This home pen-and-paper test is free, takes only 15 minutes, and accurately identifies the early symptoms of Alzheimer’s or dementia. And if, due to the stress and exhaustion of care, you feel that your brain has slowed down in function, this quick SAGE test online can assure you that there is no problem with your cognitive function. In this writing, we will equip you with everything you need to know about the SAGE Test including, its important, who should take it, how it is administered, result interpretations, and what to do after taking it.

About SAGE Test

Self-Administered Gerocognitive Exam (SAGE) is designed to identify early signs of cognitive, memory, or thinking disorders. It evaluates your thinking skills and helps doctors know how well your brain is working. This online dementia home self-assessment tool has been scientifically evaluated and has shown good results in accurately identifying cognitive deficits.

What is the SAGE Test?

The SAGE test for dementia is a written test used for people who are at risk of dementia or who are suspected of developing symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease or related dementia. SAGE stands for the Self-Administered Gerocognitive Exam and was also known as the OSU Memory Test because it was developed at the Wexner Medical Center of Ohio State University. SAGE is pretty simple and usually takes between 10 and 15 minutes to complete. The questions include:

Orientation (knowing the date)Simple mathshort term memorynames of objects or animalsProblem-solving abilityThe clock test

To clarify, here are some sample questions that may be included in the SAGE test.

How many nickels are in 60 cents?Write down the names of 12 different animals.How are a bicycle and a train similar?

The idea is to test multiple areas of cognition, or how well a person is thinking, as the death of brain cells from dementia affects a person’s ability to understand or communicate in a measurable way. For example, the test includes drawing 3D boxes as people with dementia have difficulty with spatial recognition. The SAGE is available in English (US), English (New Zealand), Dutch, Spanish, Italian, and Croatian. A digital version of the SAGE test is also available and has been shown to provide similar results for participants in a research study designed to test its validity.

Who should take a SAGE Test online?

If you’re wondering whether to ask your loved one to take the SAGE, look out for the earliest symptoms of dementia:

Difficulty with familiar taskslose sight of time or placeProblems finding the right wordsOften lose thingsInability to make decisionsExtreme mood swings

Is it important to take a SAGE test?

You may want to take SAGE if you are concerned about having cognitive problems. Or, you may want your family or friends to take the test if they have memory or thinking problems. The difficulties listed can be early signs of cognitive and brain dysfunction. While dementia or Alzheimer’s disease can lead to these symptoms, there are many other treatable conditions that can also cause these signs. It is normal to experience memory loss as you get older and to take longer to remember events. If the changes you are experiencing are worrying you or others around you, SAGE can be a helpful tool in assessing whether further assessments are needed. Remember, SAGE does not diagnose a specific condition. SAGE results don’t tell you if you have Alzheimer’s, mini-strokes, or a range of other conditions. However, the results can help your doctor determine if further evaluation is needed. The SAGE only requires that the test be printed and then filled out. No training is required to administer the SAGE. It’s much easier than neurological exams and even saves a visit to the doctor’s office. Are you planning to enter a high school in Florida? You need to click and explore the Pert Practice Test : Tips & Tricks, Study Guide & Sample Questions

Can SAGE Test really detect dementia?

Ohio State researchers rated study participants using SAGE and then rated the same subjects using other established assessment tools. The test has a sensitivity of 79 percent and a false positive rate of 5 percent in detecting cognitive impairment in normal subjects. An easy-to-use tool can be helpful if you are concerned about possible early signs of dementia. The SAGE is a quick, easy test that tells you if further steps should be taken, and it’s been shown to be effective at identifying thinking problems that may indicate Alzheimer’s or related dementia. It is important to note that the SAGE is not intended for home diagnosis. Rather, the results should be analyzed by a doctor who can properly evaluate the test and decide whether further tests are needed. Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias are difficult to diagnose, but with the SAGE it is possible to get a good idea of ​​whether or not a person has the disease. In other words, the results of the SAGE are an indicator that a doctor can use to help diagnose. In fact, the test does not include an answer sheet as there are several correct answers and the results are best analyzed by doctors.

How accurate is SAGE Test?

Studies have shown that SAGE is an accurate indicator of whether someone has dementia. When hundreds of people aged 60 and older were given the SAGE test, it was predicted whether or not they would develop dementia with an accuracy of about 95 percent. Without actually going to the doctor’s office, the SAGE is the most accurate way to find out if someone is developing early signs of dementia.

What are the SAGE Test requirements?

You don’t need any special equipment to take SAGE – just a pen and paper. Just click the link to download the test. Print it out and answer the questions in ink without the help of others. Do not look at the clock or calendar during the test. If you have any questions about an item, just do the best you can. The average time for this four-sided test is 10 to 15 minutes, but there is no time limit. Several forms are provided to reduce the effect of the practice on patients who may take the test multiple times. These are useful when a large number of people need to be examined quickly at the same time. When you’re done, take your answer sheet to your doctor so they can evaluate and talk to you about the results. Depending on your score, your doctor may order follow-up tests or simply keep them so they can see if there are any changes later.

How to administer the SAGE Test

Step 1 – Download and print the test. There are four different versions of the SAGE test, but you only need one. They are interchangeable and all of the same length (12 questions). The test is also available in multiple languages, including Spanish. You may find online versions of the SAGE test, but the test-taker’s computer literacy or lack of knowledge may affect the results. Therefore, it is recommended to use a printed version. You can download any of the versions below. Step 2 – Use a pencil with an eraser, the printed pages, and nothing else for the test-taker. A drawing is required for the test, so an erasable pen can help limit the test-taker’s frustration. Step 3 – Give the test taker as much time as they need to complete the test. When evaluating the results, neither the time nor the time is taken into account. The average time required is around 15 minutes. Do not pressurize the test-taker or set a timer. Step 4 – Don’t give support or answer questions. The test is self-explanatory and answering questions or providing support will negatively affect the results. When a question is difficult to understand, the person taking the exam must do their best. Step 5 – Review the results. While the SAGE test is to be assessed by a doctor, any adult can see the answers and get an idea of ​​the test participant’s performance. Reviewing the work of a loved one gives family members an overview of the test taker’s cognitive skills that they may not otherwise have. If the reviewer can determine that all of the answers are correct, he or she probably does not need to see a doctor. However, it might be a good idea to take the test again in a year to see if the results have changed. Step 6 – If upon reviewing the test-taker’s work, it is clear that they have some cognitive problems, an appointment should be made with a family doctor. A specialist is not required at this point. Instead, take the completed test to a GP to evaluate and interpret the results and determine the next steps, including whether to schedule an appointment with a neurologist who specializes in treating the brain.

SAGE Test Results Interpretation

The maximum score on the SAGE is 22, and any score below 17 is considered an indicator of thinking difficulties that should be checked by a specialist. A score of 15 or 16 indicates that the person may have mild cognitive impairment or an MCI. Fourteen or fewer indicate likely dementia. However, an answer sheet is not provided and assessment is left to GPs or specialists. However, when reviewing the completed test, it should be clear to the examiner whether the test-taker is having difficulty answering the questions or performing the tasks correctly. The researcher can add one point to the score if the participant is over 80 years old and another point if the participant has less than 12 years of education.

SAGE Test scoring

Values ​​of 17-22 are in the normal range.Values ​​of 15-16 indicate that mild cognitive impairment is likely.Scores of 14 and below indicates a more serious cognitive problem such as dementia.

You can commence the SAGE Test by downloading it on the link below

What should I do after the SAGE Test?

After you complete the test, take it to your Physician. Your doctor will evaluate it and interpret the results. If indicated, your doctor will order some tests to further evaluate your symptoms or refer you for further evaluation. If your score doesn’t indicate a need for further evaluation, your doctor can save the test as a reference for future use. This means you can do the test again in the future and the doctor can determine if there are any changes over time. You will not find an answer sheet here with which you can evaluate yourself, as many of the questions in the test were answered correctly several times. SAGE should be evaluated by your doctor. Studies have found that SAGE is an accurate indicator of whether someone has dementia. When hundreds of people aged 60 and up were administered the SAGE test, it predicted whether or not they developed dementia with about 95-percent accuracy There is a maximum score of 22 on the SAGE test and points are given for correct answers. The Self-Administered Gerocognitive Exam (SAGE) is a brief self-administered cognitive screening instrument used to identify mild cognitive impairment (MCI) from any cause and early dementia.


Many people resist going to the doctor even when there is an obvious problem. The online SAGE test can be carried out comfortably from home in a short time. Completing a completed SAGE test form at the doctor’s is an active way to deal with a potentially fully treatable medical problem.

References › brain-spine-neuro › › self-administered-gero… › sage-test-for-alzheimers-at-homeAt-Home Alzheimer’s Test: SAGE and Other Online Exams

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