Let’s take a moment to consider what makes up a good thesis statement and what elements you’ll need to create your own.

What is a Thesis Statement?

A thesis statement is a sentence that explains your paper’s topic and goal. A strong thesis statement will guide the framework of your essay and help your reader understand the concepts you’ll be discussing. This is always placed at the start of a document. It will usually appear in the first couple of paragraphs of the work to introduce the body paragraphs, which will provide evidence to back up your thesis statement. A clear argument should be identified in your thesis statement. You’ll need a statement that’s not only simple to understand but also arguable. You cannot use any statement of fact as your thesis. Puppies, for example, are universally adored. “Puppies are cute, and everyone knows it,” is a weak thesis statement. This isn’t really an issue that can be debated. “A puppy’s cuteness is derived from its floppy ears, petite physique, and liveliness,” for example, would be a more contentious statement. These are three points on which people can disagree. Some people think the nicest thing about puppies is how they follow you around or how fluffy and fuzzy they are.  Putting aside the attractiveness, you want to make sure that your thesis statement is not only disputed but that it also answers the research issue completely. You should always double-check your proof to ensure that it backs up your claims (and not the other way around). So, it’s critical to first read and research a topic before deciding. If you try to integrate your research into your thesis statement, it might not go as smoothly as you want. You find more than you learn more (and the outcome may not be what you originally thought). Furthermore, your thesis statement should not be overly broad or grand. In a thesis statement like “The federal government should act soon on climate change,” it will be difficult to include everything. So, now that you know what makes up a strong thesis statement, you can begin writing your own. Check out our selection of thesis statement examples below if you’re stuck or if you’re the type of person who needs to look at examples before starting something.

Where does your Thesis Statement Go?

Your thesis statement should appear anywhere in the first few paragraphs of your paper, usually as the last sentence of the introduction. A thesis statement is typically one sentence long, but for more complex issues, you may find it more beneficial to split it into two sentences. Read Also: What Does A High School Diploma Or Equivalent Mean?

Examples of Thesis

Please keep in mind that this thesis statements have not been thoroughly studied. These are just examples of how a thesis statement may appear and how you might incorporate your own thoughts into one that you come up with on your own. As a result, refrain from using these thesis statements in your own research report. They are just intended to be used as examples.

#1. Vaccinations

We allow that all healthy and able children be vaccinated so that we have herd immunity due to it cannot vaccinate many children because of illness. 

#2. Low-Income Students’ Educational Resources

Low-income pupils should have access to educational resources during the summer so that they don’t forget what they’ve learned during the school year.

#3. School Uniforms

School uniforms may be an out-of-pocket expense for families, but they eliminate visible income disparities between students and provide a more fair environment at school.

#4. Populism

Increased globalization, losing manufacturing employment, and the Syrian refugee crisis all had something to do with the growth of populism on the 2016 political stage. Public libraries are essential community resources that should be supported more strongly by local governments.

#5. Cyber Bullying

Cyberbullying is on the rise as more teenagers use smartphones and social media. Many teenagers are stressed by cyberbullying, which can lead to despair, anxiety, and even suicidal thoughts. To counteract cyberbullying, parents should limit their children’s use of smartphones, monitor their children’s online behaviour, and report any cyberbullying to school officials. 

#6. Medical Marijuana for Veterans

Studies have demonstrated that using medicinal marijuana can aid veterans with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) (PTSD). All states should make medicinal marijuana prescriptions lawful, and these veterans should be able to get them. In order to help them reintegrate back into civilian life, additional medical or therapy services should be developed and implemented.

#7. Work-Life Harmony

Corporations should offer more work-from-home options and six-hour workdays so that office workers may achieve a better work-life balance and be more productive at the office. I Suggest You Also Read: 20 Top Book Publishing Houses In Houston

#8. Consensual Sex Education for Youth

Although sex education that includes a discussion of voluntary sex is likely to reduce sexual assault, parents must teach their children the meaning of consent at an early age through age-appropriate courses.

#9. Choosing Whether to Go to University

A university degree delivers significant life and career lessons, but not every high school student should be pushed to enrol in a university right after graduation. Some students may benefit from attending a trade school or taking a “gap year” where they can focus more intently on what they want to do as a career and how to get there.

#10. Studying in a Foreign Country

One of the most culturally valuable experiences you can have in college is studying abroad. It’s the only method to fully immerse yourself in another language while also learning about other cultures and places.

#11. Body Image in Women

Magazines have made strides in the previous five years to include a more diverse group of models, but there is still a long way to go in terms of collectively promoting a healthy woman’s body image.

#12. Tax on cigarettes

Taxing and raising the price of cigarettes is essentially a tax on the poorest Americans, but it has little effect on their purchasing decisions. Instead, the state and federal governments should educate the economically disadvantaged about the consequences of smoking at a young age.

#13. Veganism

Veganism, while a healthy and ethical method of eating, denotes a privileged status. If you travel around the world, it also limits your access to various cultural eating experiences.

#14. Athletes at the university level should be compensated

University athletes should be compensated for their contributions to the university, as finding and keeping a job is challenging for these students because of their hectic academic and athletic commitments. Many student-athletes on scholarships come from low-income families, and it can be difficult for them to make ends meet while engaging in sports.

#15. The Workforce of Women

In her best-selling book, Lean In, Sheryl Sandberg makes a lot of intriguing points, yet she primarily addressed the relatively affluent working woman and ignored those in lower-skilled, lower-wage positions.

#16. Suicide with the Help of Others

Assisted suicide should be legalized, and doctors should be able to provide their patients with the end-of-life treatment they desire.

#17. Political Activism and Celebrity

Although Taylor Swift’s lyrics reflect a feminist viewpoint, she should be more politically involved and vocal in order to use her position of power for the greater good.

#18. The Civil War was fought between the United States and the Con

Many Southerners claim the South seceded from the Union for states’ rights rather than to keep slavery alive, perpetuating a destructive myth that still affects race relations today.

#19. Blue-Collar Employees

Coal miners and other blue-collar people whose jobs are being phased out of the workforce should be retrained for careers in technology or renewable energy. A retraining program for these individuals would not only boost local economies where employment have been lost, but it would also contribute to increased productivity.

#20. Workforce Diversification

In an office setting, having a varied group of people leads to more rich ideas, greater teamwork, and more empathy between people of different skin colours or backgrounds.

#21. The Nuclear Family Re-imagined

Traditionally, a nuclear family comprised one mother, one father, and 2.5 children. This antiquated image of family life is out of date in today’s society. Normal family life should not be defined solely in terms of parent families.

#22. Skills in Digital Literacy

With more information available than ever before, it must prepare students to assess the material they’re reading and determine if it’s a reliable source or contains inaccurate information. It is critical to teach pupils digital literacy and to assist them in distinguishing between opinion or propaganda and accurate information.

#23. Pageants of Beauty

The idea behind beauty pageants is that they empower women. Putting women in swimsuits on a stage and assessing them on how well they answer an impossible question in a short time is cruel and solely for the entertainment of men. As a result, we should no longer broadcast beauty pageants. Related Article: What Are College Prep Classes And Courses

#24. Supporting More Women to Run for a Political

More women must run for office in order to increase the number of women in political posts. There needs to be a grassroots movement to educate women on how to run for office, who should run, and how to support a potential candidate in order to get a political career started. 

How Do You Write A Thesis?

The type of thesis statement you create will be determined by the paper you’re writing. The following are examples of how to write several types of thesis statements: 

#1. Argumentative Thesis

Decide on a topic.

The central notion of your paper is your topic. It’s usually a few phrases or a sentence that sums up your paper’s topic. Make your topic as specific as workable in your thesis statement.

Give your major point of view on the subject.

What do you want to say or prove about your subject? What exactly are you trying to persuade the reader of? If you’re going to express an opinion, make sure it’s well-informed. 

Express a major concept

Name the subject and make a precise claim about it.Take a stand on a subject that you can back up with evidence and arguments.Declare your stance on the matter or your view on it. Give a cause to back up your main point.Make a concise statement with your reason. Make sure you can back up your argument with logical facts and evidence.

Give one extra reason to back up your primary point.

Give us one reason you believe what you believe. Make a concise statement with your reason. Ensure that you can support this reason with logical facts and evidence. 

If applicable, include a counterpoint to your major claim

A strong thesis statement recognizes that there is always a counter-argument. As a result, include a counterargument to your point of view. Basically, write what someone who opposes your viewpoint may say about your subject.

#2. Analytical Thesis Statement

Your work, what you explicitly investigated, and the conclusion(s) you reached because of that study are all stated in an analytical thesis. 

#3. Expository Thesis Statement

The topic of your paper is stated in an expository thesis statement, which also lists the major parts of your issue that will be explored in the paper.

What is Thesis Statement in an Essay?

The elementary point of a research paper or essay, like an expository essay or an argumentative essay, is expressed in a thesis statement, which is one phrase long. It makes a claim while also directly responding to a question. Mostly, the last line of the first paragraph of your research paper or essay can serve as your thesis statement.

What Rules are there in Thesis Statement?

The following are rules you must consider when writing a thesis statement.

Make a powerful statement. A thesis statement is a statement that makes a claim.Neither too narrow nor too broad.Avoid being hazy. Have a goal in mind.

How Long is a Thesis Statement?

You should probably strive for a single sentence that is at least two lines lengthy (about 30 to 40 words). Remember to always place your thesis statement at the start of an essay. This is because it is a sentence that informs the reader about the topic the writer will be discussing. There is no deadline or “choice” that obligates you to write a thesis; you have the option of not writing a thesis. The thesis is a 30-50 page (double spaced) document that comprises the following sections: acknowledgements, contributions, table of contents, abstract, introduction, method, findings, figures, discussion, and references You can complete a scientific study by writing a thesis, which includes the following steps: conception, planning, research, troubleshooting, analysis, interpretation, and formal communication. No. Biographical notes are typically not required. Your department may have guidelines for quotations, footnotes, and bibliographic references.


The core of your essay is a thesis statement. However, you may discover that you’ve strayed from your original point when writing. Return to your thesis statement when you’ve finished drafting your essay. Consider the following questions:

Is my thesis statement clear about the issue and/or my point of view?Does my thesis statement show relevance to the facts or specifics that I discuss in my essay?Is my thesis statement simple and straightforward?

If your thesis statement does not fit all three criteria, don’t be afraid to revise it. If it does, that’s fantastic! You’ve written a strong thesis statement that leads the reader through your work. Now it’s time to move on to the next section of the essay!




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