However, if you are keen to study abroad at a low cost, or no cost at all, and would not mind going through extra paperwork and applications, you could find yourself studying abroad for free, with the option to do a year or even your whole degree overseas too. With this in mind, if you want to study abroad but cannot deal with the expensive tuition, consider one of these countries where you can study abroad for free.

Study Abroad for Free by Enrolling Directly

Again, all the countries in this article are only free to attend if you register directly with the university or that country’s equivalent. For example, If you’re American, the study abroad programs that your school advertises or that you see online will still charge you, even if you study in one of the below countries. There are huge advantages for using those programs over enrolling directly, like the easy application processes, help with visas, the fact that you’re dealing with American administration people and financial terms, and much more, mostly in terms of ease and convenience. Granted that you are up for a longer-term study abroad option, and are willing to do all of the application paperwork, research on your own in terms of which classes to take, figure out if your classes abroad will count for your home university degree, and deal with the red tape that usually comes with dealing with a foreign country, then you can definitely get yourself a free study abroad scholarship in the bag.

#1. Germany

Germany, known for its excellent university system, is a place all international students can study abroad for free. Still, they are to pay a yearly administration fee, usually less than €350. Also, the country has lots of cool cities that you could study abroad while paying nothing for your education and also enjoy the advantage of low living costs, you could pass on studying in major cities like Munich.

List of Tuition Free Universities in Germany

Tuition-free universities in Germany for international students give opportunities to many undergraduate and postgraduate all over the world. They get the main opportunity in terms of qualitative education at public universities in Germany which do not accept tuition.In Germany, due to Government’s full financial commitment and it’s quest in ensuring premium standard in education, tuition fees are not charged in most German universities to both local and foreign students. This means that international students in Germany can study tuition-free too. We have made out a list of tuition-free universities in Germany where you can study for free, they include:

#2. France

France is one of the most popular places to study abroad for free. Furthermore, they do not charge tuition at their public universities, no matter where they come from. Notwithstanding, expect to pay a small administration fee and know little French. However, it is important to note that France’s most esteemed universities, called grandes écoles, do charge tuition, so stick with a public university in France if you want to study abroad for free for either undergraduate or Master’s degree programs.

List of Tuition Free Universities in France

Tuition fees in higher education institutions in France vary according to the level of education, ie whether the first cycle (undergraduate), the second cycle (master’s degree) or the third cycle (doctorate) and the body responsible, ie if it is a private act or public entity, as explained below. In some cases, the public agency may charge an additional fee for certain study programs, especially for second-cycle programs.

Tuition fees at public universities in France

First cycle of studies (Degree – license): 189,10 euros per year. For engineering courses, a tuition fee of EUR 615.10 per academic year is charged, for medical degree programs, different tuition fees are charged depending on the degree program. For example, the average monthly fee for the medical doctor is 452 euros per year. Second cycle (Master courses): 261,10 euros per year Third cycle (doctorate): 396,10 euros per year. Tuition fees at private universities in France Although tuition varies by program and institution, the average tuition for private universities in France is around 1,500 to 6,000 euros per year. Business schools usually charge tuition of about 4500 to 7000 euros per year. We have made out a list of tuition-free universities in France where you can study for free, they include:

#3. Austria

Anyone with an EU/EEA passport can study for up to eight semesters for free in Austria paying only a couple of little administration costs. However, if you are not an EU national, the university is still really cheap, around €725 each semester at the country’s public universities. Contrarily, American university fees are very expensive compared to Austrian tuition rates.

List of Tuition Free Universities in Austria

Also, have made out a list of tuition-free universities in Austria where you can study abroad for free, they include:

#4. Sweden

Sweden, the largest of the Scandinavian countries, is also considered a leader in innovation and is ranked among the top 5 countries with the highest patent per capita. Whether you are an exchange student planning a short stay in Sweden, studying for a master’s degree or studying for a full degree, you benefit from Sweden’s open and informal atmosphere, moderate classes and a wide range of progressive courses. In fact, Sweden is one of the most popular study destinations in Europe. In 2009, nearly 40,000 international students decided to study in Sweden. That is almost 10% of students this year. Specifically, If you have an EU/EEA or Swiss passport, you can study in Sweden for free. However, other nationals can expect to pay a few thousand dollars a year. Contrarily, PhD degree programs are usually free, and you even get paid. In addition, all students have the option to work while studying in Sweden.

List of Tuition Free Universities in Sweden

Because Sweden is a member of the European Union, the tuition fee rules for nationals also apply to citizens of other EU or EEA countries, and Switzerland. Exchange students are also exempt from fees, as their studies are set according to agreements between Swedish and foreign universities. Most universities in Sweden are public and tuition fees only apply to students outside the EU/EEA; fees vary between 6,000 and 45,000 EUR per academic year, depending on chosen study discipline. The three private universities in Sweden charge average tuition fees between 12,000 and 15,000 EUR/year, but for some disciplines, these could lead up to 25,000 EUR/year. Furthermore, we have made out a list of tuition-free universities in Sweden where you can study abroad for free, they include:

#5. Greece

Specifically, EU/EEA students study abroad for free in Greece, while others pay a yearly tuition fee of €1500. In addition, the fact that the cost of living in Greece is among some of the cheapest in Europe means you have the opportunity of an incredibly cheap study abroad experience. Greek higher education is fully governed by the state. Only state run institutions are recognized and allowed to provide tertiary education. Some private institutions exist – mainly branches of universities and colleges in for example the United States and the UK. These in turn offer degrees accepted by the governing bodies of the parent country. As with most private schooling, tuition fees are considerably higher than for the public universities in Greece. However, you will need to learn Greek if you don’t know it already to be able to enjoy any of the study abroad scholarships in Greece.

List of Tuition Free Universities in Greece

Furthermore, we have made out a list of tuition-free universities in Greece where you can study abroad for free, they include:

#6. Iceland

To begin with, public universities are free for all students in Iceland, no matter where they come from (5% of higher ed students are international). However, most of the classes are taught in Icelandic. Therefore, to get a study abroad semester (or years) in one of the most popular countries to visit right now (Iceland), you should at least be able to speak Icelandic or find some great classes in English.

List of Tuition Free Universities in Iceland

Study costs in Iceland will depend on a variety of factors such as the university you are choosing to attend, the course you wish to take and whether you are an EU or non-EU student. Private universities charge tuition fees that are comparatively low compared to other European institutions while public universities have an annual registration fee in the place of a tuition. Non-EU students will be required to pay for an application fee as well.  Also, we have made out a list of tuition-free universities in Iceland for international students where you can study for free, they include:

#7. Czech Republic

Czech Republic offers study abroad scholarships to students from all nationalities who can speak Czech to study for free. Nevertheless, even if you can’t, you can get registered in a language class for about $900 per semester. It’s a small price to pay for free education in one of Europe’s coolest and most affordable countries. However, you do not need a lot of money to study abroad. Consequently, with extra effort, patience, and flexibility on location, you can study abroad for free or at a very low cost.

List of Tuition Free Universities in Czech Republic 

Tuition fees at public higher education institutions in the Czech Republic vary depending on the language of instruction of the course or study program. For studies in Czech language, students are exempted from paying tuition fees. For studies in English or any other foreign language, public as well as private institutions charge tuition fees starting at approximately 1000 EUR per semester. Furthermore, public institutions may charge non-refundable registration fees of approximately 20 EUR (500 CZK) following the rules as set forth by the Czech Republic Higher Education Act, while private institutions are free to decide the amount of registration fees payable by students. Furthermore, we have made out a list of tuition-free universities in Czech Republic where you can study abroad for free, they include:

#8. Luxembourg

In addition to the three national languages (Luxembourgish, German and French) in Luxembourg, English is taught compulsorily. Consequently, a large part of the population of Luxembourg can speak English. Also, the University of Luxembourg is the only university-based in Luxembourg international. Apart from an €800 fee in the first year and a €400 yearly fee after that, it’s completely free to study here, for all students. In general, tuition at higher education in Luxembourg is conducted in English and any of the official languages of Luxembourg, which affords students the opportunity to become fluent in several languages while earning a university degree. Luxembourg, a founding member of the European Union, hosts some of Europe’s most important institutions, such as the European Court of Justice or the European Investment Bank.

List of Tuition Free Universities in Luxembourg  

Students don’t have to pay tuition fees for the majority of study programs at higher education in Luxembourg, with the exemption of a few specific courses, with tuition fees starting at about 600 EUR per semester. However, students have to pay a small registration fee of 100 EUR per semester. Also, we have made out a list of tuition-free universities in Luxembourg where you can study for free, they include:

#9. Norway

In Norway, public education is virtually free, regardless of nationality. The academic year has two semesters, which begins from August to December and from January to June. The main responsibility for education lies with the Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research. Speak Norwegian? Great. You can study abroad for free in Norway for just a registration fee of about $50.

List of Tuition Free Universities in Norway  

Tuition fees at public higher education institutions in the Czech Republic vary depending on the language of instruction of the course or study program. For studies in Czech language, students are exempted from paying tuition fees. For studies in English or any other foreign language, public as well as private institutions charge tuition fees starting at approximately 1000 EUR per semester. Furthermore, public institutions may charge non-refundable registration fees of approximately 20 EUR (500 CZK) following the rules as set forth by the Czech Republic Higher Education Act, while private institutions are free to decide the amount of registration fees payable by students. Furthermore, we have made out a list of tuition-free universities in Norway where you can study abroad for free, they include:

#10. Brazil

If you can speak Portuguese, you can get yourself a free education at one of Brazil’s esteemed public universities for just a very small registration fee when your course begins. Of course, you will need to take a test, just as other potential Brazilian students will do. Also, to demonstrate your Portuguese skill level, you will need to get a CELPE-Bras certificate.

List of Tuition Free Universities in Brazil

Furthermore, we have made out a list of tuition free universities in Brazil where you can study for free, they include:

#11. Japan

The government is keen to attract more international students, and has set a target of having 300,000 foreign students in the country by 2020 (it reached the 100,000 mark in 2003). As a result, universities are focusing on making life easier for foreign students, from the application process all the way through to finding a job after graduation.

List of Tuition Free Universities in japan

Tuition fees in Japan are relatively cheap, especially compared to those in the US and the UK. The fees for international students are quite low and there are several scholarships that students can apply for financial support. For example, fees at the top of the University of Tokyo start at 485,900 yen (3,520 GBP) for students. There is also an admission fee of 248,500 yen (1,800 pounds). However, do not assume that most elite universities charge higher tuition fees as some lesser-known institutions are known to charge higher fees. Another prestigious university, Kyoto University, charges a much higher fee of 535,800 yen (£ 3,900), but it is rare for fees to exceed that amount. In addition to tuition, students must pay an admission fee, which is usually 282,000 yen (£ 2,000). The tuition fees vary between different universities. Check the prices at the universities you are interested in. Furthermore, we have made out a list of tuition free universities in Japan where you can study for free, they include:


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