About Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Award

Robert F. Kennedy believed that each individual holds the power to invoke change, that a single voice has the ability to declare an iniquity, and that each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope. In the spirit of Robert F. Kennedy’s ideals, the Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Award was established in 1984 to honor these courageous and innovative individuals striving for social justice throughout the world. The recipients are chosen through an extensive annual selection process. Every year, the public is invited to nominate courageous non-governmental human rights defenders. A panel of independent judges selects the honoree. The recipients are awarded based on their dedication and accomplishments toward social justice and their non-violent tactics used to achieve their goals. Ideally, the nominee should be associated with, or lead, a non-governmental organization which is a major contributor to a social movement working to achieve social change, and should be working for social change within their country of origin.



Eligible countries for Robert F. Kennedy Award

This award is open to all countries.

Who Is Eligible for Robert F. Kennedy human right Award

Persons and organizations working non-violently to promote and protect human rights of any race, creed, religion, nationality, gender, or sexual orientation are eligible for the Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Award.Nominees must not be part of a government institution or have an official role within a political party, although the nominee can be affiliated with a political party.Additionally, nominees must not be self-nominated and nominees must not be nominated for the purposes of a lifetime achievement award or a posthumous award.

Cash Prize for Robert F. Kennedy Award

A one-time total cash prize of U.S. $30,000 will be given to the nominee selected to receive the Award. While it is preferable that one nominee is given the Award, if more than one recipient is selected in a year, the cash prize will be divided equally among the recipients.

Award Ceremony

The ceremony is held in Washington, D.C. in November. The recipients are expected to travel to the U.S. to receive the Award at the ceremony in their honor, unless there are extenuating circumstances.

Procedures for Nomination for Robert F. Kennedy Award

Anyone can nominate for the Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Award. Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights seeks nominations from a wide spectrum of individuals likely to know of appropriate candidates. While the Human Rights Award Judges may not nominate candidates for the Award, they may re-nominate candidates who were nominated but not selected in the previous year.There is no limit to the number of nominations an individual can make. Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights will request and collect nominations and assemble supporting materials for presentation to the Judges.Those nominations that clearly do not fall within the established criteria will not be presented to the Judges.

Application Deadline: The deadline for all entries is February 1, annually. For More Information: Visit the Official Webpage of the Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Award for Human Right Defenders

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