So if you will like to obtain a course and certificate from UNICEF or one of the universities around the globe. In this article, we have made out time to list out some United Nations Free Online Certificate Courses you can study in 2021. Above all, these courses they offer are by United Nations institutions and well-known universities around the globe. It is important for you to note that these United Nations Online Courses are free and easily accessible for everyone anywhere. To start exploring the courses, the table of content below will give you an overview of what to expect in this article.

Why You Should Study United Nations Online Courses

If you are not sure why you should choose one of the UN free online courses to study, here we will clear that for you. Firstly, the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations health agency, has played a crucial role in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. Since the first cases were identified in the Chinese city of Wuhan in December. At a press conference on Wednesday, WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus described five ways the agency is leading the global response. They do this by:

Helping countries to prepare and respondProviding accurate information, busting dangerous mythsEnsuring vital supplies reach frontline health workersTraining and mobilizing health workersThe search for a vaccineHelping the poorest and most vulnerable

So due to the high rate of COVID-19 pandemic, the UN has made an online course for everyone to take and have the necessary information about the pandemic. Not only will they be well informed, but they will also acquire knowledge that will be enough for them to teach others. Also as the only truly universal global organization in the world, the United Nations has become the primary forum for dealing with issues. Which basically transcend national borders and that no country can act alone. In its initial goals of safeguarding peace, protecting human rights, establishing the framework of international justice, and promoting economic and social progress. During the seven decades that followed its creation, the United Nations has added new challenges, such as change climate, refugees, and AIDS. This website provides an in-depth overview of some of these topics and links to other resources where you can get more information.

Benefits of Studying United Nations Free Online Courses

Do you wonder what you stand to gain if you study any of the United Nations free online courses? Here we will be giving you just tips for the benefits. But be rest assured that the time you put into your study won’t be of waste at all. The first and most important benefit you will stand to gain is becoming a UN Intern. This is an automatic offer for you. So if you are thinking of entering the world of diplomacy and public policy, an internship at the United Nations might be the ideal start for you. Secondly, getting to take any of these top United Nations online courses will not only give you a certificate but also will land you a job at the United Nations. Just take one of these free online courses and your dream to work with the United Nations will come true.

How to take the United Nations Free Online Courses

Basically, in taking any United Nations Free Online Courses, you must register and apply for the course. This is in a bid to be able to gain a certificate after taking the UN Free Online Courses. They will continuously accept registration for the duration of the course. Then you have to wait a few hours for them to process your records. Then after that, you should be able to connect via with your login details within one business day. You will earn a badge at the end of each module. This credentialing system allows you to post your learning progress on social media. Once you have successfully completed the course criteria, you will receive a certificate of completion jointly issued by UNITAR and IUCN. Please note that you must have an Internet connection to complete the course.

Top United Nations Free Online Courses in 2021

There is one thing that you must not forget when it comes to UN Free Online Courses. Is that these Top United Nations Online Courses are the best you can find to get the knowledge you need. UN’s objective is to make sure that you as humans get to understand the issues surrounding your environment. then they are willing to teach you how to control it. This is good! So we advise that you get started now with these top United Nations Free Online Courses in 2021.

United Nations Free Online Courses in 2021

Here is a comprehensive list of Top United Nations Free Online Courses in 2021

Online Tutorial on Global Framework for Climate Services

This online tutorial, developed in collaboration with the GFCS office, illustrates the importance and benefits of climate services for decision-making in various subject areas. It also presents the Global Framework for Climate Services, its objectives, components, and priority areas. The tutorial is designed for national policymakers but is also useful for professionals and the general public. The material includes video interviews with experts and short self-assessment exercises to assess your knowledge.

Human Rights and the Environment

This 3-hour course at your own pace provides a general introduction to the relationship between human rights and the environment. Participants will acquire basic knowledge for the application of human rights to environmental issues. The substantive and procedural environmental obligations will be reviewed and some good practices will be presented. As examples of national constitutions that have incorporated the right to a healthy environment.

Strengthening Civilian Capacities to Protect Civilians

The objective of this advocacy presentation is to raise awareness and increase understanding of unarmed civil protection (UCP). It begins by explaining the need for the UCP, followed by an introduction to its key principles and methods. And finally describes how it fits into the broader protection efforts and global discourse.

Conflict series – 2. Conflict analysis

The Conflict series is an open-ended course at your own pace intended to provide an introduction to conflict studies and more advanced courses in conflictology. The second in a series of three, this course explores conflict analysis. The purpose of this chapter is to provide the student with a basic understanding of the importance of conflict analysis and a set of tools and methods to begin to do theirs.

Gender Matters

Gender Matters is an open-ended course at your own pace designed to provide an introduction to the concept of gender. Most importantly, the course is designed for anyone interested in the concept of gender and gender equality. Above all, the course is a self-guided and self-directed web course, ongoing and accessible at any time.

United Nations Free Online Certificate Courses in 2021

Here is a list of United Nations Free Online Certificate Courses in 2021

Integrated Planning for Climate Change and Biodiversity

This course at your own pace promotes a dynamic approach through lessons and multimedia material, stimulating critical thinking. It offers flexibility since you can follow the course at your own pace and at the time. The content and activities are practice-oriented and are part of a self-learning approach. You will also learn through practical examples, scenarios, and knowledge assessments.

UN CC: Learn Introductory e-Learning Course on Climate Change

This course provides “everything you need to know” about the basics of climate change, from the science of climate change to governance. It contains 6 modules, each module takes approximately 2 hours to complete. You will need to pass a short questionnaire after each module to receive your UNITAR certificate. The course is available in four languages: English, French, Spanish, and Chinese.

Fundamentals on REDD+

Fundamentals on REDD+ cover the basics of REDD+, from the elements required under the UNFCCC to how to prepare and implement REDD+ at the national level including financial resources available. It is structured into 6 modules, and each module takes around 2 to 3 hours to complete. All modules include an introductory video lecture, an interactive lesson, and a learning journal in PDF format. The modules also include links to other UN resources on REDD+, which provides a gateway to more in-depth and specific information.

Advancing on REDD+

While how to prepare and implement REDD+ at the national level through a National Strategy or Action Plan was covered in the course Fundamentals on REDD+. Advancing on REDD+ discusses in more detail the other three REDD+ elements, to which it adds the importance of engaging in the process the relevant stakeholders and the principles of good governance. It is structured into 6 modules, and each module takes around 2 to 3 hours to complete.

Open Online Course on Gender and Environment

Do you want to know why promoting gender equality and empowering women can help achieve better environmental outcomes and understand how you can do it? The course will help you better understand the links between gender and the environment. It will provide you with the knowledge and tools to integrate gender and will be an effective driver of change for sustainable development. It will also give you facts and figures, and a better understanding of global gender and environmental frameworks around the world.

Introduction to Green Economy

In this course, you will embark on a journey that will introduce you to the basic concepts, policy instruments, and international frameworks of inclusive green economies. The course path consists of five modules that are divided into smaller sections. You can start with any module according to your preferences.

United Nations Free Online Short Courses in 2021

Here is a list of United Nations Free Online Short Courses in 2021

Children and Climate Change

Basically, this course presents how climate change can affect children and young people. As well as how they can strengthen their resilience to climate change and how they can act to face this challenge. It consists of a module that is into five sections and lasts approximately 2 hours. A small quiz at the end allows you to assess your knowledge. When you finish with at least 70% correct answers, you will receive a certificate of completion. Specifically, you have a maximum of three attempts.

Cities and Climate Change

Specifically, this course focuses on climate change in urban areas, covering how climate change affects cities, how they contribute to it, and how they plan for it. It includes a module that is into 6 sections and lasts approximately 2 hours. Once you complete the quiz with more than 70% of the passing scores, you will receive a certificate of completion from UN-Habitat and UNITAR. Basically, you have three attempts to test the quiz

Human Health and Climate Change

This course provides an introduction to the health challenges as well as opportunities that may be associated with climate change. It includes a module divided into 3 sections and lasts approximately 2 hours. Once you complete the quiz with more than 70% of the passing scores, you will receive a certificate of completion from WHO and UNITAR. You have three attempts to test the quiz.

Conflict series – 1. What is conflict?

The first in a series of three, this short course explores the meaning of conflict. Using different definitions and tools, your goal is to create a basic knowledge base. And which you can later develop into other courses on conflict analysis and resolution. If you are not sure why you should choose one of UN free online courses to study, here we will clear that for you.United Nations is basically an international organization that takes action on the issues confronting humanity in the 21st century.The World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations health agency, has played a crucial role in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic The first and most important benefit you will stand to gain is becoming the UN Intern. This is an automatic offer for you.Secondly, getting to take any of these top United Nations online courses will not only give a certificate but also will land you a job at the United Nations. Basically, in taking any United Nations Free Online Courses, you must register and apply for the course. This is in a bid to be able to gain a certificate after taking the UN Free Online Courses. Here is a comprehensive list of Top United Nations Free Online Courses in 20211. Online Tutorial on Global Framework for Climate Services2. Human Rights and the Environment3. Strengthening Civilian Capacities to Protect Civilians4. Conflict series 2: Conflict analysis5. Gender Matters Here is a list of United Nations Free Online Certificate Courses in 20211. Integrated Planning for Climate Change and Biodiversity2. UN CC: Learn Introductory e-Learning Course on Climate Change3. Fundamentals on REDD+4. Advancing on REDD+5. Open Online Course on Gender and Environment6. Introduction to Green Economy Here is a list of United Nations Free Online Short Courses in 20211. Children and Climate Change2. Cities and Climate Change3. Human Health and Climate Change4. Conflict series – 1. What is Conflict?

In Conclusion

These Top United Nations Free Online Courses are the best you can find in 2021. When we say they are free, we mean it. It is the truth. Do well to apply and get yourself as many certificates as you can.


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