It is the best college for parents who wish to send their wards to a principled, Christian school should consider. Asides from spirituality, students get all-around education including co-curricular activities like sports, drama, music, dance, outdoor education, clubs, and leadership services. They also employ technology in learning. For instance, the majority of classes from the 7th year through the 12th year are delivered through a learning management system. The lower grades are not left out, an iPad program is taught preparatory to year 2 students, while year 3 to 4 students use a set of laptops and years 5 to 9 use touch screens with digital pens. Now you know why they are that famous. Since 2016, Saint Stephens College has been the winner of the educator’s most innovative schools. Enough has been said already, let us begin with Saint Stephens College admission, tuition, acceptance rate, scholarships, and alumni. Stay with us!

Overview of Saint Stephens College

Saint Stephens College is a learning community centered on Christain principles located in Coomera, a suburb on the Gold Coast of Queensland, Australia.
It is a co-educational school that teaches preparatory to year 12 students. It strives to develop students who are of good character, empowered to reach their full potentials, and are responsible both globally and locally. Lastly, there is the early learning center, junior college and senior college. Read more: When is the Best Time to Apply for College?

Why is Saint Stephens College Famous?

According to St Stephen’s, the college has a personality that many cannot match with today.
They say it is a college that focuses on character development and equal learning opportunities. Saint Stephens have been seeing an increased enrolment from students from economically weaker sections of the society. This aligns with its statement to offer equal learning opportunities to students. Students are encouraged to learn arts from an early age by participating in the publication of Optima magazine. Some parents have some eulogies for Saint Stephens college. Read them below: “Great blend of technology and learning in the early years – which will set my children up for their future.” Kellie WIndle. Parent, Junior College. “Best school in Queensland. Highly recommend if you are looking for a school that truly cares.” Nada & Fady Andary. Parents, Senior College. “So many opportunities and great support – so every student can achieve their full potential.”Todd Johnson. Recent Graduate.

Resources at Saint Stephens College

These resources will make your tuition worth the while. Because they are so numerous to mention, we will make a list of a few of them.

What is the Acceptance rate of Saint Stephens College?

The acceptance rate at Saint Stephen’s College is dependent on passing the written test (where applicable) and an interview with the principal. Therefore, all students who meet the admission requirements are granted a space in the school. Unfortunately, not many students pass the interview stage and afford to pay the elaborate tuition fees at Saint Stephens College. However, the school remains sizeable and offers the best of education to deserving students.

Admission Process/Requirements

The decision regarding the enrolment of any child is made on the basis of full and complete information the child provides, an ,assessment and an interview with the principal or her delegate.
To enroll in Saint Stephens College, students have to fill out the Application for Enrolment form. In addition, you’ll do the following:

What is the Tuition at Saint Stephens

Before we get down to the tuition at Saint Stephen’s, we will start from the fees to be paid before and after enrolling. Upon application, students pay a non-refundable enrolment fee. After admission, the student pays an enrollment fee and deposit. If the student doesn’t commence at he college, he forfeits the fees. In addition, he pays a one-off old scholars community. The enrolment fee is $50, refundabale enrolment deposit is $600, and a scholar fee of $100. Now, the 2021 tuition fees at Saint Stephens college is: Therefore, the tuition fee at Saint Stephens College is from $1,822 to $2,491. And, international students pay between $11,658 to $12,903. Lastly, the school fees will be paid after 5 days each term commences. Furthermore, if two or more members of the same family attend Saint Stephens, they will get the following reductions:

Are there Scholarships/Financial Aids at Saint Stephens College?

Yes, Saint Stephen’s College offers scholarships across different categories. They provide part remission on both tuition fees (up to 50%) and capital levy. Saint Stephen’s College scholarships are to students entering Years 7 and 10 and continue through to Year 12 if their performance allows. These scholarships are awarded based on the results in the test, plus a comprehensive student portfolio. Academic scholarships: These are awarded on academic reports, and the results of the scholarship test. Sports/Music/General Excellence scholarships: Awarded based on all-round ability. This entails a combination of academic, sporting, and/or cultural talents and evidence of leadership roles). Similarly, the scholarship test result. These scholarships are offered at the discretion of the principal and are kept highly confidential. Applications open in October each year with testing taking place in February for admission in the following year. Essentially, the scholarship test is administered by The Australian Council for Education Research (ACER) and supervised by Saint Stephen’s College teachers on test day. To register for the ACER scholarship test, please click here. Read Also: 15 Cheapest Colleges in Ottawa for International Students


Saint Stephens College is a great school with quite a high tuition fees. A school with the facilities and quality it has isn’t expected to charge any less. There are also tuition reduction platforms to take advantage of. Don’t worry, there are lots of fun activities for your ward to enjoy. Saint Stephens day is one of such biggest celebrations. On the last day of the third term, students, teachers, and even parents join to celebrate the official door opening of the “Flowerbank”. Seeds of Honour is awarded on this day to juniors and seniors who exhibit the “spirit of Saint Joseph College”. Also, the following year’s college captains are announced. Likewise, the college houses- bell, haley, hughes and greasley compete in Dash for wings , Tug of war and Battle of the bands.

Notable Alumni of Saint Stephen College

Just a few of the notable alumni at Saint Stephen College are:

