If this sounds like you and you’re a Nigerian, then you need to attend the National Open University of Nigeria. Here’s complete information on NOUN.


A would not be wrong if he/she says that The Open University ( OU ) is a flexible university or institute. The Open University has not only to be beneficial to students who couldn’t meet up with the regularity required by a conventional university, but it has also given a learning opportunity to those who want to further their education at the comfort of not being in the campus. The Open University is a public distance learning and research university, and one of the biggest universities that were first established in the UK for undergraduate education but now, all the Open University in the world has gone ahead to offer postgraduate courses. The majority of the OU’s undergraduate and graduate courses studied by students who are based in a particular city or country can also be studied by other students throughout the world (both undergraduate and postgraduate). There is also a number of full-time postgraduate research students based on the 48- hectare university campus where they use the OU facilities for research, as well as more than 1,000 members of academic and research staff and over 2,500 administrative, operational and support staff.


The flaws of many tertiary institutions in Nigeria do not extend The National Open University of Nigeria, because it is one of the most competent tertiary institutions in Africa. It is a Federal Open and Distance Learning (ODL) institution, the first of its kind in the West African sub-region. Considering the number of students admitted and currently studying under the umbrella of the Open University Of Nigeria it is Nigeria’s largest tertiary institution in terms of student numbers and is popularly referred to as ‘NOUN’. This Open University of Nigeria has had its ups and downs, offs and on since its establishment which is embedded in the History of this great institution. The National Open University was initially established on 22 July 1983 as a springboard for open and distance learning in Nigeria. Due to some political reasons It was suspended by the government on 25 April 1984. However, at the swing of President Olusegun Obasanjo’s administration, it was resuscitated. Its resuscitation was begun on 12 April 2001 by the former President of Nigeria, Gen. Olusegun Obasanjo. At that resuscitation, it took off with huge momentum and speed, which was evident that the take-off of this Particular university the pioneer student enrollment stood at 32,400.


Some people may be wondering how the National Open University Of Nigeria course is like; whether they are accredited or not. Here are the lists of all courses which has been approved and accredited in the National Open University of Nigeria by the National University Commission (NUC) for academic rolling sessions. Through this information it will be made known to the public, the aspirants and the students of the National Open University of Nigeria, NOUN, about the all accredited courses available for the National Universities Commission (NUC) in Nigeria’s students, and aspiring individuals. The good thing about these courses and acquiring them is the fact that you are no less a person who studied in a normal university.


Masters Degree Programmes

Postgraduate Diploma Programmes iii. MASTERS OF EDUCATION (M.Ed.) PROGRAMMES Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) Programmes (By Research) English (Language/ Literature) 2505 SCHOOL OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMME Postgraduate Diploma (PGD) Programme PGD Agricultural Extension and Management 5301/730


SCIENCE EDUCATION Master of Science Business Administration Arts & Humanities Education Undergraduate Degree Programmes Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Programme (By Course Work and Research) Programmes


Undergraduate Programmes

B.Sc. Computer Science 5202B.Sc. Communication Technology 5203B.Sc. Data Management 5204B.Sc. Environmental Science & Resource Management 5205B.Sc. Mathematics 5208B.Sc. Mathematics/Computer 5209B.Sc. Chemistry 5212B.Sc. Biology 5213B.Sc. Physics 5214B.Sc. Financial Mathematics 5215

Postgraduate Diploma Programmes Masters Degree Programme


Undergraduate Programme Postgraduate Diploma Programme


 Undergraduate programme NOUN Postgraduate Diploma Programme


Undergraduate Programme Postgraduate Diploma Programmes NOUN Management Science Masters Degree Programmes


Certificate Programmes Proficiency Certificate Programmes University (Academic) Certificate Programmes Diploma Programmes


It’s normal to stand akimbo when you hear about the attractive school fees of The National Open University of Nigeria, and that that is why the management board of the National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN) has found it necessary to release the updated school fees schedule for all newly admitted students and old students. It is in the interest if the aspirant and students of NOUN, that the management advises that they should visit their study centres before making payment for NOUN school fees. This information is specifically published here today, for all persons who need to know the current school fees of National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN).


6,000 Naira – registration cost3,500 Naira – so-called caution deposit1,500 Naira – orientation price1,500 Naira – matriculation price3,000 Naira – library fee500 Naira – price for student ID cards.4000 Naira – electronic facilitation cost5,000 Naira – an ICT administration charge6,000 Naira – price for JAMB regularization procedure5,000 Naira – the cost for results and verificationThis totals 36,000 Naira for newly admitted undergraduate students.


6,000 Naira – price for registration4,000 Naira – price for e-facilitation3,000 Naira – cost for using the university library5,000 Naira – ICT administration priceThis totals 18,000 Naira for returning students.


6,000 Naira – fee for registration at NOUN1,500 Naira – orientation price3,500 Naira – caution deposit1,500 Naira – price for matriculation500 Naira – student ID card5,000 Naira – ICT administrative price3,000 Naira – cost for using the library4,000 Naira – the price for e-facilitation10,000 Naira – cost for verifying resultsThis makes a total of 35,000 Naira.


6,000 Naira – price for registering a student3,000 Naira – cost for using the university library4,000 Naira – price for e-facilitation5,000 Naira – ICT administrative chargeThis totals 18,000 Naira for returning scholars who have chosen postgraduate courses.There are also additional fees NOUN students should consider:15,000 Naira – the price for undergraduate projects40,000 Naira – the cost of Master’s projects25,000 Naira – the price for a postgraduate diploma1,000 Naira – cost per each course’s examination for undergraduate students2,000 Naira – price per each course’s exam for all postgraduates (both Master’s and PGD)


Course materials are prerequisite materials required for carrying out or needed for the facilitation the study of a course, which consists of lecture notes, supplementary reading or exercises, and links to other sites or software. Here a list of the course materials released by the NOUN according to departments and inclinations.



1 BIO 102 old Biology of Animal2 BIO 102 General Biology II3 BIO 191 General Biology practical I4 BIO 192 General Biology Practical II5 BIO 101 General Biology I6 BIO 122 Plant Diversity7 CIT 101 Computers in Society8 CIT 102 Software Application Skills9 CIT 104 Introduction to Computers10 CIT 132 Programming in Basic11 CIT 141 Information Storage and Retrieval I12 CIT 143 Introduction to Data Organisation and Management13 CHM 101 Introductory Inorganic Chemistry14 CHM 102 Introductory to Organic Chemistry15 CHM 103 Introduction to Physical Chemistry I16 CHM 111 Introductory Inorganic Chemistry17 CHM 191 Introduction Practical Chemistry I18 CHM 192 Introductory Practical Chemistry II19 ESM 102 The Nigerian Environment20 ESM 104 Intro. to Environmental Science21 ESM 106 Environmental Resource Management22 ESM 112 Introductory Ecology23 FMT 111 Fundamentals of Financial Reporting24 MTH 133 Trigonometry25 MTH 121 Linear Algebra26 MTH 112 Differential Calculus27 MTH 122 Integral Calculus28 MTH 131 Elementary set Theory29 MTH 142 Vector and Geometry30 PHY 001 Access Physics31 PHY 111 Elementary Mechanics32 PHY 113 Heat and Properties of Matter33 PHY 124 Geometric and Wave Optics34 PHY 130 Laboratory Organization and Management35 PHY 131 Hazards in Laboratory and Laboratory Safety36 PHY 132 Electricity,Magnetism and Modern Physics37 PHY 133 Laboratory Exercise Manual38 PHY 140 Basic Apparatus in Physics II39 PHY 141 Basic ExperimentS in Physics40 PHY 191 Introductory Practical Physics I41 PHY 192 Introductory Practical Physics II


42 BIO 201 Genetics 143 BIO 203 General Physiology I44 BIO 204 Biological Techniques45 BIO 205 Introductory Developmental Cell Biology46 BIO 206 Biostatistics for Biology and Agricultural Sciences47 BIO 207 Lower Invertebrates48 BIO 208 Seedless Plant49 BIO 209 Chordates50 BIO 210 Seed Plant51 BIO 211 Coelomate Invertebrates52 BIO 212 Helminthology53 BIO 213 Chemistry of Amino Acids and Proteins54 BIO 214 Structure and Function of Major Cell Components55 BIO 215 General Biochemistry Laboratory I56 BIO 216 Chemistry of Carbohydrates, Lipids and Nucleic Acid57 BIO 217 General Microbiology58 BIO 218 General Biochemistry Laboratory II59 BIO 220 Fisheries and Wildlife60 BIO 221 Biology of Lower Animals 161 BIO 231 Biology of Cytology,genetics and Physiology62 CHM 201 Introduction to Physical Chemistry II63 CHM 203 Organic Chemistry II64 CHM 202 Analytical Chemistry 165 CHM 204 Structure and Bonding66 CHM 205 Inorganic Chemistry67 CHM 221 Elements of Group 4, 5 and 768 CHM 291 Practical Chemistry III – Inorganic69 CHM 292 Practical Chemistry IV – Physical & Organic70 CIT 208 Information Systems71 CIT 211 Introduction to Operating systems72 CIT 212 Systems Analysis and Design73 CIT 213 Elementary Data Processing74 CIT 215 Introduction to Programming Languages75 CIT 236 Analog and Digital Electronics76 CIT 237 Programming and Algorithms77 CIT 292 Computer Laboratory I78 CIT 246 Introduction to Computer Organisation79 DAM 205 Data Collection Methodology80 DAM 207 Indexing and Classification Theory81 DAM 212 Database Laboratory82 EHS 204 Introduction to Environmental Health Services83 EHS 205 Introduction to Environmental Health84 EHS 212 Pollution Control85 EHS 216 Urban Planning Management86 ESM 204 Environmental Hazards and Disaster Management87 ESM 206 Community Participation in Environmental Management88 ESM 211 Global Environmental Issues89 ESM 212 Tropical Climatology90 ESM 221 Eco tourism of Noun91 ESM 222 Water Resources Evaluation92 ESM 231 Introductory to Toxicology93 ESM 234 Soil Resources94 ESM 236 Environmental Microbiology95 ESM 238 Air Photo Interpretation, Environmental Hazards and Disaster96 ESM 291 Map Analysis97 ESM 292 Introduction to Environmental Economics98 FMT 204 Introduction to Mathematical Economics99 FMT 206 Introduction to Mathematical Softwares100 FMT 215 Quantitative Analysis In Finance101 FRM 211 Forestry and Wildlife Management102 INR 212 International Law and Diplomacy in the 20th Century103 MTH 204 Basic Mathematics for Nurses104 MTH 210 Introduction to Complex Analysis105 MTH 282 Mathematical Methods II106 MTH 213 Numerical Analysis I107 MTH 211 Set Theory and Abstract Algebra108 MTH 212 Linear Algebra109 MTH 232 Elementary Differential Equation110 MTH 241 Introduction to Real Analysis111 MTH 251 Mechanics I112 MTH 281 Mathematical Methods I113 MTH 282 Mathematical Methods IV114 PHS 216 Human Physiology115 PHY 201 Classical Mechanics I116 PHY 202 Modern Physics I117 PHY 203 Oscillation and waves118 PHY 204 Electromagnetism119 PHY 206 Network Analysis and Devices120 PHY 207 Thermodynamics121 PHY 209 Optics I122 PHY 220 Physics Laboratory I123 PHY 261 Geophysics I124 STT 211 Probability Distribution I


125 BIO 301 Genetic II126 BIO 304 General Ecology127 BIO 303 General Cytology128 BIO 305 Molecular Biology129 BIO 306 General Physiology II130 BIO 307 Evolution131 BIO 308 Biogeography132 BIO 309 Plant Breeding133 BIO 310 Protozoology134 BIO 311 Mycology135 BIO 313 Animal Ecology136 BIO 314 Animal Behavior137 BIO 316 Introduction to Bioinfomatics138 BIO 318 Immunology and Immunochemistry139 BIO 320 Microbial Ecology140 CHM 301 Physical Chemistry III141 CHM 302 Polymer Chemistry I142 CHM 303 Inorganic Chemistry III143 CHM 304 Colour Chemistry and Technology144 CHM 305 Organic Chemistry III145 CHM 306 Instrumental Method Analysis146 CHM 307 Atomic and Molecular Structures and Symmetry147 CHM 309 Organic Spectroscopy148 CHM 311 Petroleum Chemistry149 CHM 312 Industrial Chemical Processes I150 CHM 314 Environmental Chemistry151 CHM 315 Carbohydrate Chemistry152 CHM 316 Industrial Chemical Technology I153 CHM 318 Natural Products Chemistry I154 CHM 391 Practical Chemistry V155 CSP 312 Basic Soil Science156 COP 317 Producers Cooperative Management157 ESM 301 Introduction to Conflict Resolution158 ESM 304 Research Methods and Field Trips in Environmental Science159 ESM 303 Environmental Law and Policies160 ESM 306 Environmental Politics161 ESM 308 Rural Development Strategies162 ESM 311 Noise and Air Pollution163 ESM 317 Land and Water Pollution164 ESM 322 Water and WasteWater Management165 ESM 324 Urban Environmental Management166 ESM 328 Bio-diversity Conservation167 ESM 341 Introduction to Instrumentation,measurement and Field…..168 ESM 342 Environmental Impact Assessment and Environment Auditing169 ESM 343 Climate Change and the Environment170 ESM 345 Applied Climatology171 ESM 392 Remote Sensing and Radiation Principles172 CIT 371 Introduction to Computer Graphics and Animations173 CIT 303 Principles of Communication Technology174 CIT 305 Networking and Communication Technology175 CIT 309 Computer Architecture176 CIT 311 Computer Networks177 CIT 313 Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming178 CIT 333 Software Engineering I179 CIT 322 Introduction to Internet Programming180 CIT 341 Data Structures181 CIT 342 Formal Languages and Automata Theory182 CIT 344 Introduction to Computer Design183 CIT 351 C# Programming184 CIT 353 Introduction to Human-Computer Interaction185 CIT 364 Management Information Systems186 CIT 381 File Processing and management187 CIT 383 Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming188 CIT 392 Computer Laboratory II189 DAM 301 Data Mining and Data Warehousing190 DAM 344 Semantic Data Modelling191 DAM 361 Business Communication and Networks192 DAM 363 Economic Statistics193 DAM 382 Information Systems Management194 EHS 302 Ecological Sanitation195 EHS 304 Hydrology and Sanitation196 EHS 306 Sanitary Inspection of Premises197 EHS 308 Biotechnology198 EHS 312 Housing and Building Construction199 EHS 315 International Port Health Services200 EHS 316 Environmental Health Services in Emergency Situations201 EHS 317 Solid Waste Management202 EHS 319 Introduction to Demography203 EHS 322 Biometreology204 MCB 317 Immunology and Immunisation205 MTH 301 Functional Analysis I206 MTH 302 Elementary Differential Equation II207 MTH 303 Vectors and Tensors208 MTH 304 Complex Analysis209 MTH 305 Complex Analysis II210 MTH 307 Numerical Analysis II211 MTH 308 Introduction to Mathematical Modeling212 MTH 309 Optimization Theory213 MTH 311 Calculus of several Variables214 MTH 312 Groups and Rings215 MTH 315 Analytical Dynamics I216 MTH 341 Real Analysis217 MTH 381 Mathematical Method III218 MTH 382 Mathematical Methods IV219 PHY 301 Classical Mechanics220 PHY 303 Special Relativity221 PHY 306 Optics II222 PHY 308 Electronics I223 PHY 309 Quantum Mechanics I224 PHY 311 Kinetic Theory and Statistical Mechanics225 PHY 312 Mathematical Methods of Physics226 PHY 313 Mathematical Methods of Physics II227 PHY 314 Numerical Computation228 PHY 307 Solid State Physics I229 PHY 320 Physics Laboratory II230 PHY 361 Geophysics II231 PHY 364 Electronic II232 STT 311 Probability Distribution II


233 BIO 402 Cytogenetics of Plants234 BIO 403 Population Genetics235 BIO 404 Systematic Biology236 BIO 405 Hydrobiology237 BIO 406 Parasitology and Immunilogy238 BIO 407 Basic Entomology239 BIO 408 Soil Ecology240 BIO 410 Fisheries and Aquaculture241 BIO 411 Parasitology242 BIO 412 Wildlife and Conservation243 BIO 413 Developmental Biology244 BIO 414 Applied Entomology245 BIO 415 Virology and Tissue Culture246 BIO 416 Industrial Microbiology247 CIT 411 Micro-computers and Microprocessors248 CIT 412 Modelling and Simulation249 CIT 415 Introduction to e-Commerce250 CIT 425 Operations Research251 CIT 427 Database Systems and Management252 CIT 432 Software Engineering II253 CIT 445 Principles and Techniques of Compilers254 CIT 463 Introduction to Multimedia Technology255 CIT 465 Network Administration256 CIT 461 Internet Architecture and Communications257 CIT 462 Web Server Technology258 CIT 467 Visual Programming and Applications259 CIT 474 Introduction to Expert Systems260 CIT 478 Artificial Intelligence261 CIT 484 Website Design and Programming262 CHM 406 Nuclear and Radio Chemistry263 CHM 407 Reaction Kinetics264 CHM 408 Polymer Chemistry II265 CHM 413 Analytical Chemistry II266 CHM 414 Photochemistry and Pericyclic ReactionsCHM 415 Industrial Chemical Technologies II267 CHM 416 Organic Synthesis268 CHM 417 Industrial Chemical Processes II269 CHM 421 Heterocycyclic Chemistry270 CHM 422 Natural Products Chemistry II271 CHM 423 Coordination Chemistry272 DAM 401 Oracle Application273 DAM 462 Agricultural Data Systems274 DAM 463 Health Data Management275 DAM 461 Statistical Database Systems276 EHS 403 Occupational Health and Safety277 EHS 405 Environmental Toxicology278 EHS 409 Sewage and Waste Water Treatment279 EHS 411 Environmental Health Administration280 ESM 403 Environmental Perception281 ESM 405 Environmental Protection agencies Case Studies282 ESM 407 Geographic Information Systems283 ESM 411 Population, Environment and Development284 ESM 421 Elements of Land Surveying285 ESM 423 Hydrology and Water Resources286 ESM 424 Fresh Water Ecology287 ESM 426 Biogeography288 ESM 428 Ecology of Natural Resources289 ESM 431 Environmental Health and Safety290 ESM 444 Industrial Waste and Industrial Water Treatment291 ENT 417 Production Management I292 FMT 409 Monetary Economics293 MTH 401 General Topology I294 MTH 402 General Topology II295 MTH 411 Measure of Theory and Integration296 MTH 412 Functional Analysis II297 MTH 417 Electromagnetic Theory298 MTH 421 Ordinary Differential Equations299 MTH 422 Partial Differential Equations300 MTH 423 Integral Equations301 PHY 402 Nuclear Physics302 PHY 403 Electrodynamics III303 PHY 405 Electronics III304 PHY 407 Solid State Physics II305 PHY 409 Elementary Particle Physics306 PHY 410 Optics III307 PHY 454 Astrophysics308 PHY 455 Lower Atmospheric Physics309 PHY 456 Nuclear Reactor Physics310 PHY 457 Environmental Physics311 PHY 461 Geophysics III


700 LEVEL312 CIT 701 Foundation of Information and Communication Technology313 CIT 703 Information Technology and Software Development314 CIT 705 Concept and Application of e-Business315 CIT 711 Computer Fundamentals316 CIT 721 Information Systems Design and Programming317 CIT 722 Computer Networks318 CIT 723 Operating System Design and Programming319 CIT 734 Object Oriented Technology320 CIT 735 Application Software Design and Multimedia321 CIT 736 Computer Programming322 CIT 742 Multimedia Technology323 CIT 752 Operation System Concepts324 CIT 753 Introduction to the Internet325 CIT 754 Digital Communication326 CIT 755 Wireless Communication I327 CIT 756 Operations Research328 CIT 758 Wireless Communication II329 CIT 759 MicroComputing & www330 CIT 771 Computer Graphics and Animations331 HEM 701 Basics of Family Education332 HEM 702 Basics of HIV/AIDS333 HEM 703 Disease,Illness and Society334 HEM 704 Basic Anatomy and Physiology of Human Body335 HEM 705 Human Behaviour in Illness336 HEM 706 Alcohol,Drug and HIV/AIDS337 HEM 707 Bio statistics338 HEM 709 Primary Health Care and HIV/AIDS339 HEM 710 Health system management340 HEM 712 Legal and Ethical Issues of HIV/ AIDS341 HEM 717 Economics of HIV and AIDS342 HEM 726 Clinical Diagnostic Therapeutic Services of HIV/AIDS343 HEM 731 Communication and Counseling in HIV/AIDs344 HEM 742 Global Initiatives on HIV/AIDS345 HEM 745 Management and Care of HIV/AIDS


346 CIT 802 Technical Report Writing347 CIT 811 User Interface Design and Ergonomics348 CIT 831 Software Engineering Methodologies349 CIT 832 Operation Systems Concept and Networking Management350 CIT 834 Object-Oriented Programming Using C#351 CIT 835 Application Software Design and Multimedia352 CIT 841 Advanced Information Storage and Retrieval353 CIT 843 Database Management Systems I354 CIT 844 Advanced Database Management system355 CIT 851 Advance Systems Analysis and Design356 CIT 852 Data Communication and Networks357 CIT 853 Internet Concepts and web Design358 CIT 854 Network Programming and Design359 CIT 891 Advanced Multimedia Technologies



1 LED 021 Introduction to Legislative Drafting2 LED 023 Drafting Process3 LED 025 Constitutional Perspectives4 LED 027 Legislative Style,Syntax and Expression5 LED 029 Legislative Structure6 LAW 100 Introduction to Law7 LAW 111 Legal Methods I8 LAW 112 Legal Methods II


9 LAW 211 Nigerian Legal System I10 LAW 212 Nigerian Legal System II11 LAW 231 Labour Law 112 LAW 232 Labour Law II13 LAW 233 Law of Contract 114 LAW 234 Law of Contract II15 LAW 241 Human Rights Law I16 LAW 242 Human Rights Law II17 LAW 244 Constitutional Law II18 LAW 243 Constitutional Law I


19 LAW 323 Law of Torts I20 LAW 341 Criminal Law I21 LAW 342 Criminal Law II22 LAW 343 Family Law I23 LAW 331 Commercial Transaction I of Noun24 Law 321 Environmental Law I25 LAW 322 Environmental Law II26 LAW 324 Law of Torts II27 LAW 332 Commercial Transaction II28 LAW 344 Family Law II


29 LAW 411 Oil and Gas Law I30 LAW 412 Oil and Gas Law II31 LAW 423 Equity and Trust I32 LAW 441 Criminology I33 LAW 421 Land Law I34 LAW 422 Land Law II35 LAW 424 Equity and Trust II36 LAW 431 Law of Banking and Insurance I37 LAW 432 Law of Banking and Insurance II38 LAW 433 Law of Taxation I39 LAW 434 Law of Taxation II40 LAW 435 Law of Intellectual Property I41 LAW 436 Industrial Property II42 LAW 441 Introduction to Criminology II43 LAW 443 Administrative Law 144 LAW 444 Administrative Law II45 LAW 445 Law of Evidence I46 LAW 446 Law of Evidence II


47 LAW 515 Jurisprudence and legal Theory I48 LAW 516 Jurisprudence and legal Theory II49 LAW 511 Public International Law 150 LAW 512 Public International Law II51 LAW 513 Conflict of Law I52 LAW 514 Conflict of Law53 LAW 517 Alternative Dispute Resolution I54 LAW 518 Alternative Dispute Resolution II55 LAW 521 Conveyancing Legal Drafting Law I56 LAW 522 Conveyancing Legal Drafting Law II57 LAW 531 Maritime I58 LAW 532 Maritime II59 LAW 533 Company Law and Business Associations I60 LAW 534 Company Law and Business Associations II


61 LED 601 Introduction to legislative Drafting62 LED 603 Drafting Process63 LED 605 Constitutional Perspective64 LED 607 Legislative Style, Syntax and Expression65 LED 609 Legislative Structure66 LAW 600 Research Methodology in Legislative Drafting67 LED 650 Legislative Forms and Arrangement of Provisions68 LED 652 Substantive Provisions69 LED 654 Particular Cases in Drafting



1 BIO 102 old Biology of Animal2 BIO 102 General Biology II3 BIO 191 General Biology practical I4 BIO 192 General Biology Practical II5 BIO 101 General Biology I6 BIO 122 Plant Diversity7 CIT 101 Computers in Society8 CIT 102 Software Application Skills9 CIT 104 Introduction to Computers10 CIT 132 Programming in Basic11 CIT 141 Information Storage and Retrieval I12 CIT 143 Introduction to Data Organisation and Management13 CHM 101 Introductory Inorganic Chemistry14 CHM 102 Introductory to Organic Chemistry15 CHM 103 Introduction to Physical Chemistry I16 CHM 111 Introductory Inorganic Chemistry17 CHM 191 Introduction Practical Chemistry I18 CHM 192 Introductory Practical Chemistry II19 ESM 102 The Nigerian Environment20 ESM 104 Intro. to Environmental Science21 ESM 106 Environmental Resource Management22 ESM 112 Introductory Ecology23 FMT 111 Fundamentals of Financial Reporting24 MTH 133 Trigonometry25 MTH 121 Linear Algebra26 MTH 112 Differential Calculus27 MTH 122 Integral Calculus28 MTH 131 Elementary set Theory29 MTH 142 Vector and Geometry30 PHY 001 Access Physics31 PHY 111 Elementary Mechanics32 PHY 113 Heat and Properties of Matter33 PHY 124 Geometric and Wave Optics34 PHY 130 Laboratory Organization and Management35 PHY 131 Hazards in Laboratory and Laboratory Safety36 PHY 132 Electricity,Magnetism and Modern Physics37 PHY 133 Laboratory Exercise Manual38 PHY 140 Basic Apparatus in Physics II39 PHY 141 Basic ExperimentS in Physics40 PHY 191 Introductory Practical Physics I41 PHY 192 Introductory Practical Physics II


42 BIO 201 Genetics 143 BIO 203 General Physiology I44 BIO 204 Biological Techniques45 BIO 205 Introductory Developmental Cell Biology46 BIO 206 Biostatistics for Biology and Agricultural Sciences47 BIO 207 Lower Invertebrates48 BIO 208 Seedless Plant49 BIO 209 Chordates50 BIO 210 Seed Plant51 BIO 211 Coelomate Invertebrates52 BIO 212 Helminthology53 BIO 213 Chemistry of Amino Acids and Proteins54 BIO 214 Structure and Function of Major Cell Components55 BIO 215 General Biochemistry Laboratory I56 BIO 216 Chemistry of Carbohydrates, Lipids and Nucleic Acid57 BIO 217 General Microbiology58 BIO 218 General Biochemistry Laboratory II59 BIO 220 Fisheries and Wildlife60 BIO 221 Biology of Lower Animals 161 BIO 231 Biology of Cytology,genetics and Physiology62 CHM 201 Introduction to Physical Chemistry II63 CHM 203 Organic Chemistry II64 CHM 202 Analytical Chemistry 165 CHM 204 Structure and Bonding66 CHM 205 Inorganic Chemistry67 CHM 221 Elements of Group 4, 5 and 768 CHM 291 Practical Chemistry III – Inorganic69 CHM 292 Practical Chemistry IV – Physical & Organic70 CIT 208 Information Systems71 CIT 211 Introduction to Operating systems72 CIT 212 Systems Analysis and Design73 CIT 213 Elementary Data Processing74 CIT 215 Introduction to Programming Languages75 CIT 236 Analog and Digital Electronics76 CIT 237 Programming and Algorithms77 CIT 292 Computer Laboratory I78 CIT 246 Introduction to Computer Organisation79 DAM 205 Data Collection Methodology80 DAM 207 Indexing and Classification Theory81 DAM 212 Database Laboratory82 EHS 204 Introduction to Environmental Health Services83 EHS 205 Introduction to Environmental Health84 EHS 212 Pollution Control85 EHS 216 Urban Planning Management86 ESM 204 Environmental Hazards and Disaster Management87 ESM 206 Community Participation in Environmental Management88 ESM 211 Global Environmental Issues89 ESM 212 Tropical Climatology90 ESM 221 Eco tourism91 ESM 222 Water Resources Evaluation92 ESM 231 Introductory to Toxicology93 ESM 234 Soil Resources94 ESM 236 Environmental Microbiology95 ESM 238 Air Photo Interpretation, Environmental Hazards and Disaster96 ESM 291 Map Analysis97 ESM 292 Introduction to Environmental Economics98 FMT 204 Introduction to Mathematical Economics99 FMT 206 Introduction to Mathematical Softwares100 FMT 215 Quantitative Analysis In Finance101 FRM 211 Forestry and Wildlife Management102 INR 212 International Law and Diplomacy in the 20th Century103 MTH 204 Basic Mathematics for Nurses104 MTH 210 Introduction to Complex Analysis105 MTH 282 Mathematical Methods II106 MTH 213 Numerical Analysis I107 MTH 211 Set Theory and Abstract Algebra108 MTH 212 Linear Algebra109 MTH 232 Elementary Differential Equation110 MTH 241 Introduction to Real Analysis111 MTH 251 Mechanics I112 MTH 281 Mathematical Methods I113 MTH 282 Mathematical Methods IV114 PHS 216 Human Physiology115 PHY 201 Classical Mechanics I116 PHY 202 Modern Physics I117 PHY 203 Oscillation and waves118 PHY 204 Electromagnetism119 PHY 206 Network Analysis and Devices120 PHY 207 Thermodynamics121 PHY 209 Optics I122 PHY 220 Physics Laboratory I123 PHY 261 Geophysics I124 STT 211 Probability Distribution I


125 BIO 301 Genetic II126 BIO 304 General Ecology127 BIO 303 General Cytology128 BIO 305 Molecular Biology129 BIO 306 General Physiology II130 BIO 307 Evolution131 BIO 308 Biogeography132 BIO 309 Plant Breeding133 BIO 310 Protozoology134 BIO 311 Mycology135 BIO 313 Animal Ecology136 BIO 314 Animal Behavior137 BIO 316 Introduction to Bioinfomatics138 BIO 318 Immunology and Immunochemistry139 BIO 320 Microbial Ecology140 CHM 301 Physical Chemistry III141 CHM 302 Polymer Chemistry I142 CHM 303 Inorganic Chemistry III143 CHM 304 Colour Chemistry and Technology144 CHM 305 Organic Chemistry III145 CHM 306 Instrumental Method Analysis146 CHM 307 Atomic and Molecular Structures and Symmetry147 CHM 309 Organic Spectroscopy148 CHM 311 Petroleum Chemistry149 CHM 312 Industrial Chemical Processes I150 CHM 314 Environmental Chemistry151 CHM 315 Carbohydrate Chemistry152 CHM 316 Industrial Chemical Technology I153 CHM 318 Natural Products Chemistry I154 CHM 391 Practical Chemistry V155 CSP 312 Basic Soil Science156 COP 317 Producers Cooperative Management157 ESM 301 Introduction to Conflict Resolution158 ESM 304 Research Methods and Field Trips in Environmental Science159 ESM 303 Environmental Law and Policies160 ESM 306 Environmental Politics161 ESM 308 Rural Development Strategies162 ESM 311 Noise and Air Pollution163 ESM 317 Land and Water Pollution164 ESM 322 Water and WasteWater Management165 ESM 324 Urban Environmental Management166 ESM 328 Bio-diversity Conservation167 ESM 341 Introduction to Instrumentation,measurement and Field…..168 ESM 342 Environmental Impact Assessment and Environment Auditing169 ESM 343 Climate Change and the Environment170 ESM 345 Applied Climatology171 ESM 392 Remote Sensing and Radiation Principles172 CIT 371 Introduction to Computer Graphics and Animations173 CIT 303 Principles of Communication Technology174 CIT 305 Networking and Communication Technology175 CIT 309 Computer Architecture176 CIT 311 Computer Networks177 CIT 313 Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming178 CIT 333 Software Engineering I179 CIT 322 Introduction to Internet Programming180 CIT 341 Data Structures181 CIT 342 Formal Languages and Automata Theory182 CIT 344 Introduction to Computer Design183 CIT 351 C# Programming184 CIT 353 Introduction to Human-Computer Interaction185 CIT 364 Management Information Systems186 CIT 381 File Processing and management187 CIT 383 Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming188 CIT 392 Computer Laboratory II189 DAM 301 Data Mining and Data Warehousing190 DAM 344 Semantic Data Modelling191 DAM 361 Business Communication and Networks192 DAM 363 Economic Statistics193 DAM 382 Information Systems Management194 EHS 302 Ecological Sanitation195 EHS 304 Hydrology and Sanitation196 EHS 306 Sanitary Inspection of Premises197 EHS 308 Biotechnology198 EHS 312 Housing and Building Construction199 EHS 315 International Port Health Services200 EHS 316 Environmental Health Services in Emergency Situations201 EHS 317 Solid Waste Management202 EHS 319 Introduction to Demography203 EHS 322 Biometreology204 MCB 317 Immunology and Immunisation205 MTH 301 Functional Analysis I206 MTH 302 Elementary Differential Equation II207 MTH 303 Vectors and Tensors208 MTH 304 Complex Analysis209 MTH 305 Complex Analysis II210 MTH 307 Numerical Analysis II211 MTH 308 Introduction to Mathematical Modeling212 MTH 309 Optimization Theory213 MTH 311 Calculus of several Variables214 MTH 312 Groups and Rings215 MTH 315 Analytical Dynamics I216 MTH 341 Real Analysis217 MTH 381 Mathematical Method III218 MTH 382 Mathematical Methods IV219 PHY 301 Classical Mechanics220 PHY 303 Special Relativity221 PHY 306 Optics II222 PHY 308 Electronics I223 PHY 309 Quantum Mechanics I224 PHY 311 Kinetic Theory and Statistical Mechanics225 PHY 312 Mathematical Methods of Physics226 PHY 313 Mathematical Methods of Physics II227 PHY 314 Numerical Computation228 PHY 307 Solid State Physics I229 PHY 320 Physics Laboratory II230 PHY 361 Geophysics II231 PHY 364 Electronic II232 STT 311 Probability Distribution II


233 BIO 402 Cytogenetics of Plants234 BIO 403 Population Genetics235 BIO 404 Systematic Biology236 BIO 405 Hydrobiology237 BIO 406 Parasitology and Immunilogy238 BIO 407 Basic Entomology239 BIO 408 Soil Ecology240 BIO 410 Fisheries and Aquaculture241 BIO 411 Parasitology242 BIO 412 Wildlife and Conservation243 BIO 413 Developmental Biology244 BIO 414 Applied Entomology245 BIO 415 Virology and Tissue Culture246 BIO 416 Industrial Microbiology247 CIT 411 Micro-computers and Microprocessors248 CIT 412 Modelling and Simulation249 CIT 415 Introduction to e-Commerce250 CIT 425 Operations Research251 CIT 427 Database Systems and Management252 CIT 432 Software Engineering II253 CIT 445 Principles and Techniques of Compilers254 CIT 463 Introduction to Multimedia Technology255 CIT 465 Network Administration256 CIT 461 Internet Architecture and Communications257 CIT 462 Web Server Technology258 CIT 467 Visual Programming and Applications259 CIT 474 Introduction to Expert Systems260 CIT 478 Artificial Intelligence261 CIT 484 Website Design and Programming262 CHM 406 Nuclear and Radio Chemistry263 CHM 407 Reaction Kinetics264 CHM 408 Polymer Chemistry II265 CHM 413 Analytical Chemistry II266 CHM 414 Photochemistry and Pericyclic ReactionsCHM 415 Industrial Chemical Technologies II267 CHM 416 Organic Synthesis268 CHM 417 Industrial Chemical Processes II269 CHM 421 Heterocycyclic Chemistry270 CHM 422 Natural Products Chemistry II271 CHM 423 Coordination Chemistry272 DAM 401 Oracle Application273 DAM 462 Agricultural Data Systems274 DAM 463 Health Data Management275 DAM 461 Statistical Database Systems276 EHS 403 Occupational Health and Safety277 EHS 405 Environmental Toxicology278 EHS 409 Sewage and Waste Water Treatment279 EHS 411 Environmental Health Administration280 ESM 403 Environmental Perception281 ESM 405 Environmental Protection agencies Case Studies282 ESM 407 Geographic Information Systems283 ESM 411 Population, Environment and Development284 ESM 421 Elements of Land Surveying285 ESM 423 Hydrology and Water Resources286 ESM 424 Fresh Water Ecology287 ESM 426 Biogeography288 ESM 428 Ecology of Natural Resources289 ESM 431 Environmental Health and Safety290 ESM 444 Industrial Waste and Industrial Water Treatment291 ENT 417 Production Management I292 FMT 409 Monetary Economics293 MTH 401 General Topology I294 MTH 402 General Topology II295 MTH 411 Measure of Theory and Integration296 MTH 412 Functional Analysis II297 MTH 417 Electromagnetic Theory298 MTH 421 Ordinary Differential Equations299 MTH 422 Partial Differential Equations300 MTH 423 Integral Equations301 PHY 402 Nuclear Physics302 PHY 403 Electrodynamics III303 PHY 405 Electronics III304 PHY 407 Solid State Physics II305 PHY 409 Elementary Particle Physics306 PHY 410 Optics III307 PHY 454 Astrophysics308 PHY 455 Lower Atmospheric Physics309 PHY 456 Nuclear Reactor Physics310 PHY 457 Environmental Physics311 PHY 461 Geophysics III


312 CIT 701 Foundation of Information and Communication Technology313 CIT 703 Information Technology and Software Development314 CIT 705 Concept and Application of e-Business315 CIT 711 Computer Fundamentals316 CIT 721 Information Systems Design and Programming317 CIT 722 Computer Networks318 CIT 723 Operating System Design and Programming319 CIT 734 Object Oriented Technology320 CIT 735 Application Software Design and Multimedia321 CIT 736 Computer Programming322 CIT 742 Multimedia Technology323 CIT 752 Operation System Concepts324 CIT 753 Introduction to the Internet325 CIT 754 Digital Communication326 CIT 755 Wireless Communication I327 CIT 756 Operations Research328 CIT 758 Wireless Communication II329 CIT 759 MicroComputing & www330 CIT 771 Computer Graphics and Animations331 HEM 701 Basics of Family Education332 HEM 702 Basics of HIV/AIDS333 HEM 703 Disease,Illness and Society334 HEM 704 Basic Anatomy and Physiology of Human Body335 HEM 705 Human Behaviour in Illness336 HEM 706 Alcohol,Drug and HIV/AIDS337 HEM 707 Bio statistics338 HEM 709 Primary Health Care and HIV/AIDS339 HEM 710 Health system management340 HEM 712 Legal and Ethical Issues of HIV/ AIDS341 HEM 717 Economics of HIV and AIDS342 HEM 726 Clinical Diagnostic Therapeutic Services of HIV/AIDS343 HEM 731 Communication and Counseling in HIV/AIDs344 HEM 742 Global Initiatives on HIV/AIDS345 HEM 745 Management and Care of HIV/AIDS


346 CIT 802 Technical Report Writing347 CIT 811 User Interface Design and Ergonomics348 CIT 831 Software Engineering Methodologies349 CIT 832 Operation Systems Concept and Networking Management350 CIT 834 Object-Oriented Programming Using C#351 CIT 835 Application Software Design and Multimedia352 CIT 841 Advanced Information Storage and Retrieval353 CIT 843 Database Management Systems I354 CIT 844 Advanced Database Management system355 CIT 851 Advance Systems Analysis and Design356 CIT 852 Data Communication and Networks357 CIT 853 Internet Concepts and web Design358 CIT 854 Network Programming and Design359 CIT 891 Advanced Multimedia Technologies



1 BED 111 Keyboarding2 BED 113 Fundamentals of Business Education3 BED 114 Business Methods4 BED 112 Wordprocessing5 ECE 121 Childhood Development6 ECE 113 ECE 103 Introd. to Philosophy of Early Childhood Education7 ECE 123 Health care in the Early Years8 ECE 110 Childhood Education in Trad. African Society9 ECE 120 Development of Appropriate Skills in Childhood10 ECE 112 Origin and Development of ECE11 EDU 111 Foundations of Education12 EDU 112 Professionalism in Teaching in Noun13 EDU 114 EDU 104 History of Education in Nigeria14 PED 110 Philosophy of Primary Education15 PED 121 Childhood and Adolescent Psychology16 PED 122 PRD 104 Primary Eng. Curriculum and Methods17 PED 144 Primary Maths Curriculum and Methods18 PED 150 Primary Science19 PED 130 Introducation to Social Studies20 PED 120 PRD 110 Principles of Family Living21 SED 121 General Biology for Integrated Science22 SED 122 General Chemistry for Integrated Science I23 SED 123 General Physics for Integrated Science24 SED 124 Mathematics for Integrated Science25 VTE 115 Introduction to Vocational Education


26 BED 212 Fundamental of Data Processing27 BED 214 Computer Application in Business28 ECE 223 ECE 201 Plays and Learning29 ECE 221 ECE 203 Language and Literacy in the Early Years30 ECE 227 Organisation and service provision in ECE31 ECE 225 ECE207 Meeting Special needs in ECE32 ECE 231 Science in the Early Years33 ECE 230 ECE 204 Intro. to ECE Curriculum Development34 ECE 222 Developing Professional Skills & Competence35 ECE 232 Observation, Recording and Assessment in ECE36 EDU 204 Philosophy of Education37 EDU 231 EDU 201 Curriculum Theory and Practice38 EDU 233 General Teaching Methods39 EDU 212 Sociology of Education40 PED 221 Developmental Psychology41 PED 233 Religion and Moral Education42 PED 271 Primary School PHE Curriculum and Methods43 PED 261 Primary School Social Studies Curriculum and Methods44 PED 235 PRD 235 Clothing and Textiles45 PED 237 Measurement and Shapes46 PED 232 Aesthetic Expression in Primary School47 PED 236 Elementary Mathematics of noun48 PED 230 Introduction to Music in Primary School49 PED 234 PRD 208 Man, Energy and Resources50 SED 211 Assessment and Evaluation in Integrated Science51 SED 214 History and Philosophy of Integrated Science Education in Nigeria52 SED 222 General Chemistry for Integrated Science II53 SED 223 General Physics for Integrated Science II54 SED 224 Energy and Matter I55 SED 225 Nigerian Integrated Science Curriculum56 SED 226 Industrial Processes and Application57 EDU 214 EDU 204 Philosophy of Education58 EDU 256 EDU 244 Physics Methods59 PED 290 EDU 248 Early Childhood Education Methods60 EDU 220 English Methods61 EDU 222 French Emthods62 EDU 292 Primary Education Methods63 EDU 282 Business Education64 EDU 280 Agric Science Methods65 EDU 250 EDU 236 Biology Methods66 EDU 252 EDU 238 Chemistry Methods

Course Materials

67 EDU 254 EDU 240 Integrated Science Methods68 EDU 258 Computer Science Methods69 EDU 240 EDU 242 Mathematics Methods70 EDU 268 Social Studies Methods


71 BED 312 Org. and Admin. of Vocational Education72 BED 313 Office Information Technology73 BED 314 SIWES I74 ECE 311 Intro. to cultural and Creative Arts75 ECE 313 Theories and Practice of ECE76 EDU 302 ICT in Education77 EDU 321 EDU 311 Psychology of Learning78 EDU 323 Basic Research Methods in Education79 EDU 332 Educational Technology80 EDU 314 Comparative Education81 EDU 335 Teaching Practice I82 PED 313 History and Cultural Background of immediate Environment83 PED 322 Methods of Teaching Reading in the Primary School84 PED 320 Family Education85 SED 305 Practicum in Science Teaching86 SED 312 Earth and Universe87 SED 313 Improvisation in Integrated Science88 SED 314 African Cosmology and Integrated Science89 SED 315 Nigerian Primary/Secondary School Science/Mathematics Curricular90 SED 321 Introductory Genetics and General Ecology91 SED 323 General Physics for Integrated Science92 SED 324 School Science Laboratory93 SED 327 Environment and Pollution94 SED 328 Energy and Matters II


95 BED 413 SIWES II96 BED 414 Administration of Electronic Office97 BED 416 Office Organisaion & Management98 ECE 412 Management of ECE99 ECE 421 Health and Family Life Education100 ECE 413 Comparative Early Childhood Education101 ECE 422 The School Environment and the Child102 ECE 410 Issues in ECE and Primary Education103 EDU 421 Guidance and Counseling104 EDU 423 EDU 403 Measurement and Evaluation105 EDU 412 Educational Management106 EDU 426 Special Education107 EDU 435 Teaching Practice II108 PED 431 Cont. Assessment in Primary School109 PED 433 Children Literature110 PED 421 Developmental Guidance in Primary Education111 PED 412 Organisation and Admin. of Primary Education112 PED 420 Social Psychology of Instruction113 PED 422 Behaviour Problems and the Primary School Child114 PED 410 Management of Childhood Institution115 PED 430 Design and Production of Learning Material for Pry Schs116 SED 413 Science Technology and Society117 SED 421 Cycles in Nature118 VTE 414 Vocational Guidance


119 EDA 713 School Plant Management120 EDA 742 Application of Management Information System(MIS) IN Education121 EDU 701 Psychology of Learning122 EDU 703 Curriculum Development:Theory and practical123 EDU 704 History of Education in Nigeria124 EDU 706 Sociology of Education125 EDU 707 Philosophy of Education126 EDU 711 Foundations of Education127 EDU 712 Professionalism in Teaching128 EDU 713 Educational Management and Supervision129 EDU 716 Sociology of Education130 EDU 718 Philosophy of Education131 EDU 720 English Methods132 EDU 721 Psychology of Learning133 EDU 722 French Methods134 EDU 723 Basic Research in Education135 EDU 724 Guidance and Counselling136 EDU 726 Economics Methods137 EDU 764 Geography Methods138 EDU 728 Methods of Teaching Nigerian Language139 EDU 730 Religion and Moral Instruction140 EDU 732 Educational Technology141 EDU 733 General Teaching Methods142 EDU 734 Agricultural Science Methods143 EDU 735 Teaching Practice Manual144 EDU 750 Biology Methods145 EDU 752 Chemistry Methods146 EDU 740 Mathematics Method147 EDU 740 Subject Methods II (Integrated Science)148 EDU 756 Subject Methods II(Physics)149 EDU 780 Agricultural Science Methods150 EDU 758 Computer Science Education Methods151 EDU 726 Measurement and Evaluation152 EDU 760 History Methods153 EDU 766 Political Science Methods154 EDU 768 Social Studies Methods155 EDU 782 Business Education Methods156 PED 735 Children’s Literature157 ODL 701 Psychology of Adult Education II158 ODL 703 Sociology of Distance Education159 ODL 708 Learner Support Services in Distance Education160 ODL 709 Research Methods in Distance Education161 ODL 710 Fundamentals of Educational Management in Distance Education162 ODL 712 Curriculum Design and Development of ODL163 ODL 713 Design and Development of Open and Distance Learning Media164 ODL 714 Philosophy of Open and Distance Learning165 SED 713 Laboratory Design and Management166 SED 734 Science, Technology and Society


167 EDA 803 Human Behavioural and Leadership in Schools168 EDA 811 EDA 801 Concepts and Theories of Educational Admin and Planning169 EDA 812 Practicum in Education Management170 EDA 825 Managerial Psychology171 EDA 832 Economics of Education172 EDA 844 Statistics for Educational Management173 EDA 852 Polities of Educational management174 EDA 854 Legal Aspect of Educational Administration175 EDA 856 Issues and Problems in Higher Education in Nigeria176 EDA 851 Principle of Institutional Administration177 EDU 804 Statistical Methods178 EDU 808 Mathematics Curriculum and Instructions in Sec. School179 EDA 822 Supervision of Instruction in Education180 EDU 818 Budgeting and Financial Management in Education181 EDU 821 Statistical Methods I182 EDA 821 Human Resource Management in Education183 EDU 822 Advanced Psychology of Learning184 EDU 823 Educational Research Methods185 EDU 831 Project Management in Education186 EDA 804(833) Monitory $ Evaluation in Educational Management187 MED 815 Instructional tech & Methods in Schools Maths. Curriculum188 EDT 811 Theories of Communication and Philophies189 EDT 812 Management of Education Resource Centre190 EDT 821 Instructional Task Analysis and Pyscholocial Basis191 EDT 823 Research and Media192 EDT 830 Multimedia Technology in Teaching and Learning193 EDT 831 EDT 803 Instructional Media Design and Production194 EDT 832 Preparation, Utilisation and Integration Of Edu. Media In The Curri.195 EDT 834 Instructional Television and Radio196 EDT 833 Facilities for Media Utilisation197 EDA 842 Application of Management Information system (MIS) in Edu.198 EDA 855 Responsibility and Accountability in Educational Management199 SED 811 SED 801 Foundation of Science Education200 SED 835 Laboratory Design and Management201 SED 834 Science,Technology and Society.202 SED 831 Curriculum Trends in Science Education203 SED 832 Curriculum Development in Science Education


204 EDA 911 Organisational Theory in Educational Administration205 EDA 913 Human Behaviour and Leadership in Schools206 EDA 915 Education Finance207 EDA 917 Tropical Issues in Educational Administration208 EDA 918 Administration of Schools209 EDA 919 Comparative Studies in Higher Education Systems210 EDT 931 Information and Communication Technology in Education211 EDT 935 Contemporary Issues in Educational Technology212 EDT 933 Conceptualisation of Instructional Strategies213 EDP 911 Analytical Approach of Education Planning214 EDP 913 Statistical Analysis and Qualification in Educational Planning215 EDP 914 Evaluation Strategies in Educational Planning and Implementation216 EDP 916 Manpower Aproaches in Educational Planning217 EDP 917 Implementation of Educational Policy218 EDP 915 Communication Strategies in Education219 EDU 921 Advanced Educational Research Methods220 EDU 922 Advanced Educational Statistics221 EDU 924 Data Processing222 EDU 931 Advanced Curriculum Theory223 SED 931 Advanced Current Trends in Science Education



1 AGR 201 General Agriculture2 AGR 202 Introductory Agricultural Engineering3 AGR 215 Agricultural Botany for noun4 AGR 203 Principles of Crop Production5 AGE 202 Introduction to Computer Science6 AEM 202 Introduction to Rural Sociology7 AEM 201 Principle of Agricultural Extension8 AEM 203 Introduction to Home Economics Extension9 AEM 246 Youth Organisation in Agriculture10 AEM 251 Introduction to Agricultural Economics11 AFS 202 Principles of Food Science and Technology12 ANP 202 Principles of Animal Production13 ANP 204 Introductory Agricultural Biochemistry14 SOS 201 Principles of Soil Science15 SOS 203 Introduction to Agroclimatology


16 ACP 301 Arable Crop Production17 ACP 303 Permanent Crops Production18 ACP 305 Principles of Crop Protection19 AEC 308 Principle of Farm Management20 AEC 306 Farm Records and Accounting21 AEM 301 Introduction to Agricultural Extension and Rural Sociology22 AEM 302 Extension Teaching, Learning Process and Methods23 AEM 303 Agrarian Institutions and their Management24 AEM 304 Communication and Audio-Visual Techniques25 AEM 311 Introduction to Rural Life26 AGM 314 Introduction to Farm Mechanisation27 ANP 301 Introduction to Non-Ruminant Animal Production28 ANP 302 Ruminat Animal Production29 ANP 313 Poultry Production30 ANP 310 Genetics and Breeding31 SST 301 Introduction to Pedology and Soil Classification


32 AGB 404 Bio Resources Management33 AEM 405 Extension Training and Curriculum Development34 AEM 411 Social Relationship and Behavioral Change35 AEM 450 Agricultural Finances and Marketing36 AEM 451 Farm Business Organisation37 AEM 458 Extension Strategies in Pilot Rural Development38 AEC 403 Agricultural Production Economics and Resource Management39 AGE421 Teaching Vocational Agriculture, in School of NOUN40 CPS 401 Biotechnology in Crop and Pest Management


41 AEM 501 Statistics and Research Methods in Extension42 AEM 502 Extension Organisation, Management and Supervision43 AEM 503 Diffusion and Adoption of innovation44 AEM 504 Rural Community Development45 AEM 505 Administration and Programme Planning in Extension46 AEM 506 Advanced Rural Sociology47 AEM 507 Management of Agricultural Personnel48 AEM 508 Technology and Social change in Agriculture49 AEM 509 Agricultural Business Management50 AEM 510 Psychology for Extension Personnel51 AEM 511 Leadership and Rural Development52 AEM 512 Rural Youth Programmes in Agricultural Extension53 CPT 514 Produce and Post Harvest Management


54 AEM 701 Agricultural Extension Education55 AEM 711 Agricultural Extension Administration and Supervision56 AEM 712 Agric Extension Administration, Programme Planning & Evaluation57 AEM 713 Tree Crops Production58 AEM 715 Management of Agricultural Extension Personnel59 AEM 716 Agricultural marketing and Cooperatives60 AEM 719 Extension Methods and Communication61 AEM 722 Ruminant Animals62 AEM 724 Macro Economics63 AEM 732 Women and youth in Rural Development Programme64 AEM 736 Extension Organisation and Management65 AEM 753 Farm Management66 AEM 772 Statistics and Research Methods in Extension67 AEM 783 Rural Development and Leadership68 COP 721 General Agriculture I



1 PHS 201 Anatomy2 PHS 202 Geography for Community Health3 PHS 211 Organisation of School Health Program4 PHS 212 Health Management I5 PHS 214 Health Conuseling6 PHS 215 Nutrition in Health and Deases7 PHS 217 Introduction to Sociology8 PHS 241 Bio-Statistics9 NSS 201 Foundations of Nursing10 NSS 203 General and Cellular Pathology for Nurses11 NSS 211 Anatomy for Nurses12 NSS 213 Human Physiology for Nurses I13 NSS 214 Human Physiology for Nurses II14 NSS 222 Practicum and Clinical Attachment I15 NSS 241 Introduction to Biostatistics


DNT 306 Dental ProstheticsDNT 310 Dental Laboratory Procedures I16 PHS 301 Health Management Information System17 PHS 303 Introduction to Clinical Laboratory Techniques18 PHS 311 Child Health19 PHS 312 Oral Healthcare20 PHS 313 Health Management II21 PHS 314 Primary Ear Nose and Throat Care22 PHS 315 Non Communicable diseases23 PHS 316 Primary Eye Care24 PHS 317 Immunology and Immunization25 PHS 318 Communicable Diseases of NOUN26 PHS 320 Professional Ethics for Community Health27 PHS 322 Community Mobilization and Participation28 PHS 324 Introduction to Standing Orders29 NSS 302 Nutrition in Health and Diseases30 NSS 305 Epidemiology in Nursing31 NSS 306 Environmental Health32 NSS 311 Primary Health Care Nursing I33 NSS 312 Primary Health Care Nursing II34 NSS 316 Concise Behavioural Sciences for Nursing35 NSS 320 Nursing Ethics and Jurisprudence36 NSS 321 Medical Surgical Nursing I37 NSS 323 Maternal and Child Health Nursing I38 NSS 324 Maternal and Child Health Nursing II39 NSS 325 Clinical Pharmacology and Chemotherapy40 NSS 327 Community Health Nursing


DNT 404 Metallic Prosthodontics IDNT 410 Orthodontic Technology IDNT 411 Dental Prosthetics and Technology41 PHS 401 Reproductive and Adolescent Health42 PHS 403 Accident and Emergency43 PHS 407 Care of Persons with Disabilities44 PHS 409 Clinical Skills I45 PHS 411 Introduction to Public Health Laws46 PHS 413 Occupational Health and Safety47 PHS 421 Research for Community Health48 PHS 422 Clinical Skills II49 PHS 424 Primary Emergency Obstetric Care50 PHS 426 Essential Drugs Supply System51 PHS 428 Introduction and Use of Standing Order52 NSS 401 Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing I53 NSS 402 Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing II54 NSS 403 Medical Surgical Nursing II55 NSS 404 Medical Surgical Nursing III56 NSS 407 Research Methods in Nursing57 NSS 409 Medical Sociology58 NSS 410 Management in Nursing59 NSS 411 Educational and Curriculum Design60 NSS 412 Health Economics61 NSS 413 Practicum and clinical Attachment Manual II


62 PHS 501 Introduction to HIV/AIDS63 PHS 505 Community Mental Health64 PHS 507 Outreach Mobile Health Services65 PHS 509 Geriatric and Gerontology66 PHS 511 Epidemiology for Community Health67 PHS 524 Health Education and Health Promotion68 EHS 505 Environmental Health Ethics69 EHS 506 Environmental Health Laws, Regulations and Policies70 NSS 504 Medical Surgical Nursing IV71 NSS 505 Medical Surgical Nursing (Critical Care I) of Noun72 NSS 507 Seminar in Nursing73 NSS 508 Occupational Health74 NSS 509 Gerontological Nursing75 NSS 511 Gerontological Nursing76 NSS 513 Ophthalmology Nursing


100 Level

1 ARA 013 Arabic Literature2 ARA 089- ISL 087 Project3 ISL 001 Introduction to Quran4 ISL 067 Introduction to the Study of Hadith5 FRE 011 Aural and Oral Expression I6 FRE 012 Aural and Oral Expression7 FRE 017 Francophone Civilization8 CTH 001 Religion and Society9 CTH 003 Introduction to the Study of Religion10 CTH 007 Old Testament Survey11 CTH 011 Bible Geography12 CTH 005 Church History13 CTH 009 Introduction to Philosophy14 CTH 013 Introduction to Study of Islam15 CTH 014 Marriage and Family16 CTH 034 Marriage and Family17 CTH 041 Christian Ethnics18 CTH 043 Philosophy of Religion19 CTH 055 The Prophets20 CTH 053 Greek Grammar21 CTH 057 Christian Counseling22 CTH 058 Greek Syntax23 CTH 071 Christianity in Nigeria24 ECO 121 Principle of Economics25 ECO 122 Principle of Economics II26 ECO 146 Nigerian Economy in Perspective27 ECO 153 Introduction to Quantitative Method I28 ECO 154 Introduction to Quantitative methods II29 ENG 121 The Structure of Modern English I30 ENG 151 Introduction to English as a Second Language31 ENG 111 An introduction to Literature and Literary Criticism32 ENG 122 The Structure of Modern English II33 ENG 113 Introduction to Nigerian Literature I34 ENG 114 Introduction to Nigerian Literature II35 ENG 141 Spoken English36 ENG 161 Theatre Workshop37 ENG 162 Elements of Drama38 ENG 172 Introduction to Poetry39 ENG 181 Introduction to Prose Fiction40 FRE 010 Written Expression II41 FRE 014 Francophone Civilization II42 FRE 022 Introduction to Phonetics and Phonology43 FRE 024 Francophone Civilization II44 FRE 101 Basic French Grammar and Composition I45 FRE 102 Basic French Grammar and Composition II46 FRE 111 Language Laboratory Work / Oral French47 FRE 112 Oral and Aural Comprehension48 FRE 121 French Grammar I49 FRE 122 French Grammar II50 FRE 131 Introduction to Textual Analysis51 FRE 132 Introduction to Textual Analysis II52 FRE 141 Introduction to Composition Writing In French53 FRE 152 Introduction to french Culture and Civilization54 FRE 162 Intro. to Francophone African Culture and Civilization55 GST 106 Study Skills56 JLS 111 Introduction to Journalism57 ISL 101 General Introduction to Islam58 ISL 102 The Mosque in Islam59 ISL 111 Studies on the Qur’an60 ISL 121 Studies on the Hadith61 ISL 113 Quranic Ethics62 ISL 132 Advanced Study of Salat and Zakat63 ISL 136 Women in Islam64 ISL 142 Islam and Inter- Religious Dialogue65 LIN 111 Introduction to Linguistics I66 LIN 112 Introduction to Linguistics II67 CSS 111 Introduction to Sociology68 CSS 152 Introduction to Nigerian Criminal Law69 CSS 121 Introduction to Psychology70 CSS 131 Introduction to Political Science71 CSS 112 Sociology of Law72 CSS 132 Ethnography of Nigeria73 CSS 133 Introduction to Criminology I74 CSS 134 Geography of Nigeria75 CSS 136 Introduction to Criminology II76 CTH 101 Introduction to The Study of Islam77 CTH 102 The Major Religious Groups in Nigeria78 CTH 113 Bible Geography79 CTH 122 Types of Theology80 CTH 131 Introduction to Philosophy81 CTH 141 Church History I82 CTH 142 Church History II83 CTH 192 Introduction to African Traditional Religion84 CTH 173 Introduction to the Study of Religion85 CTH 111 Old Testament Survey86 CTH 151 Religion and Society87 CTH 152 Marriage and Family88 ARA 181 Basic Arabic89 ARA 182 Arabic Reading I90 ARA 183 Arabic Conversation91 INR 111 Introduction to International Studies92 INR 112 Intro to inter. Law and Diplomacy in Pre-colonial Africa93 INR 121 The Structure of International System94 INR 131 Intro. to Textual Analysis I95 INR 132 Africa and The West96 INR 142 Introduction to Public Administration97 PCR 111 Introduction to Peace Studies98 PCR 113 Introduction to Peace Education99 PCR 112 Democracy and Good Governance100 PCR 115 Introduction to Conflict Resolution Processes I101 PCR 114 Introduction to Conflict Resolution Processes II102 POL 106 Road Safty and Highway Traffic Administration103 POL 111 Element of Political Science104 POL 121 Introduction to African Politics105 POL 123 Introduction to Public Administration106 POL 124 Organisation of Government107 POL 126 Citizens and The State108 POS 102 Police Community Relations and Interpersonal Relations and Awareness109 POS 105 Introduction to Police Science110 POS 108 Police Science and Forensic Science111 POS 110 Criminal Justice Administration112 MAC 111 Introduction to Mass Communication113 MAC 113 History of Nigerian Mass Media114 MAC 115 African Communication Systems I115 MAC 116 African communication System II116 MAC 117 Writing for the Mass Media I117 MAC 118 Writing for Mass Media II118 MAC 121 Introduction to News Writing and Reporting119 MAC 134 Principles and Practice of Public relations120 MAC 142 Introduction to Radio and Television121 INR 106 Africa and the West122 ISL 172 As-Sirah: Biography of Prophet Muhammad

200 Level

123 ARA 281 Arabic Literature I124 ARA 282 Arabic Grammar I125 ARA 283 Arabic Reading II126 ARA 284 Translation (Arabic – English)127 CSS 204 Introduction to Political Science128 CSS 211 The Sociology Of Crime And Delinquency129 CSS 212 The Sociology of Punishment and Correction130 CSS 231 Methods of Social Research131 CSS 241 Basic Security and Security Threat132 CSS 243 Principles of Security Practice and Management133 CSS 242 Measurement and Patterns of Crime and Delinquency134 CSS 244 Types of Analysis of Security Threat135 CSS 245 Security planning, Development and Organisation136 CSS 246 Legal and Social Framework of Private Security137 CTH 202 Comparative Study of Religions138 CTH 211 Introduction to the Bible139 CTH 210 History and Religion of Israel140 CTH 212 Pentateuch141 CTH 213 Synoptic Gospels142 CTH 214 Paulines Epistles143 CTH 215 Greek Grammar144 CTH 216 Greek Syntax145 CTH 217 The Prophets146 CTH 218 Biblical Hermeneutics147 CTH 222 Christian Doctrines148 CTH 233 Philosophy of Religion149 CTH 261 Christian Counseling150 CTH 231 Christian Ethics151 CTH 271 Christianity in Nigeria152 CTH 272 Ecumenism153 ECO 203 Statistics for Economics154 ECO 207 Nigerian Economy In Perspective II155 ECO 231 Microeconomic Theory I156 ECO 232 Microeconomic Theory II157 ECO 247 Nigerian Economy in Perspective II158 ECO 253 Statistics for Economists159 ECO 254 Statistics for Economists II160 ECO 255 Mathematics for Economists I161 ECO 256 Mathematics for Economists II162 ENG 211 History of English Language163 ENG 212 Creative Writing 1164 ENG 215 Medieval Literature I165 ENG 216 Medieval Literature II166 ENG 221 An Introduction to Syntactic Models167 ENG 222 Advanced English Syntax168 ENG 223 Advanced English composition 1169 ENG 224 Advanced English Composition II170 ENG 226 English Morphology171 ENG 241 Introduction To Phonetics and Phonology of English172 ENG 251 Language and Society173 ENG 281 The African Novel174 FRE 212 Advanced Oral French175 FRE 207 Culture and Civilization of France176 FRE 211 Advanced Study in Oral and written Comprehension177 FRE 222 French Grammar and Composition 11178 FRE 221 French Grammar and Composition I179 FRE 231 Introduction to French Phonology180 FRE 271 Intro. to francophone African Literature Written in French181 FRE 282 Introduction to French Literature(Prose,Poetry and Drama)182 MAC 211 Theories of Mass Communication183 MAC 212 Media and Society184 MAC 213 Foundations of Communinication Research185 MAC 214 Investigative and Interpretative Reporting186 MAC 221 Editing and graphics of Communication187 MAC 223 Feature And Magazine Article Writing188 MAC 225 News Writing and Reporting189 MAC 232 Environmental Public Relations190 MAC 242 Foundation of Broadcasting191 MAC 246 Educational Broadcasting192 NSS 217 Introduction to Sociology 1193 INR 206 Introduction to Foreign Policy194 INR 211 International Law & Diplomacy in Europe in the 19th Century195 INR 221 History and Practice of Diplomacy196 INR 212 International Law and Diplomacy in The 20th Century197 INR 222 Europe from the French Revolution to the World Wars198 INR 231 South-South Cooperation199 INR 232 Introduction to Foreign Policy200 INR 242 Pre-Colonial African DiplomacyINR 251 Evolution of Modern International System201 ISL 212 Introduction to Tajwiid202 ISL 213 Textual Study of the Qur’an203 ISL 214 Textual Study of the Quran II204 ISL 241 Prophethood and Prophets in Islam205 ISL 245 Ilmu ‘l-kalam and Development of Muslim Firaq206 ISL 222 Textual Studies of the Hadith207 ISL 231 Introduction to the Shariah208 ISL 271 The Rightly Guided Caliphs and the Umayyads209 ISL 272 The Abbasid Caliphate210 PCR 211 Education for Peace211 PCR 261 Culture,Values and Conflicts in War212 PCR 271 Understanding Conflict and War213 PCR 272 Concepts and Practice of Peacebuilding214 PCR 274 Introduction to Conflict Transformation215 PCR 276 Perception and Conflict216 POL 215 History of Political Thought I217 POL 216 Evolution of Nigerian Local Government218 POL 223 Foundation of political Economy219 POL 221 Nigerian Government and Politics I220 POL 211 Nigerian Legal System221 POL 212 Basic Statistics for Social Science222 POL 214 Introduction to Political Analysis223 POL 226 Organisation and Administrative Theories224 POL 228 Introduction to Comparative Politics225 POL 231 Essentials of international Relations and Diplomacy226 POS 214 Basic Elements of Criminal Investigation

300 Level

227 ARA 381 Arabic Morphorlogy228 ARA 382 Arabic Grammar II229 ARA 383 English – Arabic Translation230 CSS 341 Policing and Law Enforcement in Nigeria231 CSS 342 Safety Management for Loss Prevention232 CSS 343 Information Systems Security Management233 CSS 351 Prisons and Correction of Offenders in Nigeria234 CSS 352 Theory of Crime and Crime Control235 CSS 354 Special Categories of Offenders236 CSS 356 Traditional and Informal Mechanisms of Crime Control237 CSS 361 Juvenile Institutions & Juvenile Correction in Nigeria238 CSS 371 Courts and Justice Administration in Nigeria239 CSS 381 Domestic Violence240 CTH 302 Messianism241 CTH 311 Gospel of John242 CTH 313 Hebrew Grammar243 CTH 314 Inter-Testamental Literature244 CTH 316 Hebrew Syntax245 CTH 321 God and Revelation246 CTH 323 Old Testament Theology247 CTH 324 New Testament Theology248 CTH 352 Sociology of Religion249 ECO 314 Operations Research250 ECO 324 History of Economic Thought251 ECO 341 Macro Economic Theory I252 ECO 342 Macro Economic Theory II253 ECO 346 Financial Institutions254 ECO 347 Development Economics I255 FRE 301 Theories of Translation256 FRE 304 African Literature in French257 FRE 322 Advance Studies in French Language Structure II258 FRE 331 Advanced Studies in French Phonetics259 FRE 372 Advanced Studies in Preindependence Francophone AfricanLiterature Written in French (Prose and Drama)260 FRE 381 Advanced Studies in French,17th Century Literature (Prose and Grammar)261 FRE 382 18TH Century French Literature262 FRE 392 Advanced Studies in Translation263 ENG 311 Research Methods264 ENG 312 Creative Writing II265 ENG 313 Black Diaspora Literature266 ENG 314 Public Speaking267 ENG 316 Communication for Business268 ENG 321 Contemporary English Usage269 ENG 331 Introduction to Semantics270 ENG 341 The Phonology of English271 ENG 351 Introduction to Applied Linguistics272 ENG 352 Discourse Analysis273 ENG 353 The English Language in Nigeria274 ENG 355 Introduction to Sociolinguistics275 ENG 362 English Drama276 ENG 372 English Poetry277 ENG 381 English Novel278 NSS 312 Primary Health Care Nursing II279 MAC 312 Newspaper Production280 MAC 313 Critical Writing and Reviewing281 MAC 314 Issues in Nigerian Mass Media282 MAC 316 Mass Communication & National DevelopmentMAC 321 Economics of Mass News Reporting283 MAC 322 Editorial WritingMAC 323 Photojournalism284 MAC 331 Advertising Campaign Planning & Execution285 MAC 332 Advertising Layouts and Designs286 MAC 334 International Public Relations287 MAC 341 Dev. Journalism and Broadcasting (Dev. Communication)MAC 343 Radio/TV Programming288 INR 312 American Diplomacy in the 20th Century289 INR 321 Foreign Policy Analysis290 INR 322 Strategic Studies in The 20th Century291 INR 332 War and Peace in West Africa since 1960292 INR 342 Southern Africa in Global Politics293 INR 351 Europe in World Politics294 INR 352 International Relations in East and Central Africa295 ISL 302 Research Methods296 ISL 304 Islamic Studies and Orientalism297 ISL 312 Exegesis of the Qur’an298 ISL 313 Introduction to World Religions299 ISL 330 Advance Study of Sawm and Hajj300 ISL 332 Al-muamalat in the Shariah301 ISL 339 Islamic Family Law302 ISL 343 Introduction to Islamic Theology303 ISL 355 Introduction to Tasawwuf304 ISL 361 Islamic Philosophy305 ISL 372 Islam in Nigeria306 ISL 373 Islam in North Africa and Spain307 ISL 374 Islamic Political Institutions308 PCR 311 Philosophies and Great Personalities of Peace309 PCR 312 Peace Research Methods310 PCR 331 History of Conflicts in Nigeria311 PCR 352 Sustainable Environmental Development312 PCR 362 Urban Violence and Security313 PCR 375 Lang & Information Mgt. in peace and Conflict Resolution314 PCR 371 Third Party Intervention in Conflict Resolution315 PCR 372 Introduction to Early Warning Mechanism316 PCR 373 Demobilisation, Disarmament and Reintegration317 POL 301 Research Methodology in Political Science318 POL 311 Contemporary Political Analysis319 POL 312 Logic and Methods of Political Inquiry320 POL 315 Thoery and Practice of Marxism321 POL 316 Political Evaluation322 POL 317 Public Policy Analysis323 POL 318 Political behaviour324 POL 322 Comparative Federalism325 POL 324 Politics of Development & Underdevelopment326 POL 337 Principles of Administrative Law327 POL 341 Public Administration in Nigeria

400 Level

328 ARA 481 Arabic Literature II329 ARA 483 Arabic Rhetoric330 CSS 441 Technical/Electronics Aspects of Security331 CSS 442 Professioal Ethics in Law and Security Management332 CSS 432 Human Rights Provision in Nigeria333 CSS 443 Traffic/Road Safety and Equipment334 CSS 452 Victims of Crime and Human Rights Violations335 CSS 455 Forensic Science336 CSS 491 Emergency,Riot & Disaster Control Management I337 CTH 412 Gospel of Mathew338 CTH 413 Wisdom Literature339 CTH 423 Comparative Ethics in Pluralistics Societies340 CTH 422 Christology341 CTH 432 Applied Ethics342 CTH 441 West African Church History343 CTH 471 Research Methods344 CTH 472 Conflict Management345 CTH 491 African Traditional Religion and Culture346 ECO 431 Advanced Micro-Economics347 ECO 442 Advanced Macroeconomics348 ECO 448 Economic Planning II349 ENG 411 English for Specific Purposes350 ENG 414 Speech Writing351 ENG 415 Literary Theory and Criticism352 ENG 416 Creative Writing III353 ENG 417 Postcolonial African Literature354 ENG 421 New Trends in Syntax355 ENG 423 Literature of The Romantic Period356 ENG 426 Twentieth Century English Literature357 ENG 432 Pragmatics358 ENG 434 Literary Stylistics359 ENG 453 Language and National Development360 ENG 454 Multilingualism361 ENG 491 Psycholinguistics362 FRE 411 Introduction to Research363 FRE 421 Advanced Studies in French Language Structures III364 FRE 423 Linguistics Applied to The Teaching Of French365 FRE 472 Francophone African Literature: Pre and Post Independence Poetry366 FRE 481 19th Century French Literature367 FRE 482 20th Century French Literature368 INR 412 Foreign Policy of the great Powers369 INR 431 International Relations of Francophone West Africa370 INR 432 Afro-Asian Relations371 ISL 402 Modern Reform Movements372 ISL 412 Tafsir: The Exergesis of Selected passages of the Quran373 ISL 415 Advanced Studies on the Quran374 ISL 431 Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence375 ISL 432 Islamic Social System376 ISL 433 The Concept and Practice of Islamic Banking377 ISL 435 Textual Studies of Hadith378 ISL 436 Islamic law of Wasiyyah and Waqf379 ISL 437 Shariah in the Modem Time380 ISL 438 Al-Mirath: Islamic Law of Succession381 ISL 439 Al-Hudud-Penal Law of Shariah382 ISL 451 Major Sufi Orders in Africa383 ISL 471 Contribution of West African Scholars to Islamic Thought384 ISL 472 Islams Contributions to Civilization385 ISL 474 Islam Historiography386 PRD 433 Children’s Literature387 PCR 415 The Nature of Global Terrorism388 PCR 417 International Relations and Security389 PCR 419 International Politics of the Cold War 1945 – 1991390 PCR 421 Internal Organization and Peace Building391 PCR 422 Globalization and Peace392 PCR 424 Governance, International Law and Fundamental Human Rights393 POL 424 Political Parties and Pressure Groups394 POL 431 Third World Dependency and Development395 POL 441 Development Administration396 POL 444 Nigerian Local Government397 POL 452 International Law and Organisation398 POS 411 Research Methods in Criminal Justice399 MAC 411 Media Law and Ethics400 MAC 412 Media Management401 MAC 413 Data Analysis in Communication Research402 MAC 414 Science and Technology Reporting403 MAC 416 Sociology of Mass Communication404 MAC 421 Advance Newpaper/Magazine Production405 MAC 423 Bookpublishing & The Law406 MAC 424 International Advertising and Propaganda407 MAC 425 Public Relations in Practice408 MAC 427 Economic and Social Issues in Advertising and Public Relations409 MAC 428 Integrated marketing Communications410 MAC 441 Documentary Film Production411 MAC 442 Advanced Broadcasting News/Programme Production412 MAC 443 Media Station Management and Operations413 MAC 444 Broadcast Commentry and Announcing

700 Level

414 CSS 742 Policing and Law Enforcement in Nigeria415 CSS 743 Principle of Security practice and Management416 CSS 744 Security planning, Development and Organisation417 CSS 745 Types and Analysis of Security Threat418 CSS 753 Research Methods in criminology419 CSS 755 Patterns and Trends of Crime in Nigeria420 CSS 757 Contemporary Issues in Criminology and Security Studies421 CSS 772 Criminal Justice Administration422 CSS 774 Prison and correction Institutions in Nigeria423 CSS 791 Emergency,Riot & Disaster Control Management I424 CTH 701 Biblical Hermeneutics425 CTH 702 Common Themes in Christianity and Islam426 CTH 704 Religious Dialogue427 CTH 713 Critical introduction to the Old Testament428 CTH 714 Critical Introduction to the New Testament429 CTH 715 Old Testament Theology430 CTH 721 Systematic theology431 CTH 722 Pastoral Theology432 CTH 723 Liberation and Feminist Theologies433 CTH 724 New Testament Theology434 CTH 732 Christian Ethics in Contemporary Nigerian Society435 CTH 742 Reformation436 CTH 771 Research Methods in Christian Theology437 CTH 792 Theology of African Traditional Religion438 JLS 711 Introduction to Journalism439 JLS 722 Publication Layout and Design440 JLS 721 News Reporting441 JLS 742 Fundamental of Broadcasting442 JLS 732 Principles and Practice of Public Relations443 JLS 712 Media Law and Ethics444 JLS 713 Media and Society445 JLS 714 Communication Research446 JLS 716 Professional Project447 JLS 724 Feature Writing448 JLS 726 Speech Writing449 JLS 731 Corporate Communications450 JLS 732 Principles and Practice of Public Relations451 PCR 711 Introduction to Peace Studies452 PCR 712 Democracy and Good Governance453 PCR 713 Introduction to Peace Education454 PCR 714 Introduction to Conflict Resolution Processes II455 PCR 715 Introduction to Conflict Resolution Processes I456 PCR 716 Research Methods in Conflict Resolution457 PCR 771 Third Party Intervention in Conflict Resolution458 PCR 772 Concepts and Practice of Peace Building

800 Level

459 CTH 803 Interreligious Dialogue460 CTH 812 Old Testament Theology of Pentateuch461 CTH 813 Pauline Theology And Epistles462 CTH 814 Biblical Criticism463 CTH 815 Prophetic Books/Wisdom Literature464 CTH 817 Gospels465 CTH 821 African traditional Religious Mythology and Cosmology466 CTH 826 Ecclesiology467 CTH 841 Christianity and Colonialism in Nigeria468 CTH 847 African Church Leaders469 JLS 805(823) New Reporting470 JLS 812 Media Law and Ethics471 JLS 813 Media and Society472 JLS 814 Communication Research473 JLS 815(811) Advanced Theories in Mass Communication474 JLS 822 Publication Layout and Design475 JLS 824 Journalism Publications476 JLS 825 Editorial Writing477 JLS 826 Speech Writing478 JLS 831 Corporate Communications479 JLS 842 Introduction to Web Publishing480 JLS 843 Elements of Multimedia: Theory and Practice481 JLS 845 Issues in Communication Technology and Policy482 PCR 811 Theories in Conflict Management483 PCR 812 The Political Economy of Peace Building484 PCR 813 Peace and Security in a Global Context485 PCR 815 Peace Building and Humanitarianism486 PCR 817 Theories of Peace Education and Conflict487 PCR 819 Human Rights and Diplomacy488 PCR 822 International Law and Peace489 PCR 831 African Traditional Methods of Conflict Resolution490 PCR 833 Ethnic Conflict and Resolution491 PCR 851 Environmental Security and Conflict Resolution492 PCR 872 Research Methods in Peace and Conflict Resolution493 PCR 873 Arms Control and Dimilitarisation


1 DLS 001 Distance Learning SkillS2 ENG 001 Access English3 ENL 001 Access Literature in English4 BIO 001 Access Biology5 CHM 001 Access Chemistry6 MTH 001 Access Mathematics7 PHY 001 Access PhysicsGST COURSES8 GST 101 Use of English and Communication skills I9 GST 101 Use of English and Communication Skills I Newly Developed10 GST 102 Use of English and Communication skills II11 GST 105 History and Philosophy of Science12 GST 105 History and Philosophy Of Science Newly Developed13 GST 107 The Good Study Guide14 GST 201 Nigerian Peoples and Culture


Basically is you’re aspiring or applying in any university, be it open university or not, you must meet the necessary requirements embedded in the admission process to be admitted, and The National Open University Of Nigeria isn’t an exception. Studying with NOUN gives a rewarding experience as they give you all the support you need to succeed. Requirements are as follows.


100 Level Generally, the requirements for getting admission into the National Open University of Nigeria include five (5) credits in the SSCE/GCE O’Level/NECO/NABTEB or equivalents at not more than two (2) sittings obtained in subjects relevant to the proposed field(s) of study. The five (5) credits include Credits in Mathematics, English and 3 other relevant subjects. More details can be found under programmes. National Diploma at Upper Credit from recognized institutions. National Certificate in Education (NCE) in the subject(s) relevant to the proposed programme of study with a minimum of one merit and two passes. International Baccalaureates, Interim Joint Matriculation Board (IJMB) with at least two ‘A’ Level papers in relevant subjects and pre-requisite number of ‘O’ Level credit passes.


For the Postgraduate Diploma in Legislative Drafting, the candidate must have been called to the Bar. Also for admission into the school of Business and Human Resource Management Postgraduate Diploma programmes, candidates with professional qualifications such as ACA, ACIS, ACIB, ACII, ACIA, etc may be considered on individual merit. Candidate with a membership certificate of relevant professional bodies may apply for the Master of Business (MBA) programme. Point Average (CGPA) of 3.5 on a 5-point scale.


The NOUN application isn’t a tangible paper. It is something you fill online and also submits online. In this section, you’ll see the step by step instruction on how to apply and also submit your form online. After payment After filling form


The open university of Nigeria portal is a specially designed website that brings information from diverse sources, like emails, online students forums and departments, together in a uniform way. Usually, each information source gets its dedicated area on the page for displaying information (a portlet ); often, the user can configure which ones to display. Follow this link to visit the NOUN portal. https://www.nounstudentportal.org


The university administers the Computer-Based-Test (CBT) form of examination to its students in their first and second years. But some students are treated differently based on their respective department. Law undergraduates participate in the standard Pen-On-Paper examinations (POP) beginning from their first year of admission, with LAW111-Legal Methods in the First Semester of the first year. Where other undergraduates also participate in the CBT system of examination in their first and second years and commence the POP examinations from their third year till the end of their respective course durations. The POP examination system applies to post graduate students also. The CBT system of examination has however been criticised by some of the students. The CBT examination is in two categories; the multiple-choice questions and fill in the gap – which is the most dreaded examination type by students all around the world. The CBT system requires students to most times, memorize their textbooks in accordance with the programmed answers stored on the school’s server in order to obtain full marks as computers will reject answers that do not match its programmed content.