Want to know how you can become a master of time management as a college student? Start by utilizing the following time management tips for college students that will be mentioned in few lines to come. Time management is the process of planning and controlling how much time to spend on specific activities. Good time management enables an individual to complete more in a shorter period of time, lowers stress, and leads to career success. What differentiates you from another is your achievements, and your achievements are solely determined by what you do with your time. As a student, what you do with your time determines all your endeavors, activities, and accomplishments as a college student. You might want to look at the table of contents below.

Do College Students Struggle With Time Management?

Students often report struggling with time management. Too often it seems there is not enough time to get everything done, especially during “crunch times.” Some common concerns students often have:

How much time should I plan for studying and when is the best time?What is the appropriate balance between my studies and my personal time?How do I set up a schedule and time management system that works for me?

One of the most valuable skills to have as a college student is time management skills. According to FileMaker Inc., 48.4 percent of college students say that they don’t find enough time to do their coursework. Another survey showed that over 87 percent of students said that if they had better time management skills they would perform better in their classes. From maintaining a balanced social life to balancing course work, students always struggle to balance the equation. SEE ALSO: 15 Esthetician Schools Online: Courses, Classes & Certification

Why Is Time Management Skill Important For College Students?

The number one way to find the time management layout for your life is to create a schedule and align your activities to it. In order to be organized and able to manage all you need to do, there needs to be a time in your day that you will have blocked out to focus on your schedule or things to do. Succinctly put, time management helps you stay organized and also enables you to complete all your coursework without missing deadlines. Let’s check out the benefits of time management. READ ALSO: How to Not Fall Asleep in Class | Tips to Stay Focused

Benefits Of Time Management In College

The ability to manage your time well as a student leads to increased efficiency and productivity. Here are soon benefits of managing time effectively:

#1 Meet up with deadlines

Knowing how to manage your time effectively will enable you to meet up with important dates like – when you should turn in your FAFSA on time; when you need to pick a form for a hostel; when you need to submit your assignment or any report. 

#2 You’ll have more time and spontaneity

When you manage your time well, you won’t be caught unaware. You’ll have enough time for projects and other important activities.

#3 It helps you manage stress

Having a healthy time management habit helps college students manage stress. The hassles of being a college student demand organization and orderliness. If you choose to live your student life carelessly by taking activities as they come, you’ll find it difficult to maintain an optimal productivity level. Getting enough sleep and exercising are all great ways to keep stress at bay, and actually make learning more efficient.

#4 More opportunities

 Managing time well leads to more opportunities and less time wasted on trivial activities. Good time management skills are key qualities that employers look for. The ability to prioritize and schedule work is extremely desirable for any organization.

#5 It enhances your quality of work

For college students, the quality of work and performance in assignments will be greatly determined by how prepared they are. With proper utilization of time, one can easily prioritize work and eliminate possible chances of errors. Utilizing time management tips for college students helps you stay focused on the task that is most important, which allows you to work with your utmost attention and focus.

#6 Increases productivity and efficiency

Effective time management helps in boosting productivity and efficiency in college. This approach will enable you to get more things done in less time.  When you are in charge of your time, you’ll have a greater ability to focus on the key tasks first.

#7 Leads to greater quality of life

With effective time management in place, you don’t only improve as a college student, it also improves your personal life. It gives you a sense of control and a breeze of calmness in your dispensation when faced with tasks.

#8 Adequate time for leisure and recreational activities

Effective time management guarantees time for other activities that keeps body and soul alive. You can have time to go partying, hiking, see movies, and do a whole lot more with your buddies.

#9 It gives you a sense of self-discipline

The goal of time management is to eliminate procrastination and cut off time spent on frivolities. Strict adherence to time management tips will give you a greater sense of self-discipline which in turn leads to all-around growth.

#10 Manage interruptions and overcome distractions

For college students, the interruptions are endless. In times of interruptions and distractions, a proper time management strategy will enable you to make the right decisions and know the best way to deal with interruptions and distractions.  In a nutshell, once you have mastered the art of managing your time effectively, you will easily overcome distractions and focus on achieving what is important. RELATED POST: College Dorm Checklist you need this Period

Time Management Tips For College Students

Here are the top time management strategies for college students:

#1 Define and Prioritize Tasks

You can begin by writing down your tasks on a piece of paper in accordance with their order of priority and deadlines. Additionally, ensure that your tasks align with your goals so you don’t spend time on what doesn’t matter most.

#2 Break up big tasks

When faced with a huge task, try to break it up into smaller units, set a deadline and start work. For example, if you have a book to read, assign a number of days for the task and divide it by the number of chapters. What this means is that you’ll have a daily task for each chapter.  This step is also applicable when you have an assignment or essay to write, start with the research, create an outline, and then start writing.

#3 Use a checklist

This is one of the most effective time management tips for college students. Through the use of checklists, you’ll be able to tick completed activities and keep a record of uncompleted tasks. Checklists ensure that nothing gets forgotten in the mix while it keeps the excitement flowing. 

#4 Reward yourself

The idea of gifting yourself with a reward at the end of each task is one that keeps the goal alive and the spirit thriving. If you want to buy a new pair of sneakers, you can decide to throw a dollar into a jar each time you complete a task. You can continue the process until the money gets complete. Alternatively, you can afford to gift yourself 15 minutes break to see a cartoon or do some other thing.

#5 Draft a schedule

Penning down your daily activities accordingly keeps the drive alive. You can either be really serious about scheduling by breaking your time into 15–30 minute blocks and outlining what you’ll be doing or a little more lenient by roughly planning your days in advance. Ensure you create time for other activities like hanging out with friends and family, ironing your school wears, visiting your friends in other apartments, and a whole lot more.

#6 Set realistic goals

The goals you set goes a long way to determine the approach to take and the results to expect. In setting goals, make sure your goals are achievable and broken down into smaller component units for ease.  This method will help you manage your project and your time well. Also, by setting daily realistic goals, you’ll create a mindset that gets absorbed in the habit of winning results daily. 

#7 Don’t Multitask

Multitasking seems like a great way to get a lot done at once. But research has shown that our brains are not nearly as good at handling multiple tasks as we like to think they are. In fact, some researchers suggest that multitasking can actually reduce productivity by as much as 40%.  Why it may look like you’re getting a lot done simultaneously, the reality is that you’re shifting your attention and focus from one thing to the next which is capable of causing loss of concentration and mental blocks.

#8 Leave a buffer-time between tasks and meetings

Working or studying for too long can lead to lost focus. Short breaks every half hour or so can help them to recharge. Consider having a change of scene, such as a short walk or a drink in the yard. Just make sure they don’t get side-tracked and don’t return to study!

#9 Do your homework on time

Ensure you fix up your homework on time and as at when due. Doing this regularly helps increase your efficiency and cut down the time you spend on assignments.  READ ALSO: 30 College Dorm Room Essentials After the Pandemic

#10 Find a balance

When you’re faced with a pile of work like assignments, seminars, and other group meetings, do well to find a balance.  Possibly, you can talk your friends into assisting you. Remember, the goal is to get the job done and not to overwork yourself.  Time management means nothing if you are physically, emotionally, and psychologically drained. Finding the perfect balance may take time, but it’s key to your happiness and success.


The benefits of knowing how to effectively manage your time as a college student is tremendous. Therefore, strict adherence to the time management tips for college students above is highly advised.


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