you apply to grad school?

Most graduate school deadlines are in December or January, but as an applicant, you should actually start thinking about your application much earlier than that. Getting started on the preliminaries (like identifying programs you want to apply to) about a year before your applications are due is definitely a good step. First and foremost, you have to decide the kind of job you want and how that job relates to the degree you are considering. In doing this, you get to know if the job is the best fit for you. Also, you will know if you need a grad school to succeed in the field and if it an additional degree will take you to where you want to be.

Is the Career a Good Fit for You?

Get to know if you will be comfortable with the lifestyle, day-to-day activities, hours and responsibilities associated with the job. Shadowing professionals, interning, as well as, conducting informational interviews can give you a better idea of what the job is really like. 

Do You Need Grad School to Succeed in the Field?

Many careers in science, law, medicine require a graduate degree to move beyond entry-level work. However, in marketing, computer science and creative fields, experience, and quality of work are more important than having an advanced degree. A graduate student can get to know more about the job requirements in the chosen field in the Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Outlook Handbook.

Will the Grad School You Attend Take You To Where You Want to Go?

Getting a graduate degree from a top ivy school (eg: Harvard University) will make you a preferred choice among employers. For instance, MBA degrees are a classic example of graduate programs where networking and connections are one of the main draws. Therefore, if your option is a second-tier school, then ask yourself, if it will give you the kinds of connections you need to rise in the field? Before you pay for grad school, especially if it involves taking out big loans, be sure you’ll eventually earn enough to make that debt and/or time worth it. Firstly, get to know the starting salaries graduate in your field make as well as how much people who have advanced in their career eventually make in your field. You can get information on this from some of the major salary-information websites (such as Glassdoor, Payscale, and Salarylist). In addition, get to know how easy it is for graduates in your find jobs and also the job outlook of your skill when you graduate.

Analyze and Forecast the Financials

Here, what you do is to compare the type of financial impact a graduate degree can make versus the cost of obtaining it. Assess the cost of the program and also, inquire about the chance of getting a scholarship. Also, get to know how long it will take for you to pay off as well as how your grad school degree will affect your earning potentials. In conclusion, notwithstanding the many “buts” anyone may have, attending grad school is worth it. Attending a graduate school provides you with knowledge, skills, a network and a wider set of career opportunities. Also, even if you don’t end up using your new degree or working in the field, having it will increase your value as an employee in the future.

How Many Grad Schools Should I Apply To?

Basically, the rule of thumb for applying to grad schools is that you should submit applications to no more than 4-6 schools per round. This is because the more schools you apply to, the less genuinely interested you will sound in your applications.  Generally, the number of applications submitted will vary considerably from candidate to candidate. However, the golden rule is that you should only apply to a graduate program if you have enough time to make your application outstanding. Notwithstanding, if you have time to perfect only three applications, then you should focus on applying to just three schools, instead of applying to five different graduate schools and submitting only “average” applications. The bottom line is to be realistic about your limitations.

How To Group Graduate Schools

There are 3 general categories to divide the grad schools you wish to apply to. They include:

What Are The Factors To Consider When Choosing A Grad School?

Although these factors differ from one person to another, however, what you should consider is if the particular graduate school is best for you. Also, as regards to your program of choice, there will definitely be a good number of grad school offering it. Here are some factors to consider when choosing a grad school: Here, you consider the location that best suits your career interest. That is, the kind of resources different areas can provide you on your academic and professional path. Also, this is where you put into consideration if you prefer a school in a large city or a remote setting. In addition, this is where you decide if you want to live on a college campus, or perhaps closer to family. Here, you will assess the grad schools in your field that are most highly regarded. You also consider the program’s reputation for job placement following graduation, as well as, what the alumni involvement and contribution look like. Facts about this are on most schools’ websites. Looking out for the accreditation of graduate schools and the program is very important especially when you need a license to practice. Also, employers tend to accept those who finished from approved and recognized schools and programs. Here, you check if the program focuses on your particular areas of interest. In addition, you consider the school’s requirements, as well as, the course prerequisites. Verify if there are prerequisites for the program that you haven’t yet completed.

Career Services

Here, you find out if prospective employers recruit from the programs you’re considering. For instance, major industries or organizations will often visit campuses to interview candidates. Check the school’s history or factbook and know if your dream employers do visit the schools you want to attend. In addition, consider other career and job placement services that the graduate program provides, too.

Basically, school cultures vary from one to the other. Even graduate programs in a particular school have different cultures.

Grad School And Program Culture

Therefore, here you are to find out not just what the school is like overall, but also the program. Know what’s expected of the class and also if you will be able to keep up with the workload. Also, find out the class size is standard, and the level of involvement with faculty. Furthermore, find out if the program fosters a collaborative environment or expects more individual work. Then, you consider which learning style works better for you.

Grad School Admission Requirements

Admissions requirements will vary by grad school and program, but in most cases, you will have to include the following with your application:

What Is GRE And What Score Do You Need?

GRE stands for Graduate Record Examination. It is a multiple-choice, computer-based, standardized exam required for admission to graduate programs. Basically, it measures your command of basic arithmetic, algebra, geometry, data analysis, and college-level vocabulary. More importantly, it assesses your ability to analyze and evaluate written material, think critically, as well as, solve problems. Just like the undergraduate GPA, the GRE score provides graduate admissions committees with common measures to evaluate an applicant’s qualifications and preparedness for graduate-level academic work.
Now, what is a good GRE score? Basically, what is considered as a good GRE score differs among grad schools. However, a high score on the GRE will have a direct, positive impact on your graduate school application.
Therefore, when considering your GRE score goal, you are to look at the requirements (or minimums as the case may be) at the graduate programs you’re applying to. Also, getting the mean or average GRE score of admitted applicants will help you determine the GRE score that will make you competitive in that program. Although not all graduate programs publish the GRE ranges of accepted students, they’ll likely share that information if you give them a call. Score higher in your GRE Preparation. See the 12 Best Gre Prep Books of 2021 

Grad School Application Tips

Think about applying to grad school as a way of marketing yourself. There are many things you can do make sure that your application is as strong as it could be, and also to present yourself in the most persuasive and appealing way possible. They include:

Begin Early

Applying to graduate school on its own can be a long and complex process. Every school has its unique requirements. In most cases, an applicant needs to write an essay, provide transcripts and references, and also, complete certain exams. Most international schools may require language proficiency, as well. Therefore, to avoid potential problems and to keep up with deadlines, it is critical to begin the process as soon as possible.

Create an Interesting Personal Statement

Usually, many grad school applications require an applicant to include a personal statement. Therefore, to impress the admission officers, applicants should research the department and the particular course of the intended study. For instance, a school may be conducting research or have a clear set of goals. In order to impress them, it is essential to use a personal statement as a tool to explain how individual abilities and experience align with the department’s goals and benefit the college. With this in mind, it is wise to tailor or prepare a personal statement for each grad school application.

Provide a Concise Resume

In simple terms, a resume is an interview on paper. It is a representation of personal accomplishments and relevant experience. Unfortunately, many people include too much information. A resume should be kept under two pages with an emphasis on academic and professional achievements. Basically, a solid resume tells a story about a person’s past and future goals. Therefore, instead of listing awards, it is better to quantify accomplishments. That is, being specific with details. For instance, it is important to include information like “helped increase 2017 sales by 30 percent using social media campaigns.” You can also make use of buzzwords. For example, “built community involvement” and “encouraged sharing through social media” are relevant phrases that incorporate industry terms and create a clear picture of past experience. If you are applying to a medical school, see How to Write a Medical School Resume with Samples Here.

Prepare for an Interview

Most brilliant students fail to get admitted into a school because they didn’t prepare adequately for the interview. Walking confidently into an interview can help cut anxiety and create a spirit that attracts admission officers. Nevertheless, this assurance should not be confused with arrogance. The best way to prepare in order to maintain a poised composure is by formulating questions and answers. Knowing how to respond to common inquiries and comprehending the best questions to ask an interviewer will help show your genuine interest in a particular school. In the same vein, instead of practicing a set speech, it is better to stick with a few points that explain an individual’s background and future goals. Therefore, to maintain a positive mindset, it is wise to get proper rest and eat a good meal before a big interview.

Secure Strong Letters of Recommendation

Letters of recommendation are important components of a graduate school application. They act as discussions between “experts” in a particular field and the institution of interest. Even though high grades and test scores matter, letters of recommendation are often deciding factors for admission. As an applicant, it is essential to select writers who have personal knowledge of your skills and can comment on your potential. These writers should be able to speak on your behalf by explaining the individual’s goals, motivation, and commitment. If possible, it is best you select professors or similar sources who are well-known at the college of application. In conclusion, it is customary to send three letters of recommendation per application but this may vary in some school

Grad School Interview Tips

Not every graduate program requires an interview, but for many, it’s an essential requirement. In some schools, interviews are important in order to evaluate borderline cases. Therefore, as a candidate, if you are contacted about an interview, make sure to schedule it as soon as possible. Here are a few tips to help you with your grad school interview: According to Wikipedia, a graduate school (sometimes shortened to grad school) is a school that awards advanced academic degrees (such as masters and doctoral degrees) with the general requirement that students must have earned a previous undergraduate (bachelor’s) degree with a high GPA (grade point average). In simple terms, a graduate program is a form of continuing education or a post-graduate program.It includes both masters and doctoral programs.Basically, graduate programs are designed as a fast-tracked career pathway for a specific organization or industry. Basically, the rule of thumb for applying to grad schools is that you should submit applications to no more than 4-6 schools per round. This is because the more schools you apply to, the less genuinely interested you will sound in your applications. Just like other grad programs, there’s no limit to the number of universities a student can apply to for a master’s degree. This, in turn, tends to get students a bit confused. However, for time and cost purposes, 3-6 university is a good number. Most graduate school deadlines are in December or January, but as an applicant, you should actually start thinking about your application much earlier than that. Getting started on the preliminaries (like identifying programs you want to apply to) about a year before your applications are due is definitely a good step.
Graduate school requirements differ among schools. However, below are some of the regular admission requirements you will find.Cumulative undergraduate GPA (and major GPA)GRE scoresLetters of recommendationPersonal statementAdmission interview
GRE stands for Graduate Record Examination. It is a multiple-choice, computer-based, standardized exam required for admission to graduate programs.Basically, it measures your command of basic arithmetic, algebra, geometry, data analysis, and college-level vocabulary. According to Kaptest, the cost to take the GRE is $205 for all testing locations except China. The fee also includes sending score reports to up to four graduate institutions of your choice. First and foremost, think about applying to grad school as a way of marketing yourself. In order to present yourself as the best applicant, here are some tips to follow: Begin EarlyCreate an Interesting Personal StatementProvide a Concise ResumePrepare for an Interview


Deciding to attend a graduate school is an important step in your grad school journey. To many, applying to grad school can be very stressful and time-consuming especially if they don’t plan ahead enough As an applicant, lack of preparation can make you miss critical deadlines, not give recommenders enough notice, or not turn in the best application possible.  Therefore, this article was written to help you decide on how to choose your grad school and program, as well as prepare adequately. I hope this article helps you in making the right decision. Good Luck And Success!!!



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