No matter why someone seeks attention, it can be incredibly frustrating for those around them. Attention seekers may seem harmless at first, but often their behavior requires a lot of patience and compassion from those who care about them. In this article, we have a collection of some of the famous Attention Seeker Quotes that might interest you. Check them out!

Attention Seeker Quotes


It’s important to be mindful of the attention seekers in our lives. While it’s natural to want to help and support them, it’s also important to set boundaries. If we allow ourselves to be taken advantage of, we’ll only end up feeling drained and resentful. If you’re not sure how to handle an attention seeker, there are plenty of resources available online and in books. -Criss Jami. -Dennis Prager. -Riichi Yokomitsu. -Oliver Goldsmith. -De philosopher DJ Kyos. -Donna Lynn Hope. -Edmond Mbiaka. -Alexander Graham Bell. -Matshona Dhliwayo. -David Walliams. -Terry Pratchett. -Mandy Hale. -Curley’s Wife.

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