Its aim is to foster human resources who will become bridges of friendship between the scholarship recipient’s country and Japan through study in Japan and who will contribute to the development of both countries and the wider world.

About The Sponsor

The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology, also known as MEXT, Monka-shō, and formerly the Ministry of Education, Science, and Culture, is one of the ministries of the Japanese government. MEXT is led by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology, who is a member of the Cabinet and is chosen by the Prime Minister, typically from the members of the Diet.

Why the Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship Program?

MEXT is one of three ministries that run the JET Programme. It also offers the Monbukagakusho Scholarship, also known as the MEXT or Monbu-shō scholarship.

Types of Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship Program

 There are six types of Japanese government-sponsored scholarships available under the Japanese Government MEXT Scholarship program. Those for

research students,teacher training students,undergraduate university students,Japanese studies students,college of technology students,special training students.

Those wishing to apply for a scholarship should meet one of the criteria listed below:

Recommended by a Japanese embassy or consulate-general (Embassy Recommendation).Recommended by the Japanese university which will accept you (University Recommendation).Selected by the Japanese university in which you are currently enrolled if you are a privately-financed student already studying in Japan (Domestic Selection).

Embassy Recommendation

In this type of scholarship, scholarship recipients are recruited and initially screened by a Japanese embassy (or consulate general, depending on the country).Also, the application process differs according to the country in which the Japanese embassy is located, please inquire at the Japanese embassy or consulate general in your country for details.

Research student, Undergraduate student, College of Technology student, and Special training college student

Recruitment for those arriving in Japan next April is made between April and May. The initial screening (documentary examination, written test, and interview) is made at the embassy between June and July. The embassy then recommends the selected candidates to the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (MEXT) through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs by late August.

Teacher Training And Japanese Studies student

Recruitment for those arriving in Japan next October is made between December of the previous year and the following February. Screening is conducted between Mid-February and March. Selected candidates are recommended to the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (MEXT) through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs by the beginning of April. Past exam questions of these courses have not been disclosed. Please refer to the Japanese and English examination questions in the Past Examination Questions.

University Recommendation

(1) Research students and Japanese studies students who will be studying in Japan as exchange students based on inter-university student exchange agreements can be screened through the national, public or private Japanese university involved as a candidate for a Japanese Government Scholarship. The university directly recommends the selected candidates to the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (MEXT). (2) Research students recommended by a university for study in Japan as government-sponsored scholarship recipients basically arrive in Japan in October. Japanese studies students basically arrive in Japan in October according to the university program. Universities recommend candidates to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (MEXT) by mid-April.

Domestic Selection

(1) Privately financed, full-time postgraduate foreign students, prospective postgraduate students, and full-time, prospective fourth-year undergraduate university students (prospective sixth-year students in the case of medical schools, etc.) are granted domestic selection scholarships that begin in April. Recruitment is conducted through national, public, and private universities with the exception of junior colleges. (2) Universities carefully screen academically and individually excellent students and recommend them by mid-December as government-sponsored scholarship candidates to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (MEXT).

Fields of Study

Fields of study must be subjects which applicants will be able to study and research at Japanese universities.

Host Nationality

The Scholarship is to be taken in Japan. Read also if you wish to study outside your home country Simple and Detailed Answers about Applying and Winning a Scholarship.

Eligible Nationality

The scholarship is open to all Nationalities. If you are an international student and you wish to study in the UK, this is for your Complete Guide to Getting A UK Tier 4 Student Visa For International Students.

Scholarship Benefits

Successful applicants receive scholarship benefits in the form of stipends, travel costs, and school fees.


Scholarship recipients will be provided with a monthly stipend of 146,000 JPY (Research Student). This stipend is subject to change as specified by the regulations of the MEXT Scholarship program. The monthly stipend will not be paid to those who take a leave of absence or is long absent from Tokyo Tech. Please note that the scholarship will be canceled in the following cases, and the recipient may be ordered to return stipend payments already received:

2. Travel Costs

According to his/her itinerary and route as designated by MEXT, recipients will be provided with an economy class air ticket from the international airport closest to their place of residence to Narita or Haneda International Airport. The ticket will be issued only for a route departing from the airport indicated in the application. Expenses such as inland transportation from the recipient’s place of residence to the nearest international airport, airport tax, airport usage charges, special taxes on overseas travel and travel expenses within Japan will NOT be covered. (In principle, the place of residence of the recipient shall be the address stated in the application form.) Air travel from a country other than that of the recipient’s country of citizenship will not be covered by the scholarship. Air tickets will not be covered if the recipient chooses to travel to Japan before or after the period designated by MEXT. An economy class air ticket for a flight from Narita or Haneda International Airport to the international airport closest to the recipient’s place of residence in his/her country of citizenship will be provided upon separate application as long as the recipient returns to his/her country during the final month in which he/she receives the scholarship. Note: (1) Insurance premiums for travel to/from Japan shall be borne by the recipient. The airport the recipient departs from or returns to must be an airport of the country of his/her citizenship.(2) In some cases, the return air ticket may be provided by Tokyo Tech.

School Fees

Fees for matriculation, tuition, and entrance examinations will be waived by Tokyo Tech.

Who Is Eligible For MEXT Scholarship Program?

  1. Eligibility is limited to applicants who are not residing in Japan and who will be able to arrive in Japan prior to the enrollment period as a graduate-level student. In addition, applicants must have demonstrated excellent academic achievement with a grade point average of 2.30 (out of 3.00) or above in the last two academic years and meet certain criteria. Finally, each applicant must have obtained either

An official recommendation from a university with which Tokyo Tech has a formal agreementAn official recommendation from the president or representative(e.g. director or dean) of a university with which Tokyo Tech has established bilateral activities.

2. Nationality

Applicants must have the nationality of a country that has diplomatic relations with Japan. Applicants with Japanese nationality are not eligible unless they are dual nationals of Japan and another country and reside outside of Japan at the time of application. Dual national applicants selected for the scholarship will be required to renounce their Japanese nationality by the date of their arrival in Japan.

3. Age

In principle, applicants must have been born on or after April 2, 1983.

4. Academic Background

Applicants must have graduated from a Japanese university or have academic ability equal or superior to that of a Japanese university graduate. The applicant will be deemed to have academic ability equal or superior to that of a Japanese university graduate if he/she: Note: Eligible applicants include those who otherwise satisfy or will satisfy qualification requirements for admission to a Japanese graduate school.

5. Major Field of Study

Each applicant should apply for the field of study he/she studied at the previous university or a related field. Each applicant must identify a field in which he/she can receive education and perform research at Tokyo Tech.

  1. Japanese Proficiency

For research in fields which require the Japanese language (e.g. Japanese history, linguistics), applicants must have the ability to conduct research in Japanese.

7. Health

Applicants must be physically and mentally able to pursue studies at Tokyo Tech.

8. Arrival in Japan

Applicants must be able to leave for and arrive in Japan within two weeks of the date set by the Tokyo Institute of Technology for the beginning of the third quarter in September 2019.

9. Visa Requirement

Applicants must acquire College Student (ryugaku) visas before entering Japan. They then enter Japan with the College Student (ryugaku) residence status. Please also note that those who change their visa status to one other than College Student after arrival in Japan will lose their qualification to be Japanese Government Scholarship recipients from the date their visa status changes.

10. Community engagement

Applicants should be willing to participate in community events held in Japan to promote mutual understanding. After returning to their home country, scholarship recipients shall maintain close contact with Tokyo Tech, cooperate with the conducting of post-return survey questionnaires, participate in events conducted by local Japanese diplomatic missions, and endeavor to improve relations between their home country and Japan.

11. Other

Applicants who meet any or all of the following conditions are not eligible, and if identified after the start of the scholarship period, they will be required to withdraw from the scholarship.

Japenese MEXT Scholarship Application  

Interested applicants should visit Research Student: Undergraduate Student: College of Technology: Specialized Training: In addition, each applicant must submit one set of the following documents to the Japanese diplomatic mission by the specified date. Note 1: These documents must be written in either Japanese or English. A document written in any other language must be attached to a Japanese or English translation. Note 2: Photographs attached to the original application must be originals; copies are not acceptable. Note 3: Field of specialization and research program documents should clearly describe the applicant’s own research program because it will serve as important materials for the placement of the applicant at a university. Note 4: The academic transcripts of the last university attended should be prepared to show the grade scale applied and the grades earned by the applicant on all the subjects studied for each year studied at a university department/faculty and a graduate school. (A degree certificate or a graduation certificate simply showing the ranking of the applicant at graduation will not substitute for academic transcripts.) Note 5: The graduation certificate and the degree certificate obtained from the last university attended may be substituted for by a photocopy thereof provided that the copy is attested by the authorized person of the university. Note 6: For abstracts of the thesis, abstracts of the graduation thesis and presented papers will suffice. Please note that these abstracts will be used as basic data for the evaluation of the applicant’s academic ability.

Application Deadline

The application submission deadlines and process of selection may differ from country to country. Please check from the Embassy of Japan in your home country.

Free Sample Questions For Japanese MEXT Exams.

There are many Japan MEXT Scholarship Past Questions or All levels, The Scholarship Past Question is divided into English and Japanese for International Students to have access to it. Here is a sample of such questions.
You can also access full questions here is the official Link to the Past Questions and Answers. The MEXT scholarship is a financial aid program sponsored by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan. No. MEXT scholarship is not difficult when you prepare well with our past questions document. The best preparation technique is to use the exam past questions. Foreigners with a “student visas” are not allowed to work full-time. However, they can do part-time. To study in Japan; you must possess a student visa in addition to supporting documents. Foreigners can work in diverse arms of the Japanese workforce ranging from Engineering to Cybersecurity. The minimum salary in Japan is 985 yen. Yes, Japanese universities teach in English in addition to other languages.


As a government-sponsored financial aid, you have access to funds for tuition, books & other expenses. Why wait? Start your application process immediately.