Some students come from very different places and cultures, so it can be hard to fit in when you’re on your own. This is the main reason students look for a loyal furry friend. For a student, getting a dog doesn’t add one more thing to take care of. Having a dog means having unconditional love. It is the best way to get rid of all your stress and bad feelings. You would also have a loyal friend who will always be glad to see you. A dog will also take you outside to get some fresh air when you need a break from studying. Having a dog will help you forget about all your worries. However, there are special breeds of dogs you should consider getting if you are in college. In this article, we have outlined why you should get a dog, how to care for them and of course, the best dog breeds for college students. Are you a college student that wants to get a dog? This article is a full guide. Let’s get started. Have you seen: Top 15 Best Investments For College Students | 2022 Ranking

Why Consider Getting the Best Dog Breeds for College Students?

#1. The best dog breeds for college students help you feel better about yourself

One thing that can cause stress is not being sure of yourself when you meet new people. There are many ways to help students who lack confidence in the classroom, but they need to be mentally healthy. When you feel loved and supported, you feel more confident. Dogs give love without conditions every day because that’s how they are. Having a dog makes you feel safe and calm, which makes you less stressed. Students gain confidence by taking care of a dog.

#2. The best dog breeds for college students help prevent loneliness

When people move away from their families and school friends, it can be hard to get used to living in a new city. It takes time to get to know new people in the class. But even if a person makes new friends, they can still feel lonely. Your dog will always stay by your side. Pets quickly learn their owners’ habits and moods. They change to help them in any way they can. Dogs also welcome their owner’s home after a long day at work or school. There is nothing better than knowing that someone is waiting for you in a rented apartment or room on campus that is currently empty.

#3. The best dog breeds for college students help you get used to living in a city

Getting a dog gives college students confidence and love. It also helps them adjust to living in a new place, improves their mental health, and teaches them to be responsible. Moving to a big city can be a big source of stress for many college students. Dogs need daily walks (which also helps college students get regular exercise). By going to nearby parks and walking trails while walking the dog, the student can learn more about his or her new home. Walks are also a great way to meet other dog lovers and make new friends. Most of the time, students can train their dogs, but sometimes they need professional help. Students can also get used to living in a new city by working with a dog trainer or taking training classes. Read also: Top 30 Printers For College Students | 2022 Ranking

#4. The best dog breeds for college students can teach you to be responsible.

Dogs are like children. They depend on their owners for everything. Dogs need to be mostly fed, walked, trained, and taught commands. Also, you need to set up a daily schedule and stick to it so that your dog doesn’t feel deprived or ignored. You must do all this while having time for yourself. Having a dog also teaches how to take care of money. Students need to set aside money to pay for their dog’s vet bills, food, toys, and, if needed, dog trainers, dog walkers, or dog sitters.

#5. Getting a dog can save the lives of at least two people

First, when you adopt a dog from a shelter, you save its life. Every year, about 3 million dogs get taken in by shelters, and more than 600,000 of them get killed. Since people keep taking pets from shelters home, these numbers keep going down. People sometimes decide to take their dogs back to the shelter. These dogs are less likely to get adopted again.

How Much does it Cost to Care for the Best Dog Breeds for College Students

Having a dog costs more than just the money it costs to feed it. Many people don’t take the time to make a budget for a dog before they get one, which can lead to problems in the future. Can you afford a dog? Before you get a dog, you should know your limits. About $1,500 to $9,900 per year is how much it costs to own a dog. Depending on what you do, there are ways to save money. The size and age of your dog, where you live, how you live your life, and your dog’s specific needs all play a role. The breakdown of the cost of the best dog breeds for college students is-

$250 to $700 for the worth of food and treats$25–$50 for Toys$50 to $200 for beds$20 to $50 for Collars and Leads$30 to $500 for grooming$700 and $2,000 for routine vet care for a healthy dog$200 to $600 for medications and supplements that help prevent illness

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Top 15 Best Dog Breeds for College Students

If you are a college student, the best dog breeds for college students are:

#1. The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is a good choice for a student’s perfect little puppy. The breed of dog is small, but not too small. This is of course why it ranks #1 on our list of best dog breeds for college students. But it’s not their size that makes them a good choice; it’s how they act. They are kind, quiet, and loving. These spaniels like to look around and smell everything, but it doesn’t take them long to get tired and want to pet. They shouldn’t be alone for long periods. The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Dog is one of the top dog breeds for college students. Have you seen: 20 Best Educational Podcasts for College Students in 2022

#2. English Bulldogs

Ranking #2 on our list of top dog breeds for college students is the English Bulldogs. Some people might think that English Bulldogs are scary and a strange choice. But they can be very interesting puppies. They are very low-key because they don’t need a lot of exercises. Also, English bulldogs are very friendly. They like to get quiet attention and waste a lot of time. You should read: Top 15 Best Calculators for College Students | 2022 Ranking

#3. The Butterfly Papillon Dog

The Butterfly Papillion is #3 on our list of top dog breeds for college students. In French, “papillon” means “butterfly.” It shows how the hair in and around their ears flows outward, making it look like they have wings. This, plus the fact that they have cute faces, makes them a great addition to college life. They are small dogs that do well in small apartments. They are also very soft. The most important thing they will need is to have their beautiful fur brushed all the time.

#4. The Greyhound

The Greyhound is a breed of dog that is between small and large. They are a great breed with a calm personality and lots of useful skills that make them easy to take care of at home. Also, they are friendly and not as loud. Greyhounds do need exercise, so they make the best pets for runners. They are also great for people who need more reason to spend time outdoors. It is one of the top dog breeds for college students.

#5. The Golden Retriever

The Golden retriever is on our list of top dog breeds for college students for many reasons. Basically, the Golden Retriever is a well-known large dog breed that is easy to care for and fun to have around the house. They are often used as emotional support dogs because they have a lot of patience. They are also easy to train and get along well with other people. Golden retrievers need a lot of exercises, but a couple of walks a day will help. Check Out!: 32 Best Paying Part-Time Jobs for College Students | 2022 Rankings

#6. The Poodle

There are three different sizes of poodles: standard, miniature, and toy. Even though their sizes are very different, they are all the same in some ways. For a college student, who may live in a smaller space, a smaller size may be better. People think of them as snobby dogs, but they are a great choice for people who have never owned a dog before. Since they are smart, they can pretty much control themselves. They are also surprisingly kind to the people they care about. Their coats don’t bother people with allergies and this makes them one of the top dog breeds for college students.

#7. Pug

If you want a small dog, a pug might be the best option for you. They don’t need a lot of exercises, and their coats aren’t very fancy. It can be hard to teach them to go to the bathroom outside, but crate training can help. Pugs are not good for more active people, like runners or people who like to travel. They have a face called brachycephalic which makes it hard for them to breathe well in stressful situations. Pugs are one of the top dog breeds for college students. Read also: Study in Nevada: 15 Opportunities for College Students

#8. Basset Hound

The Basset Hound is without a doubt one of the best dogs to have in college. This is of course, why it made our list of top dog breeds for college students. It is one of the best dog breeds for college students if you want to get stopped everywhere you go and make new friends. They are such cute and funny puppies that everyone will want to see them. Basset Hound likes to sleep and rest during the day. They won’t mind if you leave for a lecture now and then. They are friendly dogs that are also not too hard to train. Equally, they might not need a lot of activity, but a daily walk will help them keep the weight off. As with most hounds, they tend to howl. If you don’t want to wake up your roommates, it’s probably best to take them for a walk early in the morning. Check Out!: Top 20 Interesting Games for College Students in 2022

#9. The Irish Wolfdog

Irish Wolfhounds are like Greyhounds in that they are very energetic. They are quiet inside and get along with just about every other living thing. This makes it easy for a group of people to find them. Irish Wolfhounds need a lot of exercise every day. Find enough time between classes to do it often. They are one of the top dog breeds for college students.

#10. Labrador Retriever

Ranked #10 on our list of top dog breeds for college students is the Labrador Retriever. The lab is the best dog you can get if you want a medium-sized dog and want a friendly one. With the right amount of exercise each day, they are easy to keep. These dogs do everything, and their happy attitudes can help them through hard times. Read Also: Transtutors Scholarship for College Students

#11. The German Shepherds

The German Shepherd is one of the top dog breeds for college students. German Shepherds have had a bad name for being aggressive for a long time. They may seem like a hit or miss. But that’s not how they got raised. This is mostly because of how they got trained. German Shepherds are more serious dogs. They were first bred by the Germans to be one of the easiest dogs to breed all over the world. This trait makes it easier for them to fit into your life and listen to you in different situations. Check out!: 15 Best Notebooks for College Students to Get in 2022

#12. The Dachshund

The Dachshund is a small dog breed that would do well in an apartment building. Their name, “badger dog,” comes from the fact that in Germany, they chased badgers into their burrows and fished them out. The Dachshund is one of the top dog breeds for college students. Dachshunds like to spend their days sleeping and going for walks with people they love. They don’t have to walk far to find food during the day. They and they don’t need to get groomed much.

#13. Border Collie

Border Collies are friendly dogs with a lot of energy. People think of them as working dogs, and they need a lot of room to move around. This means that they don’t work well in small rooms. They are one of the top dog breeds for college students. But if you live with someone who has a yard, they will mark most other fields. They also help you get out of the house and take regular breaks from studying. They are top dog breeds for college students.

#14. Shih Tzu

Shih Tzus are friendly and loving dogs that would be the best friend of any student. They are the perfect breed for a college student because they are small and don’t need a lot of attention. They’re fine on their own, and they still love you a lot when you’re at home. Shih Tzu also doesn’t need long walks in the park, which is a big plus. They have enough energy to play, but they can use it up just as well at home with their toys. Shih Tzus need special care for their fur from time to time, just like the other breeds. It will be fun for both of you to have a beauty session once or twice a month. They are one of the top dog breeds for college students Have you seen: 15 Best HP Laptops for College Students in 2022

#15. Whippet Dog

Whippets are probably a college student’s dream dog. They are one of the top dog breeds for college students. Basically, they have short fur that doesn’t need brushing. They are small and cute. And most importantly, they don’t need long walks in the park because they get tired very quickly. Whippets are also very loving and obedient, so you can be sure they won’t cause you any trouble. They are usually very friendly, so if you have a roommate, he will share his affection with him too. If you’re worried about how much they bark, you should know that they don’t bark very much. He won’t bother your neighbors. Check Out!: 20 Cheap Vacations For College Students in 2022 | Best Locations

How To Care For The Best Dog Breeds For College Students

#1. Plan your schedule around your pet

If you bring your pet to college with you, you have to think about how they will fit into your schedule. This mostly means figuring out when you can take them out for a run or check-up around your classes and study times. Take breaks from studying every day to take your pet for a walk. You should try to go out together at least once in the morning, afternoon, and evening. You don’t have to be outside for a long time, but taking your pet outside every day will do a lot for their health. On the other hand, you can find free pet sitters on campus if you have a full schedule this semester. The best thing about them is that they won’t ask you for any money. They don’t get paid for their work. Instead, they get free food and water. All you have to do is give them a deposit.

2. Know The Best Time To Get A New Pet

As was already said, some people bring their pets to college because they can’t stand to leave their beloved companions behind. On the other end of the spectrum, some people think that college is the best time to get a pet. If you’re in the second group, you should ask yourself if you’re ready to take care of a pet. The time when you’ll finish the adoption process is another thing you should think about. You should get a pet a few months before you go to college. This is usually in the summer before you start college. This would give you enough time to teach them how to behave and do other important things, like go to the bathroom the right way. Have you seen: 25 Free Summer Online Classes for College Students in 2022

#3. Make a budget for two people

Having a pet will take up a big chunk of your monthly spending money. You need to buy them food, supplements, toys, grooming supplies, and other things they need. If you want to bring a pet to college, one thing you should think about is how much money you have. Also, you need to save money for emergencies for both you and your pet. You never know when you’ll need to take your pet to the vet or groomer right away, so it’s a good idea to keep some cash on hand.

#4. Make sure your place is good for pets

Another thing to think about when taking care of a pet is making sure it has a good place to live. This means that you have to keep your apartment or dorm room clean, especially where they sleep. You should also keep them safe from things like electricity and other possible dangers.

#5. Join a group of people who own pets

Your pet also needs to meet new people, so it’s a good idea to find a place where you can meet other people with pets. If you have a dog or cat, find a group of people with the same kind of pet so that your pet can play with them.

#6. Know the vet on campus

Write down the campus veterinarian’s phone number and where to find him or her. Most colleges that allow pets have a doctor on site in case of an emergency and to help with first aid for fur babies. Check out!: 100 Informative Speech Topics for College Students in 2022


A dog can be your best friend, and give you a break from the stress of being a student. They may also give you a reason to go for a walk in the park. But a dog can also help you with your homework by giving you a great excuse: “My dog ate my homework.” Also, other breeds would be better for a student, but the ones above are the best. Every breed of dog has a different personality. Look through our list of best dog breeds for college students to be sure you get one you utterly love. Check Out!: 15 Best Housing Programs For College Students In 2022

References– 7 Best dog breeds for college– Best dogs for college– Best dog breeds for college– Dog breeds for college studentsImage Link


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