The verbal warnings or the performance reviews should be written. An employee handbook that details the disciplinary actions taken in case of a breach should be easily accessible to the employees. If the company is an SME, proper work behaviour should be written and the consequence of breaching the company policies. An employee query letter is the best form of communication if the prior warnings are futile. The employee may have misunderstood the implications of the verbal warnings. The misunderstanding is often because of the choice of words and the tone of voice. Read more: Reprimands can help Employees Improve Performance.

Is a Warning Letter Considered as an Aspect of Corrective Action?

Yes. But the employers need to ensure that the procedure is fair to the employee. Failure to adhere to the rules of natural justice may attract a lawsuit to the employers. A verbal warning proceeds minor misconduct before a warning letter is issued. However, serious offences such as criminal acts, theft, and sexual harassment are immediately investigated. Employees are protected from unfair disciplinary actions by the employment declaration, national legislative Acts, and the company’s Employment handbook. The disciplinary main aim is not just punitive. Its main purpose is to ensure that certain standards and procedures are maintained. Therefore:

Different solutions should be offered for consideration.The employee query letter should be removed after a certain period of time.An internal mechanism for settling disputes should be considered.

What are the Step-by-Step Procedures in Writing an Employee Query Letter?

1. Employee’s Address

It should be written a line or two after the employer’s address. It is placed to the left.

2. Date

Indicate the date of writing the employee query letter after the employee’s address. The date is also written 1 or 2 lines beneath the employee’s address.

3. Title

The title should be crisp and clear. Verify the intended recipient and the reason for writing the letter.

4. Salutation

Keep the salutation formal. Dear Mr./ Mrs.…

5. Opening Paragraph

Be straightforward. Mention the specifics in the first sentence. Be clear and precise when detailing the violations.  State why the situation is a breach of the company policy. Support your statements with the company’s constitution. Then identity yourself and your competence as one issuing the letter. The employee query letter should be O.B.J.E.C.T.I.V.E. Center on the policy violation. Avoid general accusations such as harassment or discrimination. They suggest verdicts. An employee should not feel that the letter is subjective by focusing on emotions. Be factual by adding the date when the event took place. Write in a professional tone. Because you will keep an employee query letter for future reference, be particular with information. You can also include other previous warnings issued to the employee if they are recent and connected to the event in question.

6. Body

Write on the correctional action needed. Also, give a timeframe needed for improvement. Resolving the conflict should consider the interests of both the employer and the employee. A verbal warning is therefore important in drawing mutual interests. An employer can understand the motives of the employee.

7. Final Paragraph

It is more like a call to action. It lists the steps you would like the employee to take. It also lists the consequences of failing to correct wrongful actions. Thoroughly mention the effects that will ensue if an employee fails to correct their behavior. The time given to correct the behavior should be sufficient.

8. Closing

Be optimistic by showing that the time given is sufficient for change. Also, reinforce on the employee’s invaluable essence to the company.

9. Your Name and Signature

A handwritten signature is the best. You will have to duplicate the signature. The core function of an employee’s signature is to indicate that the employee has received the warning letter. It is not an acknowledgement of their breach.  The proof of issuing the employee query letter can be by attaching it to their email. You can also choose to have a credible witness when issuing the employee query letter. If the employee is a member of a representative union, include the representative’s signature. 

 10. Proofread the Employee Query Letter

Typos in the query letter dim your professional nature. Proofread your work to make sure that everything is in check.

Seek an attorney’s legal advice before taking any disciplinary actions. Different employment laws apply in different states.

12. Handling an Unfair Warning Letter

Do not sign an employee query letter you consider unfair or arbitrary. Voice your concerns to your employer regarding the employee query letter. Clearly explain the reasons why you disagree with the employee query letter. Write a letter that supports your argument by stating that your conduct was in line with the company policy. Be specific on the conduct in question.  Also, review an employee handbook for any fairer disciplinary actions before handing your letter to your supervisor.

13. Samples of Employee Query Letters

Sample 1

Disciplinary Warning Letter To, Henry Tyson 34-H, first floor Potter’s building London 27th June 2011 Dear Mr Tyson Subject: Disciplinary warning letter This letter is to bring to your attention that there have been many unsatisfactory aspects which have been noticed in your work performance and overall behavior in office. The most striking factor was your absence from office on 5 occasions in a span of one month. Moreover, you have been found to submit work reports quite late which cannot be accepted in any way. You can consider this as the last and formal warning from my side, after which we would be forced to make a difficult decision in the favor of the office. If you are facing any kind of difficulty which you would like to talk about or discuss, then you are completely welcomed to do so. But there is no place for any misbehavior of any kind in our company, so please take notice of that. Yours sincerely Mark Benton San Francisco Campus

Sample Letter 2

WRITTEN WARNING Non-Senate Academic Appointees Written Warning This Written Warning confirms our discussion on ____ (date) _______ and is being issued to you regarding (state reason(s), e.g., misconduct, unsatisfactory work performance, dereliction of duty, etc.) (Describe the incident(s) prompting this letter, giving brief details and examples.  Example:  Since our discussion on __ (date) ___ you have continued to …….. , or, Recently you failed to ……..) The reasons you have given are that (state employee’s reasons).  These are unacceptable reasons and do not excuse your (state problem).  In short, your (state problem) continues. On __ (date) ___ you were counseled (verbally and/or in writing) by (person’s name) that (state reasons).  At that time you were made aware that I expected you to (state method of correction).  I further indicated that I would continue to review your (state situation) for improvement. (Optional, if appropriate:  If you are experiencing problems of a nature that may be amenable to assistance by the Faculty and Staff Assistance Program (FSAP), you may contact that office at 476-8279.  Your participation is voluntary and the services are provided on a confidential basis. A list of the services provided is available at It is imperative you understand that failure to show immediate and sustained improvement in your (problem) will result in further disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal from your employment with the University.  If you have any questions regarding this letter or the specific expectations as attached, please let me know immediately. Supervisor’s Signature cc:           Department Personnel File                 Department Chair                 Vice Provost Academic Affairs bcc:        Academic Personnel Office, Box 0401 Department Guidelines:

Review Academic Personnel Manual (APM) 150 – Corrective Action and Dismissal prior to proceeding.Written warning is a corrective action that informs the appointee of the nature of the misconduct or deficiency, the method of correction, and the probable consequence of continued misconduct or deficiency.Discussion with appointee must take place prior to issuing letter.  Provide examples of deficiencies/problems.  Be specific.  Advise appointee that discussion will be followed up in writing.Consult with Associate/Vice Dean for Academic Affairs within your school for guidance

Sample Letter 3

Advance warning of redundancy to an employee whose post is at risk of redundancy From department to employee [Date] Dear [employee] Thank you for coming to the meeting on [date].  This letter is to confirm the position we discussed. At our meeting, I gave you an advanced warning that you are at risk of dismissal on grounds of redundancy. This situation has arisen through no fault of your own but has come about because [summarize the reasons for the planned staff reductions and why this member of staff is included in the at-risk pool]. In these circumstances you may, if you wish, pursue alternative options. Voluntary severance. If you choose to do so, and if your application is accepted, I can confirm that you will be eligible to leave under the University’s scheme of enhanced severance terms, a copy of which is enclosed.  The option to apply to leave under this scheme remains open to you at any time during this ‘advance warning’ period, which will continue, if necessary until [date]. I must stress, however, that a resignation submitted on this basis will not be effective until it has been formally accepted by the department. Redeployment. You may wish to look for alternative employment within the University.  If this is the case, we will, of course, make all reasonable efforts to help you to find suitable alternative work within this department.  There is, however, no guarantee that these efforts will have a successful outcome and you should, therefore, give consideration to pursuing possible alternative employment elsewhere within the University.  If you do wish to pursue suitable alternative employment within the University, please sign and return the enclosed letter (A6) to me by [date – normally two weeks after the date of this letter]. I will then arrange for a nominated facilitator to support you through the redeployment procedures and will also confirm that you will be able to apply as a priority candidate for vacancies at the University.  The nominated facilitator will be able to draw your attention to other possible support that you may consider, such as careers advice and the staff counselling service. I appreciate that you may not wish to be considered for suitable alternative employment within the University.  If this is the case, I should be grateful if you could sign and return the enclosed letter (A5) to me by [date – normally two weeks after the date of this letter]. You are, of course, welcome, if you wish, to ask a union representative or colleague of your choice from within the University to accompany you to any future meetings to discuss possible further employment. I must advise you that, if you do not choose to apply for voluntary severance and it is not possible to find you suitable alternative employment within the University, it may ultimately become necessary to invoke the procedures which could lead to the termination of your employment on grounds of redundancy.  In this case, you will be issued a separate letter confirming that your employment is to be terminated and advising you of your entitlement to notice and statutory redundancy pay.  Please note that unless and until you receive such a letter, no final decision has been taken on the continuation of your employment with the University. I hope that this information is clear, but if you have any questions, or you would like to discuss the situation again, please do not hesitate to contact me.  I will in any case make sure that you are kept informed of any developments. Yours sincerely, [Departmental administrator] Enclosures:         enhanced severance terms [as agreed with HR Business Partner]                                 pro forma letter A5                                 pro forma letter A6 [N.B.  A signed and dated copy of this letter should be retained on file.]

Sample Letter 4

Employee Absence Warning Letter Dear Ms Brown:  Re: Written Warning On [insert date], you failed to report for your scheduled shift at 9 a.m. You did not notify your manager of your absence in advance. Furthermore, upon your return to work on [insert return date], you failed to provide a justifiable excuse for your absence or your failure to notify your manager in advance. This conduct is unacceptable and will not be tolerated by ABC Organization. A review of your record indicates that you have failed to report to work without notice or justifiable excuse on several occasions in the past. In the past 12 months alone, you were absent in this manner on [x] other occasions. These absences were on [insert date] and [insert date]. On both of those occasions, you were given verbal warnings and directed to notify your manager in advance of every absence. In light of the foregoing, we have no choice but to issue this written warning. We trust that this discipline will ensure that you correct your behaviour in the future. However, please note that if you engage in further misconduct of any kind, you may be subject to more severe discipline, up to and including suspensions and dismissal. ABC Inc. c.c. Personnel File

Sample Letter 5

FIRST WRITTEN WARNING To: [Employee Name] Date: ___________________ You are receiving this First Written Warning as a result of the issue(s) described below. Please be aware that this is the first step in [Name of Company]’s progressive discipline process. We trust that you will correct this matter by improving your performance of your job and/or refraining from the act or omission that has led to this First Warning Notice. Failure to make appropriate corrections will lead to further discipline, up to and including discharge. NATURE OF INFRACTION

Poor Work PerformanceTardinessInsubordinationImproper ConductSafety ViolationRefusal to Work OvertimeAbuse of LeaveMisuse of Email or TelephoneProperty DamageFailure to Comply with Company PolicyAbsenteeismSubstance use of abuse

             Other _______________________________________________________ Date, Time and Location of Infraction ______________________________________________ DETAILS:              You must comply with the attached Performance Improvement Plan (check if applicable) Supervisor/Manager’s Name: _________________________ Title: ____________________________________________

Supervisor/Manager’s Signature Date: __________________ Employee’s Name:                                                            __________________ I acknowledge that I have received a copy of the foregoing First Written Warning and that I have had an opportunity to discuss it with my supervisor or a designated manager.

Employee’s Signature An employee query letter is a formal notice issued to an employee breaching a company policy. It is also issued if the employee contradicts other employment policies.The letter is issued by a manager who reproves a behavior by the employee. It is the ultimate warning issued to an employee before further disciplinary action is taken if the employee fails to follow the warning. Before issuing disciplinary action, an employer should be familiar with the union’s disciplinary procedures. The union’s requirements may include the timeline for issuing disciplinary action and investigations. A unionized member should be represented by the union in a hearing upon request. Declining their suggestions is discriminative. An employee query letter is issued to an employee for deviating from the company policy of committing a misconduct. It is a formal acknowledgement for the employee’s wrong, or unethical conduct. It can be issued to a team, a department, or to an individual. An employee’s signature is not a must. It is just proof that the employee has been warned and they understand the gravity of their offence. Being specific is essential in supporting the employer’s decision. It also helps the employee to understand the negative effects of their action towards the company.


What are the key points to include when writing an employee Query letter? •           Describe the offence the employee has committed. •           Mention the company policy that has been breached. •           Describe actions the employee can take to mend the situation. •           Deliver the warning letter immediately an offence is committed. •           Summon the employee when giving the warning letter.        


Garrison Nicole49 Professional Warning Letters


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