However, studies reveal that highly successful students study less time than their counterparts, but they study more successfully. Experts advise sticking to scientifically proven study strategies to achieve optimum memory (and top marks). In this post, we are going to be taking an in-depth look at the top 10 effective study methods to try out this year. Make sure you read through this post to the end as it’ll be very helpful and insightful.

Top 10 Effective Study Methods

Below are the top 10 effective study methods:

Study Method 1 – Retrieval Practice

The concept of retrieval practice is founded on the concept of recalling something afterward. Looking for an answer in your textbook is less effective than recalling an answer to a question. Furthermore, recalling and writing down the solution to a flashcard is far more successful than assuming you know the answer and flipping the card over too soon. You will be more likely to remember the information if you practice retrieval. The retrieval process can be integrated into your study habit in a variety of ways.

Use practice tests: Instead of consulting your book or notes, use practice tests or questions to quiz yourself.Create your own set of questions: Create your own test questions by acting as your own teacher. Encourage others in your study group to do the same, and trade questions.Make use of flashcards: Make flashcards, but make sure you practice retrieving them. Instead than flipping a card over too soon, write down the answer and then check it.

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Study Method 2 – The PQ4R Method

This method uses an active learning strategy to improve memorization and comprehension of the material. PQ4R is an acronym that stands for the six steps in the procedure, similar to the SQ3R approach above.

Preview: Before you begin reading, preview the content to get a sense of the subject. Only read the headers, subheadings, and highlighted language after skimming the material.Questions: Ask yourself questions about the subject, such as, “What do I anticipate to learn?” What do I know about this subject already?Read: One segment at a time, read the information, and try to find solutions to your questions.Reflect: Have you addressed all of your concerns? If you don’t know the answer, go back and look it up.Recite: Make a summary of the information you just read in your own words, either by speaking or writing it down.Review: Examine the content once more and respond to any queries that remain unanswered.

Study Method 3 – Leitner System

The Leitner System is a flashcard-based learning method. To keep track of when you need to study each set, keep your cards in multiple distinct bins. Box 1 is the starting point for all cards. You move a card to the next box if you get it right. If you make a mistake, either move the card down a box or keep it in Box 1 (if it’s already there). According to the following plan, each box defines how much you will study each set of cards:

Every day — Box 1Every two days — Box 2Every four days — Box 3Every nine days — Box 4Every 14 days — Box 5

Study Method 4 – The SQ3R Method

The SQ3R method is a reading comprehension approach that aids students in recognizing key facts and retaining material from their textbooks. The term SQ3R (or SQRRR) stands for the five steps in the reading comprehension process. For a more efficient and successful study session, follow these steps:

Survey: Instead of reading the full book, skim the first chapter and make a list of any headings, subheadings, illustrations, or other notable features such as charts.Question: Create questions based on the content of the chapter, such as What is the purpose of this chapter? What do I know about this topic already?Read: Start by reading the entire chapter, looking for solutions to the questions you posed.Recite: After reading a section, explain what you’ve just read in your own words. Try recalling and recognizing key points, as well as responding to any questions raised in the previous step.Review: After you’ve finished the chapter, go through it again to make sure you understand everything. Test yourself on the questions you came up with, and re-read any sections that need to be re-read.

You can put this study method to the test before your final exam.

Study Method 5 – Color-Coded Notes

Messy notes might make it difficult to recall key topics from a presentation. Colored writing is a fun method to keep track of what you’re learning. It also aids in the examination and prioritization of the most crucial concepts. According to a recent study, color can help people remember things better. Warm hues (red and yellow) “may produce a good and encouraging learning atmosphere that can help learners not only have a positive perception of the content but also engage and interact more with the learning materials,” according to the same study. Warmer hues “raise attention and evoke enthusiasm and information,” according to the study. While writing in color may appear to be a no-brainer, keep these pointers in mind:

Make a list of important points in red.Yellow highlights vital information.Organize topics by colorsColor only the most critical information, not the entire page.

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Study Method 6 – THIEVES Method

The THIEVES approach can help you prepare to read for information. There are seven pre-reading steps:

Title: Read the title.Headings: Look through the headings.Introduction: Skim the intro.Every first sentence in a section: Take a look at how each section begins.Visuals and vocabulary: Look at the pictures and the words in bold print.End questions: Review the questions at the end of the chapter.Summary: Read the overview of the text.Ask yourself thought-provoking questions as you work through these steps. After completing them, read the text.

Study Method 7 – The Pomodoro Technique

Short, timed sessions to boost productivity. The Pomodoro Technique is a time management and study method that involves breaking your work into 25-minute intervals and taking a five-minute rest between each one. It’s no surprise that the method was created by Francesco Cirillo, a university student who struggled to finish his projects. Cirillo set his timer in the shape of a tomato (called “Pomodoro” in Italian) and decided to give it his whole attention for 10 minutes before taking a break. He repeated the process, and the technique was later called after his timer! The purpose of this method is to keep you engaged while reducing distractions. Avoid using your phone during your break because social media can easily divert your focus; also, don’t go longer than five minutes. Related Post: What Is The Best Way To Study For An Exam?

Study Method 8 – Spaced Practice

Instead of cramming the night before, spaced practice (also known as “distributed practice”) encourages pupils to study over a longer period of time. When our brains are on the verge of forgetting something, they work harder to remember it. Allowing your mind to form connections between ideas and build upon the knowledge that can be easily recalled later assists you to space out your studies. To try this strategy, study your content at regular intervals, as shown below:

Day 1: In class, learn the content.Day 2: Go over everything again and review everything.Day 3: Go over everything again.Revisit and review after one week.Revisit and review after two weeks

It is critical to begin planning as soon as possible. Schedule some time each day for studying and reviewing the information at the start of each semester. This can help you hold yourself accountable even if your examinations are months away.

Study Method 9 – The Feynman Technique

The Feynman Technique study method is a rapid way to understand a concept by expressing it in straightforward and simple words. It’s founded on the principle of “trying to explain things simply if you want to comprehend it thoroughly.” That is to say, if we try to explain a topic in our own words, we are more likely to grasp it quickly. How it works is as follows:

At the top of a piece of paper, write the subject/concept you’re studying.Describe it in your own terms.Examine what you wrote and look for any locations where you made a mistake. Return to your notes or reading material to determine the correct answer once you’ve identified them.Finally, if you utilized technical jargon or difficult vocabulary in your work, go back and rephrase these sections in simpler terms for someone who does not have your educational background.

Study Method 10 – Mind Maps

Represent Critical Information Visually. The use of diagrams to convey information dates back to Leonardo Da Vinci’s use of mind maps to take notes during the Italian Renaissance. While employing the mind map approach was more time-consuming during Leonardo’s time, there are several internet resources available today. Mind maps are a terrific alternative to typical note-taking sessions since they are simple to make and enjoyable to use. A mind map is a study strategy that uses a radial diagram to start with the core thought in the center and expand outward with other material related to it. Mind maps assist our brains to store crucial information more easily by using mental triggers such as colors, pictures, and links.


If there’s one thing we can’t have enough of in this world, it is time! Adopting a good study approach will help you not only save time but also retain more knowledge, get that A, and learn what you need to know for the future — so get to work! We hope you found this post as helpful as promised. Please feel free to let us know what you think. Decoding, or connecting printed information to a spoken word, is a major problem for children with this learning difficulty. While some persons with dyslexia have no problems comprehending written material, others struggle to fully comprehend a piece due to their sluggish or disconnected reading style. Make a conscious effort to shift your eyes forward swiftly and to skim words in clusters. Trust your word and context knowledge: Poor readers frequently backtrack because they don’t understand or miss a word. More fixations and wasted time result from back-skipping. It’s common to forget much of what you’ve learned just a few days after you’ve studied it unless you continually revise it to keep it fresh in your mind. As I previously indicated, as new experiences occur, your brain constantly reorganizes knowledge. The forgetting curve predicts that memory retention would deteriorate over time. Eyes must move in a controlled manner for in-depth reading. Because their mind is focused on recognizing the letters and their order in each word, poor readers who stumble from word to word have a lesser understanding.


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